These outlines are intended as "teaching guides" to the study
of any particular topic. The outlines may leave many unanswered questions
as to details since those details would be answered in the process of teaching
from the scripture references provided. In addition, there may be vocabulary
references and subject references that are unfamiliar. Hopefully before
too long, all the necessary topics will be available to provide a balanced
and complete theology.
Pronunciation guide
GREEK: Verbal Orientation
Hebrew Verbal Orientation
Return to LETTER bar
Salvation in the Old
Salvation After the Rapture
SATAN: Rulership in the universe
SATAN : Schemes
Second Coming of Jesus:
19:11-16: The one and only second coming of Christ
Seals of Rev. 6
Separation from
God: eternal
Serving: Spiritual Gift of Helps
churches of Revelation: Orientation
SHEOL: See Physical Death
The Sin Nature (OSN)
Sin Nature (OSN): Deliverance from
Sinless Consistency
Blasphemy against the Spirit
Solomon's Wisdom
Sons of God: Angels
SOUL LIFE: When does the soul enter into the
Soul Slavery: Article
Sovereignty of God
SPIRIT of man:
Spiritual Defense Maneuvers
Spiritual Growth
of the Spirit (summary)
STUMBLING: Preservation
from Stumbling
SUFFERING: Undeserved
SUPPORT GRACE: Growth Process
GRACE: Growth Process
STABILITY GRACE: The Growth Process
A. Orientation to the 4th commandment: Ex. 20:8-11
1. There are 3 clauses to this command.
a. soul attitude: v. 8
b. overt ritual: v. 9-10
c. spiritual background: v. 11
2. Clause #1 - v. 8
a. Remember: zAkar - qal infinitive absolute used as a command. this
is a thinking verb. It means to take doctrinal info that you have learned
about the sabbath and apply it each day.
b. The sabbath: shabbAth - the 7th day of the week. Every 7th day as
measured from the creation week. Gen. 1:31; 2:1-2
c. To keep it holy: qAdash - piel inf. construct - means - treat, regard,
respect something as unique and special.
LIT: to respect it as special -
d. This is a mental attitude respect based on God's decree concerning
the 7th day. Gen. 2:3a
1. He blessed: bArak- piel imperfect- pronounced a blessing on.
2. and sanctified it: qAdash - declared it as special.
e. The reason is that all God's work for man was done in 6 days. There
was nothing left to do but for man to enjoy it.
(Mk. 2:27, "the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath.")
f. But the potential was there for man to occupy himself with his world
and life and forget God as the source.
g. So God dedicated the 7th day as a reminder and celebration of perfect
divine provision. Man owes everything to God.
h. It was not a "ritual" observance in the beginning, but
a day of remembrance.
i. And that's what clause #1 does. It reminds them of the special quality
of the day and God's plan. Gen. 2:3b
1. Because: kiy - purpose for God's dedication of the day.
2. On it: the 7th day
3. he rested: shAbhat - first means to "cease" and then as a
natural result of ceasing, to rest.
The issue is that God ceased from His work because He was done. He did
not need to rest.
4. from all his work: There was nothing left to do.
5. Which God had created: bArA - refers to the design and the building
material created "out of nothing."
6. And made: AsAh - qal infinitive construct + le: used to indicate
the purpose for a preceding action.
LIT: "For the purpose of making."
7. this sums up the mechanics of making which is called formed n v.7.
8. And so, the day is designated to remind man of God's character and
the perfection of his work for man.
9. It teaches man that there is a spiritual purpose for human life.
It takes man's eyes away from his existence and focuses them on the source
and the purpose for his existence.
j. The first mention of any formal sabbath ritual is just a few days
earlier in Ex. 16:23-30
1. prior to this, all sabbath observance was done mentally through occupation
with divine viewpoint in the soul.
2. Here, God introduces the principle of overt ritual for the time because
Israel is going to be a world-wide witness through its national rituals.
3. Clause #2: v. 9-10 - the overt ritual
a. This formalizes permanently for the nation what God instituted earlier
in the wilderness of siyn.
b. six days you will labor: normal human life activity.
c. But the 7th day is a rest to Yahweh.
1. rest: indicates what is to be done on that day.
2. to Yahweh: indicates why the rest - it is dedicated to God as a commemoration
of His character and plan which has provided perfectly all that man needs
to sustain his physical life on earth, and to function in spiritual life
reality toward God.
d. You shall not do any work:
1. The purpose is to rest - not to stop living. Deut. 5:14
2. CF. Luke 13:15; Mk. 2:27
3. Note that the animals are to rest also. This might restrict travel.
Ex. 20:10; Deut. 5:14
e. No exceptions: Everyone in the land must observe the ritual.
4. Clause #3: v. 11 - the purpose for the observance -
a. This reviews the principles of Gen. 2:1-3
b. The work was complete and it was perfect.
c. The national purpose is stated at Ezek. 20:12, "And I also gave
them my sabbaths to be a sign between Me and THEM, that they might know
that I am Yahweh who sanctifies them."
B. The sabbath covenant: Ex. 31:12-17
v. 13
1. You: refers to the nation of Israel ONLY.
2. surely observe: shAmar + emphatic adverb ak - indicates a strict requirement
from God.
3. My sabbaths: it is true that there are 3 different sabbath observances
for Israel, but that is not in view here. The word sabbath is plural to
indicate that every 7th day is to be observed by the people.
4. My: indicates it is God's design that established the sabbath as
a day of remembrance from the beginning. Gen. 2:3
Also, the day brings attention to His character and plan - Therefore,
it is His day.
5. It is a sign: a visible, overt observance in contrast to the mental
attitude observance which was the practice prior to this.
6. Between God and the nation: There is no overt sabbath ritual for
anyone else.
a. It is based on the covenant of Ex. 19:5-6 and given to Israel ONLY.
Ezek. 20:12;
b. Neh. 13:20-21 indicates that strangers "traders" were not
allowed to camp outside the gates on the sabbath, but it was not forced
upon them beyond that limit.
7. Throughout your generations: as long as the nation exists.
a. It was spiritually rejected by God after the crucifixion.
Mt. 21:33-46; 23:37-39
b. It was physically rejected by God in AD 70 when Rome destroyed the
city and temple.
8. So you may know: purpose is to communicate truth.
9. Specifically, that I am Yahweh who sanctifies you.
1. Sets you apart as a special and unique people. Ex. 19:5-6
2. The principle that everything they have as a nation is from God. Deut.
v. 14 - Violation of the sabbath ritual incurs the severest penalty.
Physical death (the only recorded incident of this penalty being carried
out is at Numbers 15:32 ff.)
V. 15 - a sabbath of complete rest
1. shabbAth (of) shabbAthōn: occurs only 4 times - Ex. 35:2;
Lev. 23:3, 32
2. LIT: a sabbath of sabbatic observance
3. It is explained by Ex. 16:23: it is a sabbath to be observed by overt
activity not just mental activity.
4. Holy to Yahweh: qAdosh (adjective) - special and dedicated to God.
It is His day.
5. For six days man must be occupied with normal life activities.
It is unavoidable. But the 7th day is to be dedicated to spiritual values.
6. this did not mean that you ignored spiritual values during the other
days, but that you totally "de-emphasized" those normal activities
on the 7th day.
v. 16
1. Throughout their generations: national existence
2. Perpetual covenant: beriyth ōlAm - a forever covenant FOR
v. 17
1. It is a sign: a sign that it is God who has provided everything they
need for life and worship.
2. Forever: le ōlAm - to perpetuity (as long as the nation exists)
3. For: explanation that takes us back to the original design of Gen. 2:2-3
4. On day 7 he ceased: the work was done.
5. And was refreshed: nAphash (only 3 times-Ex. 23:12; 2 Sam.16:14)
a. Well now since God does not need to be "refreshed." Is.
40:28; Jer. 32:17,27
b. This must be "language of accommodation"
to communicate the expenditure of maximum energy to perform a task.
c. In other words, it communicates the fact that God held back no effort
to provide the absolute "best" for the human race.
What must be recognized here is that the "ritual" sabbath was
given to the nation of Israel ONLY.
1. It did not apply to anyone before "the Exodus."
2. It did not ever apply to anyone "outside" the nation of Israel.
3. It does not apply to the church today.
4. That is why Col.2:16-17 is valid instruction to the Church that the church
is not under any obligation to follow ANY of the rituals of the Mosaic law
which were given to Israel only.
5. Technically speaking, we are not even under the "national"
mandate of the 10 commandments.
a. We are still under the moral guidelines of those commandments.
b. but those guidelines are now encompassed in "the royal law,"
The law of love. Rom. 13:8-10; James 2:8
c. In the Mosaic law, violation of the "10" was to be penalized
by "physical" death.
d. The church is not under such a "penalty" system today.
e. The church is not under ANY of the Mosaic law.
6. What we are under is the Law of Love which of course as it is explained
in the New testament, embraces most of the 10 commandments and many principles
from the rest of the Mosaic law.
But we are not under the rituals and feasts, and "social" customs
that God gave to Israel.
essay on sanctification
1. It is the status of being set apart as unique and special through
positional union with Christ.
A. 1 Cor. 1:2 - perfect passive participle of
B. In Christ Jesus; Eph. 2:4-6
C. Heb. 10:19-20 - entrance into the holies, ie, the presence of God.
2. Thus a new spiritual body is formed:
A. A holy (hagios) nation: 1 Pet. 2:9
B. One body: Eph. 4:4
3. And members have a new title: saint (hagios) - 1
Cor. 1:2
A. called: kletos - indicates entrance into the plan of God via election.
ie, saints because they have responded to the call of God.
B. saints: hagios - set apart ones
Rom. 1:7; 2 Cor. 1:1; Eph. 1:1; Philip. 1:1; Col. 1:2
4. It is the will of God that designed the plan for
sanctification. Heb.
"By whose will we have been sanctified
through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all."
A. sanctified: hagiadzo - perfect passive participle + present indicative
of eimi. Its called a perfect periphrastic which is the strongest way to
express a present reality which is based on a past action.
B. Ie, we were sanctified at some time in the past - -
(according to Acts 26:18 - at the point of faith)
and we remain sanctified at the present moment.
5. It is the sacrifice of Christ that provided it. Heb. 10:10, 19-20;
Thus, He became to us, "sanctification" - 1
Cor. 1:30
6. But it is the Holy Spirit who accomplishes it at the moment a person
A. It is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit: 1
Cor. 12:13
B. 2 Thes. 2:13; 1 Cor. 6:11
7. Those who are sanctified are "positionally" complete. Heb.
"He has completed (perfected) for all time those who are
8. All these passages make it clear that there is a "completed"
status of sanctification that occurs when a person trusts in Christ as savior.
9. But the bible also indicates a process of
sanctification, which deals
with one's spiritual growth as he learns more and more of God's word and
begins to reflect the character of Christ in his life.
It can be designated, "experiential righteousness." (1
4:1-8; 1 Pet. 1:14-16)
A. DEFINITION: experiential sanctification is the reflection of your
positional sanctification in union with Christ - into the Christian way
of life via growth and following the filling/influence of the Spirit.
B. Because we are "holy" in position (IN CHRIST) we should
be holy in our Christian life. 1 Pet. 1:15-16
Eph 5:8, walk as children of light.
Eph. 5:3, "as is proper among saints" (sanctified ones).
C. It is realized through the consistent application of bible truth
in your life. 1 Pet. 1:14; 2 Tim. 2:19-22; John 17:17
D. It is God's desire for the Christian way of life: 1Thes. 4:1-8
E. The purpose for divine discipline upon the erring believer is to
"turn him around" and cultivate a reflection of God's holiness
in the life. Heb. 12:10;
F. 2Cor. 7:1 - perfecting holiness (sanctification) in the fear of
1. The creation of Satan:
A. Based on Is. 14:12, his created name was hālāl.
1. KJV has it as "the morning star"
2. Hebrew word means shining one, from the verb, to shine.
3. He did not become "Satan" until after his sin.
B. In Latin the name is translated as Lucifer, which also means shining
C. Orientation to Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. In both of these passages,
the prophet receives divine revelation that goes beyond the human king
in the context and addresses the "creature" who is behind that
king's power. Granted, there is much symbolism in these chapters, but even
with that, the language demands that we go beyond a "human" creature
and look to one who actually has a heavenly origin. Ie, Satan.
D. As an angel, Lucifer was created prior to the creation of the earth.
Job 38:4-7
E. He was created in perfection: Ezek. 28:12
with superior wisdom, perfect beauty and of course free will.
F. Ezek. 28:13
1. Eden - not on earth. Used in a heavenly context as the place of privileged
function for angels, just as it is used of nations in Ezek. 31:9. (See
2. every precious stone, etc, communicates to man the perfection and
magnitude of his beauty.
(not with a red epidermis and horns, etc.)
G. He is probably the greatest and most beautiful creature that has
ever come from the hands of God.
2. The activity of Lucifer in Heaven:
A. Ezek. 28:14
1. anointed Cherub: privilege, rank and honor.
Actually, he had the highest rank among the angels and had the responsibility
of representing the Glory of God to the rest of creation. (very ironic)
2. who covers: sAkak, overshadow, screen, cover.
The idea of guarding, preserving and representing God's Glory.
3. Holy mountain of God . . .stones of fire: The emphasis is on personal
contact and privilege with God. Again, this speaks of rank and honor as
B. Ezek. 28:15, Blameless: tAmiym means to be complete and consistent
in character, thus the idea of no sin and no unrighteousness. He operated
perfectly consistent with God's character and plan.
3. The sin of Lucifer:
A. Ezek. 28:15, until unrighteousness was found in you:
This is amplified later as pride; an attitude of independence from God
and rebellion toward God, and superiority over God. the emphasis is on
internal thinking not overt.
(Thinking of yourself beyond what you really are, 1 Tim. 3:6)
B. v.16
1. abundance of your trade refers to the magnitude of his responsibility
in heaven.
2. internally filled with violence refers to antagonism and rebellion
toward God.
3. and you sinned, which indicates that he violated God's standards
of righteousness.
C. v.17
1. your heart was lifted up refers to elevated beyond its right or capacity.
2. because of your beauty indicates that he was looking at self and
failed to stay focused on the character of the Godhead.
3. you corrupted (shAchath = destroy, ruin, distort, piel perfect)
He actually distorted his superior wisdom when he redirected his soul against
the wisdom of the Godhead. This indicates the development of a sin nature
in him. So now, in his distortion, he cant really see who God really is.
Therefore, he thinks he can actually win over God and de-throne him. That's
why he is still fighting.
4. by reason of your splendor focuses again on his brightness and indicates
he is totally occupied with himself.
D. v.18
1. by the multitude of your iniquities refers to all his thoughts of
rebellion and pride.
2. in the unrighteousness of your trade indicates that his actions totally
reflected his rebellion.
Ie, failure to perform properly and honorably in his heavenly responsibilities.
3. you profaned your sanctuaries refers to his heavenly privileges,
rank and honor.
4. The judgment on Lucifer:
A. Ezek. 28:16
1. Therefore, I have cast you as profane (chAlal = defile, pollute,
profane, misuse, dishonor).
So Lucifer was rejected being now, dishonorable, defiled, corrupted and
totally unacceptable to God.
2. from the mountain of God: refers to the privileged location of his
3. from the midst of the stones of fire: privilege and presence with
4. I have destroyed you, 0 covering cherub: in the sense of removing
him from his place of responsibility.
5. This is Satan's first fall. He is kicked out of his place of function.
Kicked out of heaven as a place to call 'home.'
6. He then makes his "home" on the planet earth.
This is of course prior to the creation of man.
7. Is. 14:12, you have been cut down to the earth: the phrase,
"you who have weakened the nations," is Isaiah's view of Satan's
present activity in the world. Not what he did before his fall or when
he was cast to the earth. (no man present)
B. God then pronounced upon Satan the judgment of the lake of fire.
Mat. 25:41.
1. The angels that chose to go with Satan, also share his judgment
2. Upon the fall of Lucifer (bright and shining one), he became known
as Satan (adversary).
3. And then later after his dealings with man, he became known as the
devil (slanderer, accuser).
C. Angelic "salvation"
In Satan's rebellion against God, he persuaded several angels to agree
with him with regard to his own personal greatness. So God made it clear
to all the angels the consequence of rejecting God and joining with Satan.
Then he arranged some period of time, some deadline, for all the angels
to make a final decision for or against God. How long a time is not known,
but the logic of scripture indicates that there was a cut off time.
Those angels who decided for God were "locked" in that decision
as final and became known as the Holy and Elect angels. Those who decided
against God and for Satan were "locked" in that decision as final.
They became known then as fallen angels, Satan's angels, demons or unclean
Rev. 12:4 indicates that 1/3 of the angels chose for Satan.
"And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven,
and threw them to the earth."
This symbol is perhaps the most difficult to correlate. First impulse
is to correlate back to the 12 stars of verse one and find some relation
to "four" of the 12 tribes of Israel. However this produces nothing.
There is no chronological impetus in this verse that demands the "throwing
down" of the angels to take place after Messiah's ascension (v. 3).
The mention of the 1/3 of the stars (angels) is simply a added description
to orient us to the nature of the dragon.
Furthermore, this "third of the stars of heaven" were thrown
down to the earth which seems to have them originate, at least, in a heavenly
setting. This then lends itself to suggesting that Satan influenced 1/3
of the angels of God to follow him in his rebellion against God and become
"his angels" (Rev. 12:9; Mat. 25:41).
Angels are designated as "stars" in other places. (Isaiah
14:12; Job 38:7)
D. Now Satan is still "alive and well" and not in the lake
of fire, to where he was condemned. So something happened that caused God
to delay the judgment he had pronounced.
I believe that Satan challenged God's justice and righteousness by illogically
(and in his now distorted wisdom) appealing to God's love. The same argument
he has advanced throughout human history.
"How can a God of love cast his creatures into a lake of fire for
This is further suggested by the content of the "demon vision"
that Eliphaz received as is recorded at Job 4:12-21. Specifically, as the
demon communicates to Eliphaz, we hear the attitude of a creature that
thinks God is unfair and unloving, verses 17-19a (NASB).
"Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?
He puts no trust even in His servants; And against His angels He charges
How much more those who dwell in houses of clay. . ."
God chose to demonstrate to Satan that every aspect of his character
is perfectly consistent with itself. That is, that he can love and still
express his justice and righteousness in judgment. To do this he has employed
the human race.
E. God created mankind physically and intelligently inferior to angels
but with the same free will. (Heb. 2:7)
Man was created not only to have fellowship with God, but also to ultimately
demonstrate God's perfect character to the entirety of creation, (Eph.
2:7; 3:10; Is. 43:7; Eph. 1:12, 14)
(The work of Christ looks back as well as forward).
F. Basically, God's dealings with the human race demonstrate to Satan
and his angels His absolute fairness in judging those who rebel against
him, while at the same time staying perfectly consistent with his love.
And so in the end, although Satan will be judged, he will acknowledge the
perfect consistency and fairness of God's character. Phil. 2:10-11
(There will be no "unbelievers" in the lake of fire).
5. Satan's five "I Wills": Is. 14:13-14
I believe that these five tenets of Satan's goal were devised by him
after the fall, beginning before the creation of man and being finalized
when he became aware of God's purpose for the chosen Messianic people,
the Jews. So now, being cast to the earth and actually setting up headquarters
there, Satan begins to plan his campaign against God.
A. #1: I will ascend to Heaven. simply, I'm going to get back up there.
Now Satan presently has access into heaven for "conversation"
with God, but it is not his home nor does he have any power or influence
B. #2: I will raise my throne above the stars of God.
(Notice, he has a throne although it is only over the pre-Adamic earth).
Above the stars of God refers to angels. His goal is to have total sovereign
rule over all the angels.
C. #3: and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the
1. mount of the assembly: I believe here that Satan has in mind the
nation of Israel, that nation being the very chosen Messianic people and
the real center of God's plan to demonstrate his character to all creation.
Here he claims to replace Messiah and rule over Israel and thus over
all the earth. I will fulfill the promise of the Messiah; I will be the
2. for identification of these phrases as referring to Israel, see Is.
2:1-4 and Ps. 48:2
(I believe this fits Israel much more than anything we have revealed in
scripture that might make this refer to heaven)
D. #4: I will ascend above the heights of the cloud (cloud, is in the
This is the next logical step after referring to Israel.
The cloud refers to the "shekinah glory," the presence of Christ
as the leader and protector, indeed, the God of the nation. Satan says
he will surpass the glory of the cloud, that is surpass and replace the
E. #5: I will be like the most High. Equality to God and therefore actually
a surpassing and dethroning of God.
This embodies the other "I wills" and gives the ultimate in Satan's
6. Satan's present activity: His ruler ship over the world
A. Satan's claim to ruler ship is based on his presence on the earth.
Is. 14:12
B. Man's rightful ruler ship over the Earth:
1. extent: Gen. 1:27-29
2. headquarters: Gen. 2:4-15 (Eden)
3. test of ruler ship: Gen. 2:16-17
4. Mate: Gen. 2:18-25
5. Invasion: Gen. 3:1-5
6. defeat: Gen. 3:6-7
7. result: Gen. 3:8-19, 22-24
a. spiritual death
b. physical death
c. loss of ruler ship
d. loss of headquarters
e. curse of creation
8. provision: Gen. 3:21; 4:3-7 (cf. Mosaic sacrificial system)
9. Conclusion: Man was given ruler ship over the earth but through his
volitional failure to demonstrate ruler ship character, he lost it.
10. After the flood, when God makes a new covenant with the human race
as represented in Noah, the ruler ship factor is not included in the instructions.
C. Satan's ruler ship:
1. Rules over angels: Mat. 25:41; Rev. 12:4, 7, 9
2. Rules over the kosmos (world system): Mat.4:8-9 and Lk.4:6; Jn.12:31;
14:30; 16:11; 2Cor.4:4; 1Jn. 5:19
3. conclusion: Since Satan now has ruler ship over the world system,
(which system finds its primary manifestation in the realm of the earth)
and mankind no longer has ruler ship over the earth, then Satan usurped
man's ruler ship when he deceived him into deviating from Divine design.
D. Satan's kingdom: Acts 26:18; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; Col. 1:13
A kingdom of darkness.
E. Satan's program in the Kosmos that he rules. THE SCHEMES OF SATAN
1. The Overall purpose of Satan is stated in his five "I Wills":
Is. 14:13-14 2 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:11
a. Number 1: Get back to heaven
b. Number 2: Rule over the angels (stars of God)
c. Number 3: Rule over the human race:
d. Number 4: Transcend the Messianic glory: The heights of the cloud (singular).
e. Number 5: Become like God
2. He will employ anything that will further his plan.
a. Good: 2 Cor. 11:14-15
b. Evil: Jn. 8:37-47
3. The limitations of Satan: The power and authority of Satan and his
angels are limited.
a. They are finite creatures who can do nothing apart from the permissive
will of God. Example: Job. Satan could do nothing until God permitted it.
b. Satan and fallen angels exist within the entire span of human history,
but they are not eternal.
c. Satan may offer great benefits to mankind through his lies,
but he is totally self-centered & unloving toward other creatures.
d. Satan appears as a messenger of light,
but he is totally unrighteous and unjust.
e. Satan and fallen angels have great knowledge,
but they are not omniscient.
f. Satan and fallen angels have great power,
but are not omnipotent.
g. Satan and fallen angels survey and monitor the whole world,
but they are not omnipresent.
h. Satan and fallen angels can suggest evil to the soul of man,
but they cannot coerce the will of another creature.
1. They can only possess (control) the unbeliever,
but only when that person's own volition permits it.
2. They cannot possess the believer.
i. Satan & fallen angels have authority & power over the realm
of nature,
when permitted to use it, but they cannot create anything.
j. God uses Satan to discipline erring believers, but even then, it
is designed for the believer's benefit through the doctrine of divine discipline.
4. Examples of his schemes: fulfills the "not ignorant" aspect
of 2 Cor. 2:11
a. 2 Cor. 11:14-15: Satan as an angel of light, servants as servants
of righteousness. (Mat. 13:24-30)
b. Behind organized idolatry: 1 Cor. 10:20-21; Rev. 9:20
c. Has his own doctrine: I Tim. 4:1-3 2 Tim. 2:24-26
d. Attacks through organized religion: Rev. 2:9;
Jn. 8:44-47
e. Seeks to distort and destroy the work of the cross.
Lk. 22:3; 1 Cor.
f. Distorts Divine revelation in the unbeliever and the negative believer.
Luke 8.12; 2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Thes. 2:7, 9-12
g. Contradicts Divine revelation: Gen. 3:4-5
h. Accuses the believer before God: Zech. 3:1; Rev.12:10; Job 1:9-11
i. He misdirects zeal: 1 Ch. 21:1; Cf. 2 Sam. 24:1 (Mat. 16:21-23)
j. Attacks through the details of life: Mat. 4:3-4
k. Influences believer to test God: Mat. 4:5-7
l. Tempts through power and authority: Mat. 4:8-10
m. Through approbation lust: Acts 5:3
n. Through the sex life: 1 Cor. 7:1, 5
o. Through failure to apply doctrine of love: 2
Cor. 2:11
p. Uses anger in the believer to attack others: Eph. 4:27
q. Uses inconsistency in testimony: 1 Tim. 4:7
r. General attack on women: 1 Tim. 5:11-15; (1Cor. 11:10 & context)
s. hinders geographical movements: 1 Thes. 2.18
t. Physical oppression:
1. Demon possession: Acts 10:38; Lk. 13:16; (unbeliever only)
2. Illness: permitted by God to believer - Job 2:7 2 Cor. 12:7
u. Deceives the nations: Rev. 20:3, 10 (Isaiah 14:12)
v. General attack on the believer: Luke 22:31;
Instigates persecution: 1 Pet. 5:8ff
5. Protection against the Schemes of Satan: Eph. 6:10-18;
James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8-9; Ps. 1:1-3; Ps. 119:9-11; 2 Cor. 10:3-6
F. Christ's recovery of rulership: Psalm 2:7-9; Daniel 7:13-14
1. The cross/resurrection: Col. 2:13-15; Heb. 2:14-15
2. The ascension/session: Ps. 110:1; Heb. 10:12-13; Eph. 1:20-22
3. War in heaven: Rev. 12:7-12
4. The Day of the Lord: Mat. 24:29-31; 2
Thes. 1:6-9
a. Atmospheric descent: Mat. 24:29-31
b. The 7th trumpet: Rev. 11:15-17
c. Physical descent: Rev. 19:11-21;
5. Satan imprisoned: Rev. 20:1-3
6. Messiah's earthly kingdom: Rev. 20:4-6
7. Satan in the lake of fire: Rev. 20:7-9
7. Satan's second fall: the middle of the tribulation
A. Rev. 12:7-9
B. Ezek. 28:17, I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, that
they may see you. This is not the first fall and it does not really fit
with the third fall.
8. Satan bound for 1000 years after Armageddon.
A. Rev. 20:1-3
B. Is. 14:15-17
1. nevertheless you will be thrust down to sheol (the place of the unrighteous
It is equivalent to Hades, but is a separate compartment from Torments.
2. to the recesses of the pit: the abyss of Rev. 20:3
3. v.16, they will ponder over you: this refers to a retrospect on the
deeds of Satan which he did during and after the tribulation. Although
it could easily include what he had done through his whole career. It just
seems likelier that the "onlookers" will be more occupied with
his most recent notoriety as acquired in the tribulation.
4. Is this the man (one, person, individual) who made the earth tremble?
(caused disruption and fear).
5. who shook kingdoms: displaced man's authority systems in nations
with his own.
a. Deceives the whole world, Rev. 12:9
b. deceived the nations, Rev. 20:3
6. v.17, who made the world like a wilderness: mass destruction of established
7. and overthrew its cities: further description of this destruction.
8. who did not allow his prisoners to go home: reference to Satan's
dictatorial rule and enslavement of mankind during the tribulation.
9. Final defeat of Satan: 3rd fall
A. Rev. 20:7-10
B. Ezek. 28:18
1. therefore I have brought fire: maximum judgment
2. from the midst of you: he actually brought it on himself.
3. it has consumed you: destruction (total neutralization)
4. and I have turned you to ashes on the earth:
A physical judgment described in Rev. 20:9
His defeat at the final battle at the end of the millennium.
5. in the eyes of all who see you: probably his followers, both man
and angels
6. v.19, all who know you among the peoples are appalled at you: shocked
when they realize that Satan was defeated. They were deceived and now,
they have nothing.
7. you have become terrified: Satan's heart reaction at his final defeat.
8. and you will be no more: lake of fire for eternity.
Total neutralization of Satan. Not an annihilation.
Described at Rev. 20:10 as "tormented day and night forever and ever.
Additional information about Satan: The
Biblical Studies Foundation
SATAN: Rulership in the universe
A. Satan's claim to ruler ship is based on his presence on the earth.
Is. 14:12
B. Man's rightful ruler ship over the Earth:
1. extent: Gen. 1:27-29
2. headquarters: Gen. 2:4-15 (Eden)
3. test of ruler ship: Gen. 2:16-17
4. Mate: Gen. 2:18-25
5. Invasion: Gen. 3:1-5
6. defeat: Gen. 3:6-7
7. result: Gen. 3:8-19, 22-24
a. spiritual death: Gen. 2:17
b. physical death: Gen. 3:19
c. loss of ruler ship: Gen. 9:1-7 (Rulership is not restated)
d. loss of headquarters: Gen. 3:24
e. curse of creation: Gen. 3:17-18
8. provision: Gen. 3:21; 4:3-7 (cf. Mosaic sacrificial system)
9. Conclusion: Man was given ruler ship over the earth but through his
volitional failure to demonstrate ruler ship character, he lost it.
10. After the flood, when God makes a new covenant with the human race
as represented in Noah, the ruler ship factor is not included in the instructions.
C. Satan's ruler ship:
1. Rules over angels: Mat. 25:41; Rev. 12:4, 7, 9
2. Rules over the kosmos (world system): Mat.4:8-9 and Lk.4:6; Jn.12:31;
14:30; 16:11; 2Cor.4:4; 1Jn. 5:19
3. conclusion: Since Satan now has ruler ship over the world system,
(which system finds its primary manifestation in the realm of the earth)
and mankind no longer has ruler ship over the earth, then Satan usurped
man's ruler ship when he deceived him into deviating from Divine design.
D. Satan's kingdom: Acts 26:18; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; Col. 1:13 - A kingdom
of darkness.
E. Satan's program in the Kosmos that he rules. TOPIC, Satan: Schemes
F. Christ's recovery of rulership: Psalm 2:7-9; Daniel 7:13-14
1. The cross/resurrection: Col. 2:13-15; Heb. 2:14-15
2. The ascension/session: Ps. 110:1; Heb. 10:12-13; Eph. 1:20-22
3. War in heaven: Rev. 12:7-12
4. The Day of the Lord: Mat. 24:29-31; 2 Thes. 1:6-9
a. Atmospheric descent: Mat. 24:29-31
b. The 7th trumpet: Rev. 11:15-17
c. Physical descent: Rev. 19:11-21;
5. Satan imprisoned: Rev. 20:1-3
6. Messiah's earthly kingdom: Rev. 20:4-6
7. Satan in the lake of fire: Rev. 20:7-9
1. The Overall purpose of Satan is stated in his five "I Wills":
Is. 14:13-14 2 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:11
These were devised by Satan "in stages" based on the progress
of God's movements in the angelic conflict.
A. Number 1: Get back to heaven
B. Number 2: Rule over the angels (stars of God)
C. Rule over the human race: Mount of the assembly in the recesses of the
D. Transcend the Messianic glory: The heights of the cloud (singular)
E. Become like God
2. He will employ anything that will further his plan.
A. Good: 2 Cor. 11:14-15
B. Evil: Jn. 8:37-47
3. The limitations of Satan: The power and authority of Satan and his
angels are limited.
A. They are finite creatures who can do nothing apart from the permissive
will of God.
Example: Job. Satan could do nothing to Job until God permitted it.
B. Satan and fallen angels exist within the entire span of human history,
but they are not eternal.
C. Satan may offer great benefits to mankind through his lies,
but he is totally self-centered and unloving toward other creatures.
D. Satan appears as a messenger of light,
but he is totally unrighteous and unjust.
E. Satan and fallen angels have great knowledge,
but they are not omniscient.
F. Satan and fallen angels have great power,
but are not omnipotent.
G. Satan and fallen angels survey and monitor the whole world,
but they are not omnipresent.
H. Satan and fallen
angels can suggest evil to the soul of man,
but they cannot coerce the will of another creature.
I. Satan and fallen angels cannot read minds. They have the knowledge of all
of history, observing mankind in every possible situation and they know “in
general” what you are thinking. Even people can do this with other people on a
very limited scale.
With this knowledge, they can often suggest through words and circumstances,
things that will effectively tempt the believer.
Usually, the unpleasant and unwelcome thoughts in the mind of the believer
come from the sin nature, which has an inclination toward sin as the core of
its very existence. Satan knows how the sin nature functions and can trigger
its lust patterns through words and circumstances.
J. They can only possess (control) the unbeliever, but only when that person's
own volition permits it.
They cannot possess the believer.
K. Satan and fallen angels have authority and power over the realm of nature,
when permitted to use it, but they cannot create anything.
L. God uses Satan to discipline erring
believers, but even then, it is designed for the believer's benefit through
the doctrine of divine discipline.
4. Examples of his schemes: fulfills the "not ignorant" aspect
of 2 Cor. 2:11
1. 2 Cor. 11:14-15: Satan as an angel of light, servants as servants
of righteousness. (Mt. 13:24-30)
2. Behind organized idolatry: 1 Cor. 10:20-21; Rev. 9:20
3. Has his own doctrine: I Tim. 4:1-3 2 Tim. 2:24-26
4. Attacks through organized religion: Rev. 2:9; Jn. 8:44-47
5. Seeks to distort and destroy the work of the cross. Lk. 22:3; 1 Cor.
6. Distorts Divine revelation in the unbeliever and the negative believer.
Luke 8.12; 2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Thes. 2:7, 9-12
7. Contradicts Divine revelation: Gen. 3:4-5
8. Accuses the believer before God: Zech. 3:1; Rev. 12:10; Job 1:9-11
9. He misdirects zeal: 1 Ch. 21:1; Cf. 2 Sam. 24:1 (Mat. 16:21-23)
10. Attacks through the details of life: Mt. 4:3-4
11. Influences believer to Test God: Mat. 4:5-7
12. Tempts through power and authority: Mt. 4:8-10
13. Through approbation lust: Acts 5:3
14. Through the sex life: 1 Cor. 7:1, 5
15. Through failure to apply doctrine of love: 2 Cor. 2:11
16. Uses anger in believer to attack others: Eph. 4:27
17. Uses inconsistency in testimony: 1 Tim. 4:7
18. General attack on women: 1 Tim. 5:11-15; (1 Cor. 11:10, and context)
19. hinders geographical movements: 1 Thes. 2.18
20. Physical oppression:
a. Demon possession: Acts 10:38; Lk. 13:16; (unbeliever only)
b. Illness: permitted by God to believer - Job 2:7 2 Cor. 12:7
21. Deceives the nations: Rev. 20:3, 10 (Isaiah 14:12)
22. General attack on the believer: Luke 22:31;
Instigates persecution: 1 Pet. 5:8ff
5. Protection against the Schemes of Satan: Eph. 6:10-18;
James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8-9; Ps. 1:1-3; Ps. 119:9-11; 2 Cor. 10:3-6
1. References: Ephesians 1:13-14; Ephesians 4:30; 2 Corinthians 1:22;
2. Ephesian 1:13, the THREE steps of salvation. Each of the following
three steps are verbs in the aorist tense, which is used to indicate a moment
of time occurrence of the events in view..
A. Hearing the gospel: "After hearing the message of truth, the
gospel of your salvation." This is an aorist active participle of
the verb, akouo, and indicates the action in view occurs before the action
of the main verb. Even Romans 10:14-17 indicates that one must hear the
gospel message before he can believe in Christ.
B. Believing the gospel: "in Whom also having believed." This
is also an aorist active participle, but of pisteuo, and again it indicates
that this action occurs before the action of the main verb.
The verb, pisteuo refers to total trust in Christ as Savior.
C. Sealed by the Holy Spirit: "You were sealed with the Holy Spirit
of promise." The verb here is sphragidzo, and occurs as an aorist
passive indicative, which indicates it to be the main verb.
Furthermore, the passive voice indicates that someone else did the action
to the subject, and that this action follows upon the two previous actions
represented by the aorist participles.
D. The phrase, "of promise" indicates a fulfillment of what
Jesus taught during His earthly ministry (John 7:38-39; 14:16-17).
And even after His resurrection (Acts 1:8).
See Topic: HOLY SPIRIT: Indwelling
for more details.
3. What is a seal?
A. It verifies or authenticates: John 3:33; 6:27; Romans 8:16; Galatians
B. It indicates ownership: 2 Timothy 2:19
C. It protects and preserves: 1 Peter 1:5; Revelation 7:2-3
D. It guarantees or promises: Ephesians 1:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:24
4. The sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit is a guarantee or pledge.
Ephesians 1:14
A. Who is a pledge: the word WHO, goes back to the Holy Spirit mentioned
in verse 13.
B. the word, pledge, is arrabOn, and means a deposit, a pledge, a token
of intent.
C. Of our inheritance: This refers to the eternal phase of our salvation,
and is described at 1 Peter 1:4-5 in reference to the resurrection body
that all believers will receive (Philippians 3:21).
D. Unto the redemption: The word redemption is
apolutrOsis, and means
a release through payment, redemption or setting free. The seal remains
in place UNTIL the acquired property is fully in the possession of its
It is the resurrection of the body that completes the transaction.
At Romans 8:23, this completion is called the redemption of the body.
E. The word UNTO, is eis and indicates goal or purpose. The seal is
the mark of possession and ownership - to protect it from any and all things
that threaten the owner's final acquisition. At Ephesians 4:30, we find
that "we have been sealed unto the day of redemption." Thus,
protected until the resurrection body is acquired.
F. of the possession: This word is peripoiāsis and means
the property that someone acquired and that now belongs to that person.
The word means a circle that is made around something that marks it out
as owned by the one who makes the circle.
1. It is used at 1 Peter 2:9 to refer to the church, as "a possessed
(owned) people."
2. The verb is used at Acts 20:28, "the church of God which He
ACQUIRED with the blood of His own."
G. This RELEASE takes place through resurrection, when all believers
at that time (living and dead) will be transformed into a body exactly
like the body of Christ's glory (Philippians 3:21).
H. Unto the praise of His glory: All is for the glory of God the Father.
5. It is actually the very presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in the
heart that functions as the SEAL of God's ownership and protection. 2 Corinthians
1:22, "Spirit in our hearts as a pledge."
6. The sealing of the Holy Spirit then, by very definition is the key
factor for understanding the salvation security of the believer. Romans
8:9, "if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong
to him (lit: he is none of His)."
7. The seal of God, which is the presence of the Holy Spirit is the promise
that God will keep His word concerning the promise of salvation. Thus, it
is God who not only saves the one who believes, in the first place, but
it is God who KEEPS the believer secure. One is not saved by works and one
is not kept by works.
See topic: SALVATION SECURITY for details.
8. Illustration via the diagram of the cross and
two circles.
1. Self defense refers to the protection of self from danger outside
a warfare context.
2. However, the principle of bona fide warfare can be applied to the activity
of self defense.
A. Numbers 10:9; 21:1-3
B. Nehemiah 4:7-9, 13-23
3. The principle of self defense is taught by Jesus: Mt. 24:43; Luke
4. The authorization for self defense is given at Exodus 22:2
5. Contrast with murder: Ex. 21:12-14
A. Acts presumptuously: ziydh - boil up, seethe - indicates emotional
"is emotionally arrogant"
B. To kill him craftily: with "ormAh" - craftiness, a plan
- principle of pre-meditation.
C. The issue of mental attitude: Mt. 5:21-22
6. Distinguish between self defense and revenge activity.
A. Gen. 34:1-31
B. Proverbs 24:28-29
C. Proverbs 25:21-22; 20:22
7. Non-violent self defense maneuvers:
A. talking: Gen. 21:22-26
B. Fleeing:
1. Faith rest context: 2 Kings 11:1-3; Ex. 1:15--2.5; Gen. 26:18-22
2. fear context: Gen. 27:41-45
C. Use of deception: Gen. 13:10-20; 20:1-18; 26:7-11
8. Violent self defense maneuvers:
A. Use of collective force: Gen. 14:1-24
B. Physically stopping a thief: Ex. 22:1-4
C. Preparation and physical follow through: Luke 11:21-22; Mt. 24:43
D. Deut. 25:11-12 - principle of inappropriate force
9. Protection against animal violence: Judges 14:6; 1 Sam. 17:34-36
10. Legal defense:
A. Standard of the Mosaic law: Exodus 18:13-26 with Deut. 1:9-18
B. Proverbs 23:10-12 - property rights
C. example of Paul: Acts 25:9-12
D. Mt. 5:40 - personal debt context
11. Comments on Mat. 5:38-45
12. Application to the spiritual conflict:
A. Principle: John 18:36
B. Example: Luke 22:35-38 with Mt. 26:51-56
C. Explanation: 2 Cor. 10:3-6
13. See Topic: Warfare
1. Salvation is provided, administered and secured by God alone.
A. Salvation is the work of God. Man does nothing to possess it.
Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-6; 2 Tim. 1:9; 1 Cor. 1:30; Gal. 2:16; 2Corinthians
B. If man is unable in himself to obtain salvation, he is just as unable
to maintain it.
C. Therefore, it depends totally on God's ability that our salvation
is secure. Heb. 7:25
1. The power of God: 1 Pet. 1:5; Jn. 10:28-29; Rom. 14:4
2. The faithfulness of God: 1 Cor. 1:9; 1
Thes. 5:24; 2 Tim.2:12-13
2. ETERNAL life by definition cannot end. Jn. 3:16, 36; 10:28; 1
If we can lose eternal life -- we never had it.
3. Freedom from judgment: Romans 8:1
A. John 3:16-18; 5:24
B. 1 Thes. 5:9
C. If we have truly been delivered from eternal judgment - then we cannot
receive such judgment .
4. New position IN CHRIST:
A. Baptism of the Holy Spirit: 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27
B. 2 Cor. 5:17 - new creation - OLD THINGS PASSED AWAY ---
spiritual death (Rom. 6:23) and judgment (Rom. 8:1)
C. Established and sealed: 2 Cor. 1:21-22
D. The permanent status of sanctification: Heb. 10:14
E. Under the special relationship love of God. Rom. 8:32-39
5. In the family of God: Jn. 1:12; Gal. 3:26
A. Born again: 1 Pet. 1:23
B. Christ's brethren: Heb. 2:11-13
C. Fellow-brethren: the carnal believers of the Corinthian church.
D. Child discipline: Heb. 12:4-8
E. Back-slidden brother: 2 Thes. 3:14-15
F. Now we are sons of God: 1 Jn. 3:1
G. The people of God: 1 Pet. 2:10
H. Heavenly citizenship: Phil. 3:20
6. From child to heir: Rom. 8:16-17; and to a reserved inheritance: 1
Pet. 1:4-5
7. Salvation titles:
A. Saint: 1 Cor. 1:2; Phil. 1:1
B. Elect: Col. 3:12; 1 Pet. 2:9
C . Brethren: 1 Cor. 2:1
8. The work of the Holy Spirit:
A. Indwelling - one time: Rom. 8:9 with 2 Cor. 5:5
B. New birth - one time: Titus 3:5
C. Baptism - one time: 1 Cor. 12:13
D. Sealing - one time: Eph. 1:13-14; 2 Cor. 1:22
E. Filling - many times: Eph. 5:18; 1 Thes. 5:19 Gal. 5:16, 25
F. Man's problem in understanding salvation security is the failure
to recognize the difference between relationship and experience.
9. Status at the reward seat of Christ: 1 Cor. 3:10-15 - He himself shall
be saved
10. Light vs. darkness:
A. The intent: Acts 26:18
B. The fulfillment: Col. 1:13
C. The past, present status and experience: Eph. 5.8
11. The principle of imitation: 2 Cor. 6:14-18; 7.1 + Eph. 5:8; Col.
2:10-16 + 3:1-12
12. The prayer of Jesus: Jn. 17.20, 24
13. The status of the over-comer: 1 Jn. 5:5; Rv.12:11a;
Rv. 2:7, 11, 17,
26; 3:5, 12, 21; 21:7
1. DEFINITION: Sensuality is a total occupation with the physical senses
in an undisciplined, emotional abandonment to satisfying ones physical desires.
A. It is first, the physical expression of sin nature lusts: Mk. 7.22;
Gal. 5.19
B. Then, through a frantic search for happiness, it becomes a philosophy
of life.
1. The philosophy of Ec. 8.15 - eat, drink and be merry
2. The philosophy of Epicurus during the 3rd century BC.
"Wherefore we call pleasure the alpha and omega of a happy life.
Pleasure is our first and common good. It is the starting point of every
choice and of every aversion, and to it we come back, inasmuch as we make
feeling the rule by which to judge every good thing." Letter to Menaeceus
2. 2 Peter 3.18 makes the correlation between physical lusts and sensuality
- aselgeia.
3. At I John 2.16 the physical lusts of aselgeia are identified as being
a cornerstone factor in the world system.
4. Sensuality is a replacement philosophy to Christianity - Jude 4
5. 1 Peter 4.3 gives a list of the physical lusts involved with
A. epithumia - plural: lusts of passion
B. oinophlugia - plural: lusts for wine
C. kōmos -Plural: wild, "traveling" parties.
D. potos - plural: drinking parties
E. eidōlolatria - plural: idolatries (described as immoral
- athemitos)
6. The society of Sodom and Gomorrah is illustration of the social dominance
this philosophy can have. 2 Pet. 2.7; Gen. 19.1-11
7. The philosophy is promoted by those who have no moral standards. 2
Pet. 2.7; 3.17
athesmos - unprincipled -- immoral.
8. Summary at Eph. 4.17-19
1.The principle of separation: Because of the deceiving character of
the world system, the believer is commanded to maintain an objective separation
from the various influences of that system. 1 John 2:15-16; John 17:15
2. The basis for separation must always be the standards of the word
of God.
A. 2 Tim. 3:8; 2 Thes. 3:6, 14; Rom. 16:17
B. Psalm 1:1-3, separation PLUS adherence to divine viewpoint standards.
3. Separation from perpetually carnal believers is commanded.
A. 1Cor. 5:9-13
B. Apply Gal. 6:1-2 and Rom. 15:1-3
4. Separation from believers who reject the teachings of the word of God.
This includes the moral institutions. 2Thes. 3:6-15; 2 Tim. 3:1-8
5. Separation from those who cause divisions by false teaching, criticism,
A. Romans 16:17-18
B. Proverbs 22:10
6. Maintain alertness toward false teachers: Philippians 3:17-19
The issue of hospitality: 2 John 10-11
7. Separation from friends who are not friends which demands constant
honesty and objectivity.
A. Proverbs 1:10-19
B. Proverbs 4:14-19
C. Christianity demands that you take a stand with your friends. 1 Peter
8. Application of separation to family and relatives.
A. Principle of obedience: Eph. 6:1
B. Principle of honor: Eph. 6:2-3; Ex. 20:12
C. Principle of division: Mat. 10:34-36
D. Principle of priorities: Mat. 10:37-39
E. Principle of danger: Mat. 10:16-22
F. Principle of soul influence and protection: Deut. 13:6-11
G. Principle of example: John 7:1-5
H. Principle of responsibility: 1 Tim. 5:4, 8
I. Principle of witness: 1 Cor. 7:6; 1 Pet. 3:1-6; John 1:41
9. Application of separation to marriage.
A. Principle of status quo: 1Cor. 7:17-28
B. Principle of the unbeliever's choice: 1 Cor. 7:12-15
C. Principle of witness: 1Cor. 7:12-16; 1 Pet. 3:1-6
10. Application of separation to social and national life.
A. The general principle: 1Cor. 5:9-10 cf. John 17:15
B. Government: Rom. 13:1-7; Titus 3:1-2; 1 Pet. 2:13-17
(revolution is never authorized by the Word, Prov. 24:21-22)
C. The slave or employee:
1. Status quo: 1 Cor. 7:20-24
2. Moral responsibility: Eph. 6:5-8; Col. 3:22-25; 1 Pet. 2:18
D. The master or the employer: Eph. 6:9; Col. 4:1
11. The doctrine of separation demands no compromising or obligating
associations of any kind with unbelievers.
2 Cor. 6:14-18 (marriage, business, clubs, frats and sororities, elks, masons,
12. Separation through identification and rejection of false teaching
and teachers.
A. 1 Thes. 5:22
B. 1 Tim. 6:20
C. Titus 1:9-14
13. Separation through non-conformity to the viewpoint of the world.
Romans 12:2
A. Rejection of sin nature lusts: 1 Pet. 2:11
B. Friendship with the world: James 4:4
C. Principle of personal taboos: Job 31:1
14. Separation through ex-communication from the local church.
A. Example of immorality at Corinth. 1 Cor. 5:1-2
B. General application: 1 Cor. 5:9-13
C. Warning and instruction comes first: 2 Thes. 3:14-15; 1 Tim. 5:20 Cf.
Gal. 6:1, mending
D. Rejection after the third warning: Titus 3:10-11
15. Recognize that those who are really negative to truth will usually
disassociate themselves when truth is consistently proclaimed. John 6:60-71;
1 John 2:18-19
16. Application of separation principles in the nation of Israel.
A. Ex. 23:31-33; 34:12-16; Deut. 7:3-4; Judges 3:5-7
B. Result of failure to separate: Psalm 106:35-43
17. Separation principles found in Proverbs 1:10-15; 4:14-17; 17:4; 22:3-5;
22:24-25; 23:20-21; 24:1-2; 24:21-22; 28:7; 29:3
18. The term "unleavened" is used to describe the doctrine
of separation applied to the Christian way of life. 1 Cor. 5:7-13
A. Unleavened in position: Eph. 5:8b, light in the Lord
B. Unleavened in experience: Eph. 5:8c, walk as children of light
19. Conclusion and application from Eph. 5:1-18
1. The ultimate purpose for the believer on earth is to serve God.
12.1, 13
A. Eph. 2.8-10 - Good works. Titus 3.8
B. John 17.18-21 - Christ sent us
C. 1 Pet. 2.9 - priestly function is to proclaim
D. Rom. 12.1 - logical service
2. Service is equated with a grape vine producing
grapes. Jn. 15.1-6
3. In order to be a productive vine, the believer must pursue fellowship
and growth. Jn. 15.7-8
A. Abide in Me: Rom. 8.8
B. My words abide in you: Accurate message - 2 Tim. 2.15
4. Thus, service is measured by God's standards.
A. Grace: Heb. 12.28 with 13.9
B. Newness of spirit: Rom. 7.6 and 12.1-2
C. Heb. 9.14 - apart from dead works
D. The vessel for honor: 2 Tim. 2.20-26
Prepared -- v. 15; 3.17; 1 Pet. 3.15
E. Jas. 1.26-27; Heb. 13.15-16
F. Titus 2.11-14
G. Romans 14.17-19
5. Failure in preparation:
A. Principle of 2 Time. 2.15 -- diligence
B. Psalm 51.5-13
C. Heb. 5.11-14
6. Prepare for persecution:
A. John 15.16--16.4, 33
B. 2 Tim. 3.12-17
C. 1 Pet. 3.15-16
D. 1 Pet. 4.12-19
E. Vindication: Is. 54.17
7. Doctrine of beneficent
8. SERVICE: Summary
A. Relationship: In order to serve, you must be in the family of God.
This establishes the potential for service - 1
Thes. 1.5-9; Eph. 2.8-10
B. The provision for service: God's word - 2 Tim. 3.16-17; 1 Tim. 2.15
C. Motivation for service: Application of God's character and plan
1. Salvation grace: 1 Peter 2.3
2. God's love: 1 John 4.19
3. Resurrection reality: 1 Cor. 15.50-58
4. Law of sowing and reaping: Col. 3.23-25
D. Fellowship necessity:
1. Filling of Holy Spirit: Rom. 8.8; Gal. 5.16-25
2. Abiding in Christ: John 15.4-8
1. This is a technical term not found in the Bible, but is based on the
Hebrew verb, shakan, which means to dwell.
2. The word is used to indicate the dwelling of God's glory with the
nation of Israel in the cloud that accompanied them from Egypt and that
dwelt within their tabernacle.
3. The personal presence of God was called, "The Glory." 1
Sam. 4:21-22
4. Even in David's time, the Glory of God dwelled in the tabernacle.
Psalm 26:8
5. After Solomon built the temple, The Glory dwelled within the Holy
Place. 1 Kings 8:10-11.
6. Based on God's "shekinah" presence with Israel, He was designated
as their Glory in the time of Jeremiah. Jer. 2:11
It departed in 586 BCE (Ezek. 10:1-5, 15-19; 11:22-25; 12:8-16).
7. The Glory of Yahweh (The LORD) will fill the millennial temple. Ezekiel
43:2-5; 44:4
8. Romans 9:4 mentions The (shekinah) Glory as belonging to Israel in
a context that is focusing on Israel's evangelistic responsibilities.
9. The (shekinah) GLORY that dwelled in the cloud and accompanied Israel
through the wilderness is called Christ by Paul at 1 Cor. 10:4. (Cf. Deut.
10. Therefore, the title The Glory, ascribed to Jesus in James 2:1, is
both accurate and appropriate, as well as very dramatic to the Jews. Corrected
translation of James 2:1, "My brethren, do not be holding onto The
Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Glory, in an attitude of personal favoritism."
11. The designation of Christ as "The Glory," is based on both
inherent and assigned glory.
A. Inherent: John 1:1; Heb. 1:3; Col. 1:15
B. Assigned: John 5:22-23; Isaiah 42:8; Heb. 1:4; 1 Pet. 1:21.
C. Compare: John 17:1-5
12. Jesus, as "The Glory" is a reflection of several titles
ascribed to Him.
A. Emmanuel: Mat. 1:23
B. Only begotten God: John 1:18
C. The "I am" of John 8:58-59
D. The first and the Last: Rev. 1:17-18; 22:13 with Is. 48:12
E. The Son of God: John 1:14; 5:17-18
13. The extension of the shekinah presence of God with His people is
extended into the church age through three factors.
A. Positional truth: The ONE body of Christ made up of all believers
is the temple of God in which He dwells.
B. Doctrine of Indwelling explains the personal presence of God in each
believer here on earth through the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 3:16-17;
2 Cor. 6:14-18
C. The dwelling of Christ in the heart of the growing believer, who
maintains fellowship consistency, so that Christ's character is reflected
in his life. Eph. 2:22, 3:14-17 (5:1-2); John 14:21, 23; 17:26.
14. In the new Jerusalem, which is the eternal home for resurrected believers,
the Shekinah Glory is present through the personal presence of the Godhead.
Rev. 21:1-3, 22
The Sin Nature
1. There exists in every member of the human race through physical birth,
an energy system which distorts the soul into being independent from and
contrary to Divine viewpoint. The term that efficiently communicates this
energy system is the "old sin nature." (OSN or SN)
A. Gen. 8.21:
1. inclination: yātser = nature
2. evil: ra = sin
3. originated in Adam: = old
B. Ec. 9.3: insanity - the distortion/mutation of the soul
1. holālAh - plural only and 4 times only
(Ec. 1.17; 2.12;
7.25; 9.3)
2. From verb - hAlal - to be boastful (root meaning)
piel stem = to praise, honor, to recognize the merit in something.
3. plural: expressions of boasting, pride, arrogance and independence
from God.
a. This is self-promotion and a distortion form the original design
of the soul.
b. Thus, the idea of insanity and madness.
C. Psalm 58.3: from the womb
1. Gen. 8.21 - from his youth
2. Ec. 9.3 - throughout their lives
3. Ps. 51.5 - from the point of conception
D. Thus, the OSN is a physical mutation of the mentality genes which
produces a natural inclination of rebellion against God.
2. The OSN operates on the basis of animal-type mental instinct and impulse
which seeks comfort zones to accommodate the body. Eph. 2.3
A. All animal instinct and impulse is centered in the area of self-gratification
and preservation.
B. Under the influence of this energy system, the body becomes a "god"
which the soul attempts to appease by following its many and varied dictates.
(1 Cor. 8.5 - many gods)
C. This energy system thus distorts the normal thinking of the soul
into into expressing independence from God and violation of his policies.
D. This energy system cannot rebel against the creator God, because
it is as unaware of God as are the animals.
E. Its desires however, translate into rebellion against God because
in order to fulfill those desires, the soul must reject Divine standards.
F. The sin nature petitions the soul for fulfillment of its desires
via correlation between the 5 physical senses and an animalistic standard
of comfort zones.
G. It is called the passions of sins at Romans 7.5 -
pathāma + genitive plural of hamartia
3. OSN desires carry impressions of abnormal value to the heart of the
A. Mental pictures (enticements) which influence the soul to desert
epithumia - James 1.14
B. Creature desire, which does not consider the priority value of truth
in contrast with material value. hādonā - James
C. Creature pursuit of pleasure and comfort in the context of the 3
darkness philosophies of 1 Jn. 2.16.
D. Eph. 2.3 - desires of the flesh and mind
E. Eph. 4.22 - lusts of deceit
4. The OSN came into existence when Adam and Eve rebelled against God
in Eden. Gen. 3.5-7
A. The statement of judgment on Adam's sin follows the pattern of Gen.
1. You shall surely die: mūth - qal participle + qal imperfect.
2. This intensified, emphatic construction is a reference to spiritual
death which resulted from the act of independence from God.
3. Spiritual death is the inability to relate to God, self or others
from the perspective of Divine viewpoint.
4. The capacity to understand these three areas using God's logic is
5. This causes a natural alienation to God, others and even to self.
Called nakedness - Gen. 3.7-10 (body and soul).
B. Adam's and Eve's sin brought immediate natural consequences into
their soul's and bodies.
1. A mutation occurred in the physical mentality genes which perpetuated
the act of independence into a natural inclination.
Gen. 9.21.
2. With this natural inclination controlling the
self-consciousness of
the soul, it was impossible to relate to God or people except on terms
of shame and fear.
a. Shame toward self and others: Gen. 3.7
b. Fear toward God: Gen. 3.10
C. Thus, there is a distortion of normal life activities within humanity.
1. The first area of distortion was in sex.
a. Sex was originally designed by God as a source of mutual pleasure
and fellowship within the "one flesh" unit of marriage.
b. But because of the self-centeredness of the OSN and its natural inclination
toward self-gratification, its influence on the soul causes an obsession
with the physical body and sexual pleasure.
c. Thus, the consciousness, guilt and shame of their own nakedness and
the need for clothing to help combat the obsession.
2. The 2nd area of distortion was man's attempt to solve his problem
on his own terms.
a. Operation fig leaves was a human viewpoint, human good attempt to
remove the shame and guilt.
b. It covered the body but did not remove the mental mutation nor its
influence on the soul.
c. The "nakedness" of soul was still a reality when God came
looking for them.
d. Fig leaves lessened the impact of the sexual obsession, but did not
remove it.
e. God's provision of clothing did the same thing but the difference
is that using God's resources rather than man's, holds in check the animalism
of the OSN in all areas.
Principle of Ps. 119.11 and Prov. 16.6b
3. Then as time went on, the mutated mentality genes
(OSN) manifested
its inclination toward evil in more and more areas.
a. arrogance, rebellion, hatred, murder, deceit, sexual immorality,
b. Thus, the summary at Mark 7.21-23
c. This is all the experiential knowledge of human good and evil as
per the nature of the original sin represented in the tree.
d. Adam passed on the OSN to his offspring: Gen. 5.1; Ps. 51.5
5. The essence of the OSN:
A. Jeremiah 17.9 -
1. deceitful above all else: Aqōbh - speaks of error and
falsehood; Imitation and counterfeit.
2. desperately sick: Anash- speaks of distortion and abnormality.
B. Gen. 8.21 - inclination to do evil
C. Ec. 9.3 - insanity - hōlālAh - plural = insanities
- speaks of abnormality and malfunction.
D. Romans 7.18 - nothing good - agathos
E. Romans 7.21 - evil dwells in me - kakos
F. Isaiah 64.6 - produces a human righteousness.
Viewed as an area of strength from the perspective of morality which
produces an ascetic way of life (Col. 2.20-23; 1 Tim. 4.2-3)
G. Mark 7.21-23 - source of sin - viewed as an area of weakness from
the perspective of morality which produces a lascivious way of life.
Rom. 1.24-32; Eph. 4.19; 2 Tim. 3.1-7
6. The distortion of the soul:
A. Man's soul was designed to function in total conformity to the plan
and character of God in two areas.
1. Worship life: fellowship and rapport with God
2. morality life: fellowship with man centered around the issues of
personal freedom and marriage. Gen. 2.18-20; Ec. 7.29a; Rom. 2.14
B. This design in the soul was expressed through natural character attitudes
built into the soul.
1. RESPECT: designed to express the grace perspective - recognition
of the greatness and magnitude of God and self as a creature.
2. LOVE: designed to express value and dedication to God and his provisions.
Manifested by constantly seeking the benefit of Div. design.
3. PRIDE: designed to express total confidence in the character and
plan of God. Boasting in Him.
4. AMBITION: designed as a motivation for faithfulness in devotion and
God's plan for the human race. Fulfills Gen. 1.28
5. HATE: designed as a deterrent to the influence of evil in his environment.
To reject what God rejects. The basis for avoiding the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil.
6. JEALOUSY: (possessiveness) designed to promote a singularity of devotion
which rejects all competition with God. A protective attitude toward the
object of love.
7. ANGER: designed as a proper soul response of disapproval whenever
Divine standards are violated.
C. All these attitudes were used to please God and establish rapport
with him. They reflected God's glory by expressing viewpoint compatible
with His.
D. When Adam and Eve sinned, the mentality genes mutated into an animalistic
(physical centered) inclination.
1. This caused the mentality of the soul to become imbalanced and distorted.
2. the natural character attitudes, now under that distortion, could
not please God or perpetuate any rapport with Him.
3. Thus, it caused immediate chaos in fellowship W/ God and with each
a. With God: Gen. 3.8, 10
b. With each other: Gen. 3.7; 2.25
E. Once the OSN entered the scene, all the natural character attitudes
were redirected away from God and totally toward self for the promotion
and gratification of self.
1. RESPECT: proper reverence and recognition of God turns to fear and
mistrust. This is behind all religious activity.
2. LOVE: Love dedication was now expressed with the background idea
of promoting benefit for self. Love for God is replaced with love for life.
(creature values rather than creator values)
3. PRIDE: Now expressing total independence from God and total confidence
in self.
4. AMBITION: instead of genuine promotion of the plan of God, all is
done for the furtherance of self-interest and benefit.
Covetousness, arrogance and rebellion.
5. HATE: Now expressed when self is threatened. Thus, often directed
toward God and his standards.
6. JEALOUSY: formerly protection for the object of love, it is now protective
of self-interest and benefit.
7. ANGER: Now expressed when personal standards are violated by someone
else or anytime self is cast in a negative light.
7. So, the human race in unbelief operates in total distortion and chaos
from God's original design, and centers all activity in self.
A. the only source of stability and order for the human race comes through
restricting the animalism of man's OLD SIN NATURE.
B. The potential for that control falls under the two areas of God's
original design for the function of the human race. Worship and morality.
1. Morality:
a. The natural design in the soul in the direction of personal freedom
is not totally shut down because of the OSN.
b. The mutation toward animalism lust influences the
of the soul to violate the principles of freedom.
c. Each individual is personally responsible for following that design
or following the lusts of the OSN.
d. Furthermore, as the principles of freedom are exalted in a society's
laws and customs, the overt animalism of the OSN is respectively restricted.
e. However, when the standards of morality are embraced, it comes from
the OSN's area of strength which functions independently of God just as
much as the area of weakness.
f. This promotes religion, legalism and self righteousness and still
keeps man away from the truth of God's grace salvation.
2. Worship: The only way to really neutralize the chaotic effects of
the OSN is to readjust to God on his terms.
a. Salvation first: relationship with God via the new birth gives man
access to the viewpoint. of God in order to shut down the OSN.
self-consciousness to accept
the terms God specifies for sin forgiveness.
b. Fellowship: ADVANCED HUMILITY ORIENTATION through learning and using
the Word of God.
Self-consciousness decides to put into practice the resources God has
made available for worship and communion with Him.
c. Knowledge and application of God's word: Ps.119.11; Pr. 16.6
OT and NT believers
d. For NT believers only, the filling of the
Holy Spirit: Gal. 5.16
8. The attack of the OSN:
A. Gal. 5.17
B. 1 Peter 2.17
C. James 1.14-15
9. The reign of the OSN:
A. Romans 6.14-16
B. 1 Cor. 3.1-3 - carnality
C. Romans 7.14-25 with 8.1-8
10. Defeating the OSN:
A. Application of RAPT: Retroactive Positional truth
1. At salvation, the believer is placed into union with Christ. 1
2. This is called current positional truth
(CPT). It teaches that the
believer shares positionally the resurrection, ascension and session of
3. Basically, CPT is the fact that the believer shares everything that
Christ is and has in his exalted humanity.
a. Righteousness: 2 Cor. 5.21
b. inheritance: Rom. 8.16-17; Gal. 3.29
4. Through this positional ID, the believer is taken back in time and
identified with Christ's death and burial. Romans 6.3-4. (RAPT)
5. RAPT identifies the believer with how Christ dealt with sin on the
cross. Romans 6.6-1
6. Therefore we must make a volitional decision to reject the influence and
reign of the OSN. Rom. 6.12-13
B. The mechanics:
1. The Holy Spirit: Gal. 5.16; Eph. 5.18
Using the guidance from the Spirit to learn and USE the standards of God's
viewpoint and policy as found in His written word, the Bible.
2. The Word: Ps. 19.11; James 1.21-25
3. Application through moment by moment vol. decisions.
1 Pet. 2.11; Heb. 3.13
C. The status of fellowship: 1 John. 2.24 with 3.6 and Gal. 5.16
11. The final destruction of the OSN for the believer.
RESURRECTION - Phil. 2.21; 1 Corinthians 15.50-57
Sin Nature (OSN): Deliverance from
1. Because of union with Christ, we are identified with what He accomplished
on the cross.
Rom. 6.6, 8
2. He paid for all the sins of the world through his spiritual death.
1 Pet. 2.24; 2 Cor. 5.21; Is. 53.11
3. He also made provision for the neutralization of the sin nature
A. The OSN is a physical condition inherited from parents. Ps. 51.5
B. through the brain, OSN influences the soul in two major ways.
Gal. 5.24 - passions and lusts (emotion and self-con.)
C. OSN is the master of the unbeliever's soul: Rm. 6.14,16-17,19-21
D. OSN must be neutralized before the benefits of Eternal Life can be
1. In eternity: 1 Cor. 15.50
2. In time: Rom. 8.8
4. Through his physical death, Christ made provision for receiving a
resurrection body minus the OSN. Rom. 6.4-5
A. All people shall be resurrected: Dan. 12.1-2;
Jn. 5.28-29
B. Unbeliever will have a body that will experience the suffering of
the Lake of fire.
C. But because of Christ's death and resurrection, the believer is promised
a body exactly like his. Phil. 3.21; 1 Jn. 3.2
D. Called the redemption of the body - Rom. 8.23 (minus
E. 1 Cor. 15.42-53 - no corruption, weakness or dishonor.
5. Because of positional identification with Christ's death through Retroactive
Positional Truth (R.A.P.T), the believer is freed from the OSN. Rom. 6.7,18,226.
When Christ was crucified, he crucified the
OSN, and in Christ, the
believer has crucified the OSN. Gal. 5.24
7. This occurs at the moment of salvation. Rom. 6.17-18
8. Called a spiritual circumcision at Col. 2.11-12
9. Positional deliverance from the OSN also involves positional deliverance
from the character qualities produced by the OSN. Col. 3.1-9
10. Knowledge and application of these truths exhort the believer to
live in the Christian way of life as though the OSN was indeed dead.
A. Correlation between Rom. 6.6 (knowing) and v.11 (conclude)
B. Rom. 6.1-2, 12-14, 19, 22
C. Rom. 8.1-14
1. Definition: Sinless consistency is the condition of reflecting Christ’s
righteousness based on the control of Divine truth in the soul. Psalm 119:11; 1
John 2:1
2. When God’s word is allowed to govern the soul, a total protection is
provided in all three areas of one’s daily life. Prov 6:22
3. God’s word as a living and powerful influence in the soul (Heb. 4:12),
provides the believer’s self-consciousness (ego) with light viewpoint in order
to avoid the darkness viewpoint of the sin nature. Prov. 6:23; Job 29:3; Psalm
4. Fellowship with God is defined as having a functional knowledge of the
character of Christ. 1 John 1:1-4
A. Verse 3: If we learn and apply the standards of
Christ’s life (love) then we have fellowship with the Father
and the Son.
B. This results in abundant life JOY. Verse 4
C. These standards are categorized by the term LIGHT. Verse 5
D. Fellowship then, is based on walking in the light. That
is, knowing Him and using His standards in every area
of life. Verses 6-7
E. Knowing Him and using His word constitutes abiding in Him.
1 John 2:24; 3:24
F. The application of His word as living according to the
standards of LOVE is amplified throughout the
book of 1 John.
1. 1 John 2:5-1
2. 1 John 4:7-8, everyone
who loves, has a functional knowledge of God.
3. 2 John 4-9
4. 1 John 4:16b, the one
who abides in LOVE, abides in God.
G. John 17:3, Jesus described eternal life as including this
experiential knowledge of the person of Jesus.
5. Abiding in Him, walking in the light, and fellowship - all describe the
same experience of living by the
standards of divine love, but with a different emphasis.
A. Fellowship (koinonia): emphasizes communion, association and partnership.
B. Walking in the light: emphasizes following the policies of the Godhead as
established by the authority of the Father.
C. Abiding in Him: emphasizes reflection of Christ’s character and behavior. 1
John 2:6
6. The command to abide in Him is the command to let truth govern the soul. 1
John 2:27; 3:24
7. The believer must choose to walk in that light of divine truth in order to
have fellowship with God. 1Jn 1:7.
8. The one who chooses to give truth that governing reign in his life will
experience fellowship abiding in Christ. 1 Jn 2:24
9. This is the promise of eternal life - category BLESSINGS IN TIME: 1 John
A. John 10:10, life AND abundance
B. Romans 8:6b, life and peace
C. Romans 8:13, neutralizing the deeds of the body; shutting down of the reign
of the sin nature = life.
D. Galatians 6:8, sowing to the Spirit = the EXPERIENTIAL blessings of eternal
life here on earth.
10. As long as the believer allows truth to make the decisions in his life,
he will continue to abide in Christ and will not sin. 1
John 3:6.
11. But when the believer chooses to disregard the divine viewpoint influence
and standards of truth, at that moment of time he ceases to abide in Christ and
immediately comes under the authority and influence of the sin nature, and he
will commit sin. James 1:14-15; Romans 6:12
12. The functional reign of the sin nature in the believer’s life interrupts
the continuity of experientially knowing and focusing on Christ. 1 John 1:3;
2:3-4; 3:6b. Thus there is no communion and rapport.
13. This results in FUNCTIONAL death as described at Romans 8:6, 13 and 1
John 3:14.
This is what is in view at 1 Timothy 5:6; Rev. 3:1; Ephesians 5:14, and James
14. The functional reign of the sin nature is called, walking in darkness at
1 John 1:6.
A. Loving the world at 1 John 2:15-16: the choice to place greater value on
the darkness lifestyle (the things of the world) shuts down the function
of love in the believer’s life.
B. Walking according to the flesh: Romans 8:4-8
C. Status of enslavement to the sin nature: Romans 6:12-16
D. Friendship with the world: James 4:4
15. The functional reign of truth , which produces a reflection of Christ’s
love and righteousness, is called sanctification. 1 Thes.
This sets the believer apart through his unique life style and viewpoint. 1 John
3:10; John 13:35; John 17:17
16. If the believer is abiding in Him at the time of Christ’s return, he will
have confidence and no shame in His presence because no sin will be in the life.
1 John 2:28 This is the issue of being BLAMELESS and SPOTLESS.
Col. 1:22-23, Phil. 1:9-10; 1 Thes. 3:12-13, 5:23; 1Tim. 6:13-14; 2 Pet.
3:11-15; Jude 24; 2 Cor. 11:1-3 (pure).
17. Fellowship abiding in Christ during the church age is dependent on the
functional presence of the Holy Spirit.
A. Since the Spirit indwells the believer, it is necessary to function under
His reign in order to maintain fellowship with God. Galatians 5:25.
B. Romans 8:14 and Gal. 5:18 = being led by the Spirit
C. He lead by teaching and reminding us of truth. John 14:26; 16:13-15; 1 John
2:20, 27
D. There is a natural enmity between the Holy Spirit and the flesh (one of
Paul’s words for the sin nature). Rom. 8:7
E. And therefore, a natural conflict: Galatians 5:17; Romans 7:23; 1 Peter 2:11
F. Walking in the Spirit, which is ALLOWING the word of God through the Spirit’s
prompting to guide and influence our soul, shuts down the reign of the sin
nature. Galatians 5:16
G. Rejecting the benevolent reign of the Spirit as he leads us through Bible
truth to perpetuate fellowship with God, interrupts that walk and breaks
1. It’s the same thing as rejecting the influence of divine viewpoint in the
2. In the church age, there is a combination of the Spirit’s reign and the reign
of truth in the soul.
3. Prior to the church age, believer’s experienced fellowship with God by
maintaining the reign of TRUTH in the soul.
H. Rejecting the reign of the Holy Spirit is called grieving or quenching.
1. Ephesians 4:30: Grieving (making sad) the Spirit through rejection of
divine viewpoint concerning temptation to mental attitude sins.
2. 1 Thes. 5:19-22: Quenching the Spirit through rejecting divine viewpoint as
God’s policy for living the Christian life.
I. The command to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) exhorts the believer
to maintain submission to the
benevolent reign and influence of the Holy Spirit by responding to divine truth.
J. At any given point of time, the choice is either to submit to the
controlling reign of the Holy Spirit BY USING DIVING TRUTH, or to submit to the
negative influence of the sin nature. All the commands that tell us “not to sin”
are reminding us of this choice. Basically - 1 Peter 2:11, ABSTAIN form the
fleshly lusts.
K. The decision to submit expresses a general mental attitude of ALLEGIANCE -
either to God or to the sin nature.
L. When you refuse to be led by the Holy Spirit by choosing to “NOT” use
truth, you quench Him, take yourself out of abiding in Christ, AND put yourself
under the rebellious reign of the sin nature.
M. Once under the control of the sin nature, you immediately commit some
specific mental attitude sin related to the temptation.
N. And this immediately results in functional death: The loss of rapport and
fellowship with God.
James 1:15; 1 John 3:14; Romans 8:13
O. The issue after that is whether the specific sin remains mental, or
fragments into verbal and/or overt sins. Heb. 12:15
P. When you respond to the reign of the Holy Spirit, the result is character
consistency and the experience of the abundant life of peace and joy. Galatians
5:22-223; Romans 8:6, 13
Q. Thus, the believer will experience fellowship and rapport (2 Cor. 13:14
and Philip. 2:1)
AND sinless consistency as indicated at Gal. 5:16 and 1 John 3:6a, 9
1. Definition: Maximum Divine discipline in which case, the believer
is put in a state of physical neutralization as a result of maximum spiritual
2. The principle is found at 1 Jn. 5.16: "There is a sin unto death
A. 1 Cor. 11.30
B. Psalm 118.17-18
3. It is not any one particular sin but a "last straw" type
of sin which initiates God's ultimate administration of discipline.
4. But, as in the case of all discipline, if the fact is not made known
to the believer, then the discipline has no meaning. This is only necessary
when the administration of death is not immediate.
5. Two categories:
A. Actual death: This is because in God's plan, there is no longer any
use for the believer to remain on earth.
1. Annanias and Saphira (no warning): Acts 5.1-11:
2. Saul and his sons: 1 Sam. 28.16-19; 1
Chron. 10.13-14
3. The Exodus generation:
a. In general: Numbers 14.20-33
b. The specifics: 1 Cor. 10.1-13
4. Balaam: Numbers 31.1-8
5. Revelation 3.16
B. Living death: Under a Divine indictment of death, and from the human
per- spective, in a sickness situation which is terminal. (Recovery is
1. ! Cor. 5.1-5 (recovery - 2 Cor. 2.5-11)
2. Numbers 12.9-10 - Miriam (recovery - V. 11-15)
3. Hezekiah: Is. 38.1-6
4. Moses: Ex. 4.24-26
5. Sometimes a coma situation may be the "living death" discipline.
6. Under this "living death" discipline, the believer is totally
separated from God's blessing and plan for him while on earth.
A. There is no fulfillment of quality life via peace, joy and stability.
B. Other believers are not even encouraged to pray for them. 1
Jn. 5.16
7. Balance between Divine justice and love: Heb. 12.6; Ezek. 18.1-32
8. The sin unto death and the
mark of the beast.
Return to Hardness of heart
Sons of God: Angels
The heavenly creation has
several designations.
A. The first term i s
"sons of God." Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Gen. 6:1
1. benā hA elohim:
only 4 times and only of angels.
Job 1:6; 2:1; Gen. 6:2, 4
2. benā elohim: Only
at Job 38:7 and for angels.
3. bar elohin: (Chaldean)
only at Dan. 3:25 and for angel.
4. Cf. Psalm 29:1 and
89:6 - benā āliym (plural) - both times for angels = sons of the mighty
See Topic:
1. Man is body, soul and spirit. 1 Thes. 5:23; Heb. 4:12
2. Man's body, soul and spirit were designed and created by God. Gen.
A. Summary passage of day six: the creation of man and woman. Gen. 1:24-31
B. Detail passage of day six: The mechanics - Gen. 2:4-25
C. the "image of God" will be explained in point 18.
3. Man's body created.
A. Gen. 2:7
1. Formed: yAtsar = molded
2. from the dust: Aphar = chemicals
3. of the ground: adAmAh = soil
B. Gen. 2:21-22
1. Rib from Adam: actual physical part
2. Built: bAnAh means to construct something. In this case it was the constructing
of materials into another and different body.
3. But still in the same image as Adam. 1
Cor. 11:7
4. Man's soul created: Gen. 2:7
A. And breathed into his nostrils: this indicates that a body had already
been prepared and that a "life-force" is given directly from
the essence of God.
B. The neshAmAh: breath or life-force
C. of lives: plural of chay (chayyim) to indicate BOTH soul AND spirit
life. Both are involved based on Gen. 7:22, "neshAmAh of the spirit
of lives."
D. And man became: hAyAh as a qal preterite, means to BECOME something
he was not before.
E. A living soul: nephesh chayyAh - a soul "entity" in a body.
F. Animals are also nephesh chayyAh: Gen. 1:20-24
G. The difference between man and animal is the presence of the neshAmAh
of lives. Called in Gen. 7:22, "the neshAmAh of the spirit of lives,"
where it refers ONLY to mankind.
H. NeshAmAh and spirit (ruach) are both used to indicate the life- force
of man. Job 32:8; 33:4; 27:3; 34:14; Is. 42:5; 57:16.
I. Nephesh refers to the soul "entity" which contains the
essence of character. Prov. 23:7
J. The word, spirit (ruach), is also used to indicate the spirit "entity"
which reflects the character of the soul - as personality. Job 15:12-13.
Spirit (pneuma) is also used for "breath" as in the life force. Rev. 11:11;
13:15; Jer. 10:14; 51:17; Ezek. 37:5-10
K. Use of terms:
1. neshAmAh = life-force (Job 34:14; Isaiah
2:22; 42:5; 57:16)
2. spirit (ruach/pneuma):
a. the human spirit: Job 34:14; Isaiah
42:5; 57:16
b. Entity of personality: Job 15:12-13
c. See Topic: The HUMAN SPIRIT
3. nephesh = the entity of character. Prov. 23:7
5. Soul Function
A. Used to indicate a living person: (nephesh) Gen. 46:15, 18, 26-27
(psuchā) Acts 27:37.
B. The physical body:
1. Lev. 11:43-44; Job 18:4; Ps. 105:18
2. Related to sickness: Psalm 106:15
3. Physical needs: Pr. 25:25; 27:7; Is. 29:8; Lam. 1:19
C. To indicate a dead body: Lev. 19:28; 21:1, 11; 22:4; Num. 6:6-7;
19:11; Jer. 2:34
D. A person's physical life:
1. Ps. 6:4; 17:9, 13: Mat. 2:20
2. Presence in the body: Gen. 35:18; 2 Sam. 1:9; 1 K. 17:21-22
3. Out of the body: Mat. 10:28; Rev. 6:9; Lk. 16:19-31; 23:43
E. The soul "entity" related to character:
Prov. 23:7
1. Volition: Gen. 23:8; Deut. 21:14
2. Affection: Gen. 34:3, 8; 44:30
3. Sorrow: Job 30:25; Ps. 35:12
4. Confidence: Judges 5:21
5. Impatience: Num 21:4
6. Hatred: 2 Sam. 5:8
7. Fear: Psalm 6:3
8. Pride: Prov. 28:25
9. Joy: Psalm 35:9
10. Occupation with God: Ps. 42:1-2
11. Needs knowledge: Pr. 19:2; James 1:21
6. The soul is composed of two elements of character.
Mentality and emotion. Ps. 26:2
A. The heart is the character/controller of the soul and is the center
of mentality. It forms policy for life and is the storage place for knowledge.
Prov. 14:33
See Topic: The HEART
B. The emotions are the responders of the soul. They respond in appreciation
or dissatisfaction toward life.
Prov. 23:15-16; Song 5:4
See Topic: The Emotions
7. The heart in turn is composed of three elements. mind, conscience
and self-consciousness.
A. The MIND (understanding): Heb. 4:12; Lk. 1:51; Deut. 4:9
See Topic: The MIND
B. The CONSCIENCE: Heb. 10:22; Titus 1:15
See topic: The CONSCIENCE
C. The SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS: (ego, Ps. 36:1-2;
Ec. 1:16) Ps. 10:6; with
volition, Pr. 16:9; 24:32
8. The character of the soul, based on heart knowledge is then expressed
in life through the human spirit as personality. The spirit is the reflector
of the heart. Pr. 15:13; Lk. 1:46-47
9. The original natural design in man's soul is upright.
Ec. 7:29, "You
have created mankind UPRIGHT,
but they have sought out many devices." YAshAr
A. This indicates a soul function of relating everything in man's environment
to God as the only reference point.
God is the center of all existence and the object of all activity in both
areas of life.
1. Spiritual life (worship): fellowship with God
2. Morality life: fellowship with man, which is centered around the issues
of personal freedom and marriage. The other three areas of morality are
simply an extension of these two.
Gen. 2:18-20; Ec. 1:29a; Rm. 2:14
3. See Topic: MORALITY
B. Self-consciousness and volition were designed to take all knowledge
and experience and relate It directly to God through soul attitudes which
by nature are God-centered.
C. There are 7 basic attitudes In the soul, all of which directly reflect
God's attitude. In this way man was designed to function as the image of
God here on earth as God's representative in the angelic conflict.
The Angelic conflict: intensified
1. RESPECT: God has total respect for and confidence in his own perfection.
Is. 43:10-13
The design In man's soul reflects this by having the grace perspective,
which recognizes the greatness and magnitude of God, and self as a creature.
2. LOVE: God loves his own character (Ps. 33:5a). He recognizes the
absolute value in himself and is dedicated to promoting that value In the
Man's soul was designed to reflect that by placing the highest value
on God's character and plan and by promoting it as the most important thing
in life.
3. PRIDE: Pride is God's recognition of his own perfection it is Divine
self-esteem. Ex.15:7; Is.46:9
Man was designed to reflect that through placing total confidence in
him. Boasting in Him Praise and thanksgiving that shows appreciation for
who he is and what he has accomplished.
4. AMBITION: This is God's perfect desire to promote his character and
plan in the eyes of his creatures and to carry out his plan for the
Man's soul reflects this by seeking to promote that Divine plan in everything
he does. The purpose for all of man's earthly activity is to promote that
plan. This then functions as a motivation for service and fulfills Gen.
5. HATE: hate is the natural attitude that comes from perfect righteousness.
God's mentality rejects anything that is contrary to that righteousness.
Ps. 5:4-6
Man's soul is designed to express that same attitude of rejection whenever
it encounters darkness viewpoint.
6. JEALOUSY: This is God's protectiveness of his Divine essence and
plan, Ex. 20:5. Not that God's needs protection, but it is the value of
Divine essence held by his creatures that is protected since Satan's antagonism
is constantly seeking to discredit God's essence and plan.
Man's soul is designed to reflect God's protectiveness of the Divine
Value System, through his own diligence in rejecting darkness influence.
7. ANGER: anger as a natural expression from hate, is the verbal and
active manifestation of righteousness and justice. Ex. 15:1
Man's soul is designed to express that same disapproval whenever Divine
standards are violated.
D. All these attitudes were used to please God and establish rapport
and fellowship with him. They reflected God's glory by expressing viewpoint
compatible with him. Thus, the principle of agreement with Divine standards
for fellowship.
E. When Adam and Ishah sinned, the normal balance and function of the
soul became distorted.
1. The natural character attitudes, now under that distortion, could
not please God or establish rapport with him.
2. This distortion is the nature of sin (or sin nature), and caused
immediate chaos in fellowship with God and with each other.
a. With God: Gen. 3:9, 10
b. With each other: Gen. 3:1; 2:25
3. See Topic: The Sin Nature
10. The distortion of the soul:
A. At the fall of the human race in Adam, the physical makeup of man
acquired a distorted sinful nature (the sin nature). Gen. 3:1-10; 5:3,
"own likeness" (Gn. 6:21; Ps. 51:5).
B. The sin nature influences self-consciousness to take all knowledge
and experience and relate it to self as the center of all existence and
the object of all activity.
1. Ec. 9:3- called insanities (holālAh, plural), boastings and
rebellions against the Divine design. The Divine design is the natural
design of the soul and for that matter, of the universe. Therefore, rebellion
against It is "insanity."
2. The sin nature distorts all normal soul attitudes into self centeredness
rather than God-centeredness.
Pr. 22:15; Ec. 9:3; Gn. 9:21; Ps. 14:1; Rom. 1:21-23
3. All the attitudes come out distorted or "insane" and reflect
only the promotion of the creature and not God. Ec. 1:29, "sought
out many devices."
C. The Distortion of the 7 attitudes of the soul
1. RESPECT: Proper reverence and recognition of God turns into fear
and mistrust (this is behind most religious activity).
2. LOVE: Love dedication was now expressed with the background idea
of promoting benefit for self.
Love for God is replaced with love for life, le, creature values rather
than spiritual values.
3. PRIDE: Now expresses total independence from God and total confidence
in self.
4. AMBITION: Instead of genuine promotion of the plan of God, all is
done for the furtherance of self interest and benefit. ie, covetousness.
5. HATE: Now expressed when self is threatened. Thus, antagonism toward
Divine standards as well as anything else that "steps on toes"
and intimidates.
6. JEALOUSY: Formerly protection of the object of love. Now protective
of self-interest and benefit.
7. ANGER: Now expressed when personal standards are violated by someone
else or when personal benefit is threatened.
D. This distorted influence is in fallen man from birth and pollutes
his entire life.
Gen. 8:21; Ec. 9:3; Rm. 7:12-21 Eph. 2:3
E. The sin nature is located in the body as separate from the soul.
Rom. 7:18-21, "that is, IN MY FLESH."
F. But it is directly "wired" to the soul so that direct influence
over self-consciousness and volition is accomplished.
Gal. 5:17; Jas. 1:14-15
11. The development of the soul.
A. The natural design in the soul has the initial influence.
1. Morality design: Rom. 2:14 with Ec. 7:29
2. Spiritual design: Rom. 1:18-23 with Ec. 7:29
B. But the presence of the sin nature distorts both.
1. Gen. 8:21; Ec. 9:3
2. Ec. 7:29; Jer. 17:9; Is. 64:6-7
C. Also the influence of Satanic viewpoint bombards the soul.
1. Status in his kingdom of darkness: 1 John 5:19; Eph. 2:2
2. Attack: 2 Cor. 4:4; 11:14-15; Mat. 13:19
D. If the natural design in the soul is not nurtured and cultivated,
the influence from darkness will produce a soul in slavery to evil.
1. Morally: Pr. 29:15; 14:12 w/ Ec. 7:29; Rom. 1:28-32
2. Spiritually: Gal. 4:8; Heb. 2:15
3. Living in darkness: Eph. 4:17-19
E. So the morality design needs to be cultivated by parental training.
Prov. 22:6
1. This will provide order and stability in the soul as the sin nature
is given over restrictions.
2. The result is order and stability in society to the extent that parental
responsibility is fulfilled.
3. Morality authority also provides the proper framework for humility
so a person can see the authority issues of God's spiritual design.
F. And then the spiritual design needs to be cultivated in children
so that the soul can start our properly adjusted to God's character and
spiritual life reality. Eph. 6:4; Deut. 6:6-9
G. After salvation, both the spiritual and moral design need to be cultivated
in order to either -
1. Offset darkness viewpoint already present.
2. Or to protect against darkness influence in the future.
Rom. 12:2; Prov. 2:1-12a; Ps. 119:11
H. Soul progress is illustrated in Luke 1:80; 2:40, 52
12. The issue throughout life is - what will control the soul?
A. The standards of Divine viewpoint (the Divine Value System).
B. Or the standards of human viewpoint.
C. Volition is at the center of this conflict and must constantly be making
decisions for or against Divine design. Jam. 1:13-15.
13. For the unbeliever, the forces of influence are:
A. The principles of Divine Morality.
1. By "nature:" Rom. 2:14; Ec. 7:29; Rom. 1:19
2. By environment: stable society and learned standards.
B. The convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit with regard to God consciousness
(Rom. 1:19-20; Ps. 19:1-6) and the gospel (John 16:8-11; Gen. 6:3).
C. The dictates of the sin nature: Gen. 8:21; Jam. 1:13-15; Eph. 2:3
D. The dictates of the world system under Satan: Eph. 2:2
14. For the believer:
A. Morality: natural and learned
B. Divine viewpoint: Spiritual growth, Ps. 119:11
C. Filling/influence of the Spirit: Gal. 5:16-17.
D. The sin nature: Gal. 5:16-17; 1 Pet. 2:11; James 4:1
E. Satan's world system: Col. 2:8; Eph. 6:11-12; 2 Cor. 2:11; 1 Pet. 5:7
15. Whenever the sin nature takes over control of the soul, it reverses
the function of the heart and emotions. It subordinates the content of the
heart and puts the emotions in authority.
This is called an emotional revolt of the soul. Lam. 1:20
16. The demotion of the heart and revolt of the emotions cause the darkness
process to kick in. This results in a total abandonment to an undisciplined,
unstable and animalistic way of life. Rom. 1:18ff; Eph. 4:17-19
17. The soul operating on Divine viewpoint standards, provides for a
life of great stability and contentment.
A. For the unbeliever: based on adherence to the moral design God established
for the human race.
B. For the believer: The abundant life of peace, joy and confidence.
John 10:10; Col. 1:9-12; Rom. 15:13
18. Nephesh is used to designate the function of the essence of God.
Judges 10:16; 1 Sam. 2:35; Job 23:13; Ps. 11:5; Pr. 6:16; Is. 1:14; 42:1;
Jer. 5:9, 29; 6:8; 9:9; 13:17; 14:19; 15:1; 32:41; 51:14;
Ezek. 23:18; Am. 6:8; Zech. 11:8; Mat. 12:18; Heb. 10:38.
19. The structure of man according to Gen. 1:27 is "in the image
and likeness of God."
See Topic: The Image of God
20. The issue of spiritual death: See topic: SPIRITUAL
SOUL LIFE: When does the soul enter into the body?
When does the soul enter into the body? When does the
fetus become a real human being? Is it at conception? Is it at birth? Or
is it at some time in between those two events? The process at the creation
of Adam, although not conclusive in itself, suggests that there is a fully
functional body created and then a soul is created when the breath of lives
is placed within that body (Gen. 2:7).
At Isaiah 42:5, we learn that it is God who personally
gives breath and spirit to the people on the earth. This suggests that
it is not part of the natural physical mechanics of procreation (conception
and fetal development).
Hebrews 12:9, suggests that our human father is the father
of our flesh, while God is the father of our spirit.
"Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline
us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father
of spirits, and live?"
And there are some interesting passages which indicate
that God does not provide that "soul" life
until birth.
At Job 3:11-16, Job contrasts 2 situations which he wished could have happened
in order to avoid his present adversity.
1. The first one: He wishes that he had died AT BIRTH.
Job 3:11-12,
"Why did I not die at birth, Come forth from
the womb and expire? "Why did the knees receive me,
And why the breasts, that I should suck?
In other words, when he was born WITH soul life via that
birth, why did he not just "up and die?" Then his
soul would have been where the other souls go at death.
Job 3:13-15,
"For now I would have lain down and been quiet;
I would have slept then, I would have been at rest,
With kings and {with} counselors of the earth,
Who rebuilt ruins for themselves;
Or with princes who had gold,
Who were filling their houses {with} silver.
When the soul of the believer left the body through physical
death (in an Old Testament context), it went into paradise, which was located
in Sheol, there to await the resurrection of the body at the Day of the
2. The second situation: He wishes he had not even been
born. Job 3:16
Or like a miscarriage which is discarded,
I would not be, As infants that never saw light.
Here, we see what was commonly believed in that ancient
culture AND by a man who was "blameless and upright; fearing God and turning away from evil." Job. 1:1
The word, miscarriage, is nāphel which comes
from the verb nAphal, which means to fall. A nāphel then is
that which has FALLEN out rather than that which has actually been birthed.
The word only occurs three times in the Old Testament (Job 3:16; Ec. 6:3-5
and Psalm 58:9).
Incidentally, verses 17-19 describe the condition of the
dead, not the condition of the miscarriage.
Solomon tells us what his culture believed about the miscarriage
(nāphel) at Ecc. 6:3-6
If a man fathers a hundred (children) and lives many years,
however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things,
and he does not even have a (proper) burial, (then) I say,
"better the miscarriage than he, for it comes in futility
and goes into obscurity; and its name is covered in obscurity.
"It never sees the sun and it never knows (anything;)
It is better off than he. "Even if the (other) man lives 1000 years
twice and does not enjoy good things - do not all go to one place?"
The idea that all go to one place refers to the disposition
of the physical body and not the soul. According to Ec. 12:7, at death,
the body goes to the dust.
This is very much different from the attitude toward a
baby who dies. 2 Sam. 12:22-23
And he said, "While the child was alive,
I fasted and wept; for I said, 'Who knows,
Yahweh may be gracious to me, that the child may live.'
"But now he has died; why should I fast?
Can I bring him back again?
I shall go to him, but he will not return to me."
This clearly means that the baby has gone to the place
of paradise where the believers go; where David himself will go when he
dies. And this is not simply the disposition of the physical body that
is in view, for it is a source of comfort and joy to David.
Another factor is that even in light of His foreknowledge,
"knowing" completely all the details of one's life long before
he is ever conceived, God views the actual beginning point of that life
as the moment of birth.
Isaiah 49:1
Listen to Me, O islands, And pay attention, you peoples
from afar.
Yahweh called Me from the womb;
From the body of My mother He named Me.
This is referring to the Messiah in his humanity and that
the Messianic commission actually began at birth, although He did not officially
manifest Himself until 30 years later.
Isaiah 49:5
And now says Yahweh,
who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
To bring Jacob back to Him,
in order that Israel might be gathered to Him
This is still speaking of the Messiah, and indicates that
He was formed from the moment of physical birth to accomplish the Messianic
purpose. This can be compared with Hebrews 10:5-7, where the Messiah says
"when He comes into the world," A body you have prepared for
me and I have come to do your will.
Luke 1:15
"For he will be great in the sight of the Lord,
and he will drink no wine or liquor;
and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit,
even OUT FROM his mother's womb.
That is, from the time that he is born, John will have
the empowering ministry of the Spirit upon him, but not while he is IN
the womb.
There are many passages that people use to suggest that
there is soul life in the womb, but none of them actually prove it, and
most of them do not even refer to the fetus. The most common argument comes
from Luke 1:41-44, but it is not the baby in the womb that is experiencing
joy. It is Elizabeth's joy and the baby has a physical reaction based on
the emotional and spiritual stimuli on Elizabeth's body. Medically speaking,
this is called reflex motility.
See Commentary on Luke 1:41ff.
1. Man was created body, soul and spirit. Gen. 2:7
A. Formed the body - nostrils: aph
B. Breathed in neshama: cf Gen. 7:22 (the ruach of lives) SPIRIT
C. He became a living soul: nephesh
2. Both the soul and the spirit are necessary to maintain the physical
life of the body.
A. Spirit: Ec. 12:7; Job 34:14-15; James 2:26; Psalm. 146:4
B. Soul: 1 Kings 17:17-22; Acts 20:10; Gen. 35:18, and many more.
3. Both the soul and the spirit are involved the the function of the
person. The "real" you.
Luke 1:46-47; Deut. 2:30; Job 7:11; Ps. 51:10; 77:6
4. When Adam sinned against God by disobeying His instructions, he died.
Gen. 2:17 says, "in the DAY that you eat from it you shall surely
die." But he did not die physically. Gen. 3:7
See Commentary on Genesis 3
5. He died in the realm of his relationship with God. In fact, he lost
that relationship, that communion, that fellowship. Gen. 3:8-10
A. He was now afraid of God
B. He hid from God
C. This loss of relationship with God is the death that he died.
D. The "principle" is seen at Isaiah 59:2,
"But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your
And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He doesn't hear."
6. When Adam sinned, he did not lose any part of his human makeup.
A. His body was still there.
B. His soul and spirit were still there. Gen. 7:22; Job 34:14; Is. 42:5;
C. Everything he received in Gen. 2:7 was still there and functioning.
7. The basis for this death of Adam was his disobedience to God. An act
of negative volition that constituted an attempt at independence from God.
A. The act of negative volition caused a distortion of both the soul
and the body which distortion became a major part of man's makeup.
B. This distortion came about because when Adam sinned his "nature"
changed. It became "evil." It is a nature or "influence"
within that consistently operates contrary (negative) to divine viewpoint.
C. This possession of a "sin nature" puts man in a place of
perpetual resistance to God. Gen. 6:5; 8:21
D. This is the same thing that happened to Lucifer when he sinned against
God (Ezek. 28:17). His splendor led him to pride, and pride was the expression
of independence from God which then produced a "nature" within
him that "distorted" his mentality (wisdom).
E. The sin nature which man received is not in the soul or the spirit.
It is in the physical body but has a direct influence on the soul through
the physical "wiring" in the brain (Romans 6 and 7). (Also cf.
face to face with the Lord and no sin nature; and resurrection and no sin
F. See Topic The Sin Nature, in this archive.
8. The loss of relationship with God was restored to Adam and Eve when
they put their trust in the Messianic promise represented at Gen. 3:15 and
taught to them through the teaching aid of the animal sacrifice (Gen. 3:21).
9. But the presence of the sin nature remained in Adam and Eve as part
of their human structure. And it was passed down to their children through
procreation producing in them the same character of resistance to God. Gen.
5:3; 8:21; Psalm 51:5.
It is the presence of the sin nature which causes spiritual death in all
of Adam's progeny.
10. So man is born totally separated from God and under God's judgment.
This is spiritual death.
A. Eph. 2:1 - dead in trespasses and sins
B. Eph. 2:3 - by "nature" children of wrath
C. Eph. 2:12 - separate from Christ
D. Eph. 2:12 - without God
E. Rom. 5:16-10 - helpless, ungodly, sinners, enemies.
F. John 3:18 - judged already
11. In addition to loss of relationship with God, Adam's sin resulted
in physical death being appointed to the human race (Gen. 3:19; Heb. 9:27).
A. Adam and Eve were placed under the process of physical death, but
it could have been interrupted had they eaten from the tree of life. That
is why they were removed from the garden (Gen. 3:22-23).
B. All must face physical death, but the resurrection of Christ removed
the "sting" of physical death by providing the redemption of
the body through sharing in His resurrection. Rom. 8:23; 1 Cor. 15:49-57.
C. And the new resurrection body, of course, will remove once and for
all the presence and effects of the sin nature. Rom. 6:4-10; Philip. 3:21
12. The 2nd result of Adam's sin was the cursing of the earth. Gen. 3:17-18;
Rom. 8:20-22
13. The 3rd result of Adam's sin was the loss of the rulership that God
had given to him. Through Satan's defeat of Adam in the garden he usurped
that authority for himself and became the ruler of the world. Accordingly,
all who are born into this world, are born under the authority of Satan's
kingdom of darkness. Eph. 2:2; Col. 1:13; 1 John 4:4; 5:19; John 8:38-44;
Acts 26:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; Luke 4:5-6;
John 12:31; 14;30; 16:11; Eph. 6:12.
14. Summary:
A. The term spiritual death is man made. It gives the impression that
man's "spirit" is dead. This is not the case.
B. The Bible indicates that the penalty of sin is death which is indicated
throughout as having no relationship or fellowship with God.
C. In other words, there is a loss of the "spiritual" relationship
that man has with God. Thus the term, spiritual death.
D. Unless there is a "faith in Christ" decision, this spiritual
death will be perpetuated for all eternity as the second death in the lake
of fire. Rev. 20:11-15.
E. Spiritual death entered into the realm of the human race through
Eve's and Adam's original act of sin. This is what caused their personal
separation from God.
F. Other things resulted but these are not the cause of spiritual death,
but rather indicate the fact of that original sin and the spiritual death
that resulted.
(Sin nature; physical death; curse on the earth; Satan's rule)
G. Spiritual death then is passed down to all members of the human race
because Adam's children all inherit from him the sin nature. It is the
presence of the sin nature that causes spiritual death in each individual.
H. The commission of personal sins further demonstrates the reality
of spiritual death and man's separation from relationship and fellowship
with God. Thus, the indictment found in the bible is that man is DEAD in
trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1) and DEAD in transgressions (personal sins)
and the uncircumcision of your flesh (sin nature). Col. 2:13
1. Definition: A spiritual gift is a grace provided ability to fulfill
a specific function of promoting Divine truth in the Devil's world.
2. Origin of the term:
A. Two words in 1 Cor. 12
v. 1 -- pneumatikos: a spiritual thing (neuter adjective)
Emphasis is on the one who gives and administrates the gift. (also in 1 Cor. 14.1)
v. 4 -- charisma: a freely bestowed gift (neuter noun)
Emphasis is on God's grace as the basis for the possession and function
of the gift. The believer does not earn it or work for it. (also in Rm.
12:6; 1 Pet. 4:10
B. Two words in Eph. 4:7-8
v. 7, dorea; v. 8, doma (Both indicate simply that which is given).
3. Origin of the gifts:
A. From the Father: James 1:17; 1 Cor. 8:6
B. Provided by the Son: Eph. 4:7-8, 11
C. Given and administered by the Spirit: 1 Cor. 12.11
4. There are two classification of gifts:
A. Temporary: gifts designed for function in the church before the completed
canon of scripture.
1. Revelation gifts: These are for the purpose of providing Divine truth
specifically pertinent to the church age.
2. sign gifts: These functioned in connection with the revelation gifts
for the purpose of drawing attention to the message of the communicator
and at the same time giving a verification that the message was from God.
Heb. 2.4
3. Quote from: Systematic Theology, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Vol. V, page
"The cessation of signs and wonders after the first generation
of the church has given occasion to counterfeit manifestations. This cessation
is not due to lack of faith or faithfulness. The greatest of all saints,
though like Abraham and Daniel, have not done mighty works in this age.
The usual belief that all supernatural manifestations arise with God gives
Satan the opportunity to confirm in the minds of many his misrepresentation
of doctrine. Without exception, those manifestations of supernatural power
which are acclaimed as Divine today, appear in support of false or incomplete
doctrine. As an example of this, such manifestations as have been published
are found among people who receive not enough of the truth respecting saving
grace to believe that once saved is always saved, and such limitation of
doctrine devitalizes the gospel that it becomes another gospel. Yet these
misunderstandings are sealed in the minds of many by what is supposed to
be manifestations from God, though serving really as a sanction to the
perversion of doctrine."
B. Permanent gifts: these are designed for function in the church age
after the completed canon of scripture. There are two categories of these
gifts. 1 Peter 4:10-11
1. communication gifts:
2. serving gifts:
5. Every believer receives only one permanent gift. 1 Pet. 4.10
1 Cor. 12.4-11; 1 Tim. 4:14
A. You do not seek a gift.
B. You do not earn or work for a gift.
C. You do not get one on the basis of any human ability.
D. Your gift has nothing to do with your talents and abilities prior to
E. Whatever gift you have is the sovereign decision of the H.S.
F. The language at 1 Cor. 12:31 and 14:1 is talking about the local church
as a collective unit, seeking for the function of the gifts within the
local assembly. This is not telling people to desire or seek for a gift
from God.
6. The church of Christ is called a body. And as a body has individual
parts which are all necessary for the efficient function of that body, so
the church has individual members each with a spiritual gift. And to operate
efficiently, the church needs the operation of each member and of each gift.
1 Cor. 12:27-31
7. Because all believers are in one body and each local church is a picture
of that body, the attitude of each believer toward his own spiritual gift
and the spiritual gift of others should be respect, honor and equality.
Rom. 12.3-4, 10, 16; 1 Cor. 12.12-27
Remember, the gift was a grace provision freely given from God. And God
knows what he is doing. No inferiority or superiority complexes are bona fide
in God's plan.
8. The purpose of spiritual gifts:
A. In general, the gifts are the Father's organized witness to the plan
of salvation, and the Christian way of life. Heb. 2.4; Eph. 4.11-16
B. Eph. 4.12
1. Equipping: pros katartismos - military word for training and equipping
for combat.
2. Of the saints: all believers are in the conflict. all must be trained.
cf. Eph. 6.10-18
3. service: eis ergon diakonia - for the work of service
eis: Indicates that the purpose of the equipping is function; spiritual
a. evangelism
b. edification
4. edification: eis oikodomā, for the building up. The ultimate
purpose is equipping which then results in service and more equipping.
a. new members added
b. present members edified.
c. Eph. 4.16
5. 1 Pet. 4.10, serving one another
6. 1 Cor. 12.20-31, order and stability in each local body
(doctrine is the issue between local bodies) (1 Cor. 14.26-40)
9. How the spiritual gifts operate.
A. Given at the point of salvation.
The words, "each" and "all" at Rm. 12.3-6; 1 Cor. 12.7;
Eph. 4.7
B. Proper function of the gift is based on spiritual growth.
Rom. 12.2, renewing the mind
Rom. 12.6, agreement with the faith
C. The gift may or may not coincide with natural human talent and ability,
but the gift is never human ability. It is administered through God the
Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 12.4-6
1. Requires the Filling of the Spirit. Rom. 8.8
2. Requires Divine viewpoint knowledge. Rom. 12.6
D. The effect of the gift may be counterfeited by the believer under
his old sin nature. It then becomes human ability and does not have the
support of God.
1. The commands in Rom. 12.6 and 1 Pet. 4.10 indicate possibility of
failing to properly use your gift.
2. Also, the misuse revealed in the Corinthian church indicates this
possibility. 1 Cor. 14.1-40
3. Neglect is possible: 1 Tim. 4.14
E. Identification of the gift:
1. It is logical to conclude that with the ability comes also a desire
in the area of your gift.
2. On that basis, the desire will begin to express itself as the believer
makes spiritual growth progress.
3. It is this desire and the emerging ability that helps identify ones
4. The other source of identification is the church leadership.
They will recognize your gift and enlist its function in the local body.
Acts 6.1-6; 1 Tim. 4.14, 1.18
10. Temporary gifts survey:
For a detailed analysis of each gift see: Spiritual
Gifts Index
A. List at 1 Cor. 12.8-10 - all temporary
1. word of wisdom
2. word of knowledge
3. faith
4. healings
5. miracles
6. prophecy
7. discerning of spirits
8. tongues
9. interpretation of tongues
B. List at 1 Cor. 12.28 (3 permanent)
1. Apostle
2. prophet
3. teacher
4. miracles
5. healings
6. helps
7. administration
8. tongues
11. Permanent gifts survey:
A. List in 1 Cor. 12:28
1. teacher - (pastor-teacher)
2. helps (service)
3. administration
B. list at Rom.12.6-8
1. prophet (temporary)
2. service (helps)
3. teaching - Pastor-teacher
4. exhortation
5. giving (finances)
6. leading (administration)
7. Counseling
C. List at Eph. 4.11
1. apostle
2. prophet
3. evangelist
4. pastor-teacher
1. Stealing is an attack on the freedom of others as it infringes on
their right to own property.
2. Thus stealing is immorality that contributes to the chaos and instability
of society. Proverbs 30:11-14
3. Stealing can be viewed as a single act or as a life style.
But in either case, society must deter it through a consistent justice system.
4. The law of Moses provides the best guidelines for what constitutes
stealing and what deterrents should be employed.
5. Commandment #8 at Exodus 20:15, states the prohibition for overt stealing.
kAnaph as a qal imperfect + the negative.
Commandment #10 at Exodus 20:17, states the prohibition for mental stealing.
You shall not covet. ChAmadh as a qal imperfect + the neg.
6. Amplification is given at Exodus 22:1-15 and Lev. 6:1-7.
7. The attitude and action of society can understandably be different.
Prov. 6:30-31 and Ex. 22:5.
8. Stealing results from an attitude that rejects God as the source.
Thus, creature arrogance; the sin nature seeking its own comfort.
A. It begins at home through rejection of parental authority.
B. Then develops personal conceit that sees no fault in self. Verse 12.
C. Then comes arrogance that raises self above others. Verse 13, coveting.
D. Then the animalism that stops at nothing to satisfy its own desires.
Verses 14-17; James 4:1-2
Mat. 23:25, harpagma = an animalistic search for happiness.
9. But the proceeds from stealing will not satisfy since the frantic
and animalistic search for happiness can never be fulfilled.
Prov. 10:2; 11:18; 15:27; 20:17; 28:22
10.Observe the rationalization of the thief.
Prov. 28:24 cf. Mark 7:9-13 and Titus 2:10
11. Associations with a thief will bring trouble and sorrow.
Must apply the doctrine of separation in this area.
Prov. 29:24; 13:20; 1:10-19; 1 Cor. 15:33; 5:9-11
12. The protection against stealing from a societal standpoint is the
deterrent that results through enforcement of rigid penalties for violations.
Prov. 21:15; Prov. 29:4; Ec. 8:11 and Psalm 12:8.
13. The inner defense against covetous temptations is through building
character stability by growth in grace and knowledge.
A. 1 Tim. 6:7-11, 17
B. Orientation to grace: Phil. 4:11-13
C. Recognize the source: Prov. 30:7-9; 1 Chron. 29:11-13; Ps. 24:1; James
D. Mat. 6:25-34
E. Job 1:21
F. Hebrews 13:5
G. Eph. 4:27; 2 Thes. 3:7-12
14. Self defense against thieves:
A. Notice the balance between attitude and action:
Prov. 6:30-31
B. The attitude should be grace and compassion; forbearance and forgiveness.
1. Eph. 4:2, 31-32
2. Mat. 5:38-48; Luke 6:27-38; 1 Cor. 6:7; Rom. 12:17-21
3. These passages all involve the believers ATTITUDE toward the offender.
C. But the moral issue goes beyond "you," and involves the
order and stability of society. Psalm 12:8; Prov. 29:4; Ec. 8:11
1. Therefore, personal defense is authorized.
Exodus 22:1-4; Luke 11:21; Mat. 24:43
2. And punishment by SOCIETY is authorized.
Rom. 13:1-5; 1 Pet. 2:14
3. For the believer to desire a societal punishment for the offender
is not inconsistent with the attitude of forgiveness but totally in agreement
with the principle of volitional accountability.
4. Both can be present: personal forgiveness and insistence on accountability
to society.
15. Comments on Malachi 3:7-12: Stealing from God.
A. This is a national issue for Israel only as the only Theocratic nation
that has ever existed.
B. It relates to their national income tax, tithes.
C. The nation is out of fellowship with God and their rebellion centers
around two basic issues that must be resolved before they can get right
with Him. Verse 3:7.
D. The first problem is national as related in verses 8-12.
Failure to provide for the leadership and poor of the land.
See Topic: TITHING
E. The second problem is personal as related in verses 13-15. Arrogance
and immorality.
STUMBLING: Preservation From Stumbling
1. His promise: 2 Thes. 3:3; 2 Tim. 4:18; 1 Cor.
10:13; 2Cor. 1:3-4
2. His
A. His power: Jude 24
B. His faithfulness: 1 Thes. 5:23
3. Our
potential: Ephesians 3:20, the power that works within us.
4. His
command: Titus 2:11-13; James 5:7-8; 1 Peter 1:13-17; 4:13; 2 Peter 3:14
5. The
mechanics: Romans 12:21
A. The Holy Spirit: Gal. 5:16, 22-23
B. the word: Col. 1:9-12
C. The armor of God: Eph. 6:10-18
D. Communicators of the word: Eph. 4:11-14; 1 Tim. 4:16
E. Other believers: Romans 15:1-2
F. Confidence in God’s plan: Gal. 6:9; 1 Cor. 15:58
6. The
exhortation: 2 Peter 3:17-18
7. The
outcome: 2 Peter 1:5-11
Blameless: Phil. 1:9-11; 2:14-16; Col. 1:22-23; 1 Thes. 3:12-13
The alternative: FAilure - 1 Tim. 6:12
A. Shame: 1 John 2:28
B. Incomplete reward: 2 John 8; Col. 2:18
C. An inferior – non-abundant
entrance into eternal life glory: 2 Peter 1:11
SUFFERING: Undeserved Suffering
1. Definition: Undeserved suffering refers to
any suffering, pressure or crisis that does not result from sin or carelessness.
It comes from persecution or pressure from the physical world. Suffering that
comes as a result of sin or even social carelessness does not qualify as
2. Orientation to DESERVED suffering.
A. Divine discipline: Hebrews 12:6; 1 Cor. 11:30
1. Psalm 119:67, I went astray FIRST.
2. Sin breaks our contact and fellowship with God. Isaiah 59:2
The sin nature: Romans 8:8, those who are in the flesh cannot
3. Psalm 51:4, God is JUST in applying discipline. Psalm 119:75
See Topic: DIVINE DISCIPLINE on the believer
B. Soul Overflow: Proverbs 14:30, “passion is rottenness to the bones.”
The word, passion, is qinAh, and refers to mental attitude sins.
These negative attitudes in the soul cause an overflow into the body
various physical ailments.
C. Carelessness: Stupidity in moral and social living.
See Topic: Natural Consequences.
3. Two Classifications of undeserved suffering.
A. Natural: John 17:15, we are IN the world
1. Physical abuse from the cursed earth. Gen. 3:17-19; disease,
2. Morality abuse from the cursed soul: The sin nature of other
a. Marriage abuse
b. Parental abuse: parent to child; child to parent.
c. Sibling abuse
d. From the nation: Proverbs 28:15
An innocent member of a nation under discipline. Hab. 3:16-19
e. Societal abuse: prejudice, commerce, slavery, warfare.
B. Spiritual: Phil. 3:20, We are of heaven
1. Satan’s attack: 1 Peter 5:8; Job 1:12, 2:6-7; Rev. 12:10
2. Persecution: 2 Timothy 3:12; John 15:18-25; 16:1-4; Phil.
1 Pet.
4. The real issue in underserved suffering, whether it is natural or spiritual,
is to recognize that the believer in fellowship is under special protection from
He is in control and knows what is best. Romans 8:28, 31-37; Heb. 13:5-6
Apply Daniel 3:17-18
5. The benefits of undeserved suffering.
A. To provide orientation to God’s grace. 2 Cor. 12:1-10; 2 Cor. 1:9
B. To learn the value of the word of God. Psalm 19:67, 71
C. To aid the growth process in the believer.
It develops faith/patience to the point of total rest in God’s
character and plan.
Romans 5:3; James 1:2-4; Heb. 5:7-9; 2:10
D. To help other believers when
they are in suffering. 2 Cor. 1:3-6
E. To manifest a maximum expression of the character of Christ.
2 Cor.
F. To bring maximum glory to God, and a maximum vindication of
God’s grace. 1 Peter 2:19
cultivate concerning the prospect and the experience of undeserved suffering.
A. The FACT of persecution as a real potential for the believer.
1. 2 Timothy 3:12, "Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ
Jesus will be persecuted.
1:29, "For to you it has been granted for Christ's
sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His
3. John 15:18-20 "If the world hates you, you know that it has
Me before {it hated} you. If you were of the world, the
world would love its own; but
because you are not of
the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the
hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A
slave is not greater than his
master.' If they persecuted
Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they
keep yours also."
B. ATTITUDES to cultivate:
1. Recognize that the attack is REALLY on Jesus.
Philippians 1:29,
"for His sake;" John 15:18-21
2. Rejoice: James 1:2-4, inner contentment and relaxation
based on
orientation to God's character and plan.
Romans 5:3-5, because such suffering and testing solidifies
our spiritual growth.
Matthew 5:11-12, because of the privilege of association with
those who have gone before you. 1 Peter 4:13, in view of
reward and divine favor.
3. Realize that endurance in undeserved suffering promotes
grace. 1 Peter 2:19-20, "this is grace with God."
4. Do not fear their threats and do not be troubled.
1 Peter 3:14: Philippians 1:28
They can only hurt the body. Matt. 10:28, "And do not fear
those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but
rather fear Him who is able to
destroy both
soul and
body in hell."
5. Maintain a good conscience. Live morally and righteously.
1 Peter
2:11-15; 3:15-16
6. Do not be surprised at the prospects or the experience of
undeserved suffering. 1 Peter 4:12; John 16:1-4
7. Do not be
ashamed, but stand up for truth.
1 Pet 4:16; 2 Tim.
8. Entrust yourself to the care and protection of
God the Father.
1 Peter 2:23; Hebrews 13:5-6; 1 Peter 5:7
7. Example of David: 1 Samuel 21:10-15; 22:1-5 Psalm 14:2
1 Samuel 23:1-14; Psalm 63
8. Example of Job: A detailed study of the book of Job is very helpful in
understanding undeserved suffering.
GRACE: Growth Process
1. It is the SECOND grace provision for spiritual growth.1 Pet. 5:10
(Growth graces)
A. It is support from the Godhead based on our success in being equipped
with the spiritual assets given to us in the Word.
B. Basically, it is the "Way of escape" of 1
Cor. 10:13, so
that we will be able to handle any pressure, crisis or adversity.
C. It is comprised of all the promises of God given to us for every
situation in "Life and godliness," and for advance in character
strength. 2 Peter 1:3-4
2. Support grace is designed to give you what you need to put truth into
practice through endurance and your spiritual growth currently achieved.
Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4
A. Endurance through "Faith-rest" is the basis for character
vindication and the blessing that results. dokimā, Romans 5:4a
B. Application of support grace (claiming promises) allows strengthening
grace to fulfill its work. James 1:4, "Let endurance have its perfect
1. This is the glorification process of 2 Corinthians 3:18.
2. And the partaking of the Divine nature at 2Peter 1:4
C. And the character consistency that is produced is the basis for experiencing
the stabilizing grace of the abundant life. Romans 5:4b, confidence (with
Romans l5:13)
D. So then, the support grace of God is the provision of promises to
comfort and encourage the believer in order to advance in growth and experience
ELB. (Eternal life Blessings-in time)
1. Doctrinal facts and principles from equipping grace provide orientation
to LIGHT and protection from darkness deception. (academic emphasis)
2. Support grace gives those facts substance.
3. It shows us how the essence of God works out specifics in our life
through the combination of facts and promises to motivate us for further
E. Degrees of blessing based on advance through the 4 "growth"
graces of 1 Pet.5.10
1. Blessing through perception: Equipping grace -
Jer. 15:16
2. Blessing through faith-rest: Support grace - Phil. 4:6-8
3. Blessings of character consistency: strengthening grace
4. Blessings through stability: Stability grace - Peace, joy and confidence
3. The principle of support: 1 Pet. 5:10
A. 2 Thes. 2:16-17
B. 1 Thes. 3:12-13
C. 2 Cor. 1:3-4
D. 2 Cor. 7:6
4. God's support for protection:
A. 2 Thes. 3:3-5
B. Shield of Faith: Eph. 6:16
C. Doctrine of Faith-rest: Heb.4:9-16
5. God's word as the source of support: Rom. 1:11; 16:25
6. Support provided through the communicators.
A. Luke 22:32
B. 1 Thes. 3:2-8
C. Rom. 1.11
7. The believer's responsibility for support:
A. James 5:8
B. Revelation 3:2
C. Example of Jesus: Luke 9:51
D. Ephesians 6:16:
1. Put on -v. 13 - aorist active imp.
2. Stand firm - v. 14 - aorist active imp.
E. 1 Pet.4:1 with 2:23 - Trust (operation faith-rest)
8. The nature of support:
A. God's character:
B. God's plan:
C. God's actions:
9. Many uses of the word "parakaleō" is a reference
to the principle of support grace from God.
A. Acts 11:23
B. 2 Corinthians 2:7
C. 2 Corinthians 13:11
D. Ephesians 6:22
E. Colossians 2:2
F. Hebrews 3:13
G. Hebrews 10:25
H. 1 Peter 5:12
10. The word "paraklāsis" teaches support grace.
A. Romans 15:4
B. 1 Corinthians 14:3
C. Philippians 2:1
D. 1 Timothy 4:13
E. Hebrews 13:22
11. Support grace is actually the direct channel to character consistency
as indicated by the word, "epistāridzō."
A. Acts 14:22
B. Acts 15:32
C. Acts 15:41
D. Acts 18:23
1. This is the THIRD grace provision for spiritual growth. The provision
and blessing from God within the growth process that produces the character
of Christ in the soul which strengthens the soul for a consistent Imitation
of that character.
1 Peter 5:10, sthenoO
2. It is part of the growth process:
A. Ephesians 3:16 - krataioO + dunamis
B. Colossians 1:11 - dunamai + dunamis
3. The process illustrated:
A. Luke 1:80 - krataioO
B. Luke 2:40 - krataioO
4. Demonstrated by Paul: 1 Thessalonians 1:5
5. Imitated by the Thessalonians: 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 with 2:13-14
6. Principle of humility and weakness: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
7. Fulfilled through agape love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
8. Character consistency is a blessing in itself, but it leads directly
to the abundant life of peace, joy and stability. Colossians 1:10-14
9. Many other passages teach about this strengthening provision without
using the words of power, but the principle is established by dunamai, krataioO,
and sthenoO.
A. Character growth as Imitation: 2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 4:24;
Colossians 3:10
B. The commands of Imitation: Matthew 5:48; Luke 6:36; Romans 13:14; 1
Corinthians 11:1 with 4:16; Ephesians 5:1-2; Philippians 2:1; 1 Peter 4:1;
1 John 2:6
10. God is at work in you: Philipians 2:13
Through the word: 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 4:12
1. This is the FOURTH grace provision for spiritual growth. It is designed
to bring the believer to the place of maximum stability and the experience
of peace, joy and confidence. 1 Peter 5:10
2. It is the end result of the process described at 1 Peter 5:10.
A. Equipping grace: getting doctrinal content in the soul.
B. Support grace: Putting the content into practice by using the promises
of God.
C. Strengthening grace: develops character strength through the combination
of facts and promises.
D. Stability grace: the experience of character consistency (blameless
and irreproachable) is stability. (themelioO)
3. This stability is called confidence at Romans 5:4-5, which is the
3rd leg of the abundant life. Romans15:13
4. It is described as part of the growth process:
A. Colossians 2:6-7
B. Hebrews 13:9
C. Doctrine of repetition: Philip. 3:1, securing factor, asphalās.
5. Stability gives character strength its consistency and is called blameless
and irreproachable. Colossians1:22-23
6. Maximum service capacity is based on stability. Hebrews 3:14
7. Principle of never stumbling. 2 Peter 1:10-11; John 16:1