These outlines are intended as "teaching guides" to the study of any particular topic. The outlines may leave many unanswered questions as to details since those details would be answered in the process of teaching from the scripture references provided. In addition, there may be vocabulary references and subject references that are unfamiliar. Hopefully before too long, all the necessary topics will be available to provide a balanced and complete theology.

Pronunciation guide

GREEK: Verbal Orientation

Hebrew Verbal Orientation

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The Magi





Marriage Ceremony (with gospel invitation)

MARRIAGE: Summary 7 principles

Marriage: The provision

MARRIAGE: Authority Structure

MARRIAGE: Courtship

Marriage Custom in the Jewish Culture


Mary's children


Mediums: See The Occult



MICHAEL: The Archangel


MlLLENNlUM: Gog Magog revolt



MIRACLES: God's Wondrous Things

Miracles: Spiritual Gift


MORALITY: Conflicting Commands



MOSES, Enoch and Elijah


The Magi

1. The Greek word is Magos

A. It only occurs in Mat. 2:1, 7, 16 and Acts 13:6, 8
B. It means, a wise man. One who is skilled in mysterious knowledge.
C. See also, mageia and mageuo: Acts 8:9, 11

2. This is one of those words that does double duty.

A. Used for magicians in general, practitioners in the occult and pharmakeia (drugs).

B. But it was also used for a "specialized" group of men from the far east who were expert students of the sciences.
They were very proficient in natural science, astronomy, medicine, religion, philosophy, astrology and the occult.

3. Their origin is traced back to the Babylonians, but they continued to be prominent throughout the successive world empires (Persia, etc.), though they became much more diversified and secretive.

4. At the time of Christ, they were still centered in the area of the old Babylonian empire, but no specific location can be ascertained. They numbered around 50-100 at this time, though in the past they had numbered as many as 200.

5. By this time their general reputation had fallen under suspicion and mistrust because of their secretiveness.

6. The magi of Mat. 2 are to be separated from the over-all evaluation of the normal organization and its occult oriented off shoots, for two reasons.

A. They were believers in the Messiah.

1. Based on their occupation with the Messianic promise (Messiah-worship).
2. Based on the principle of divine guidance provided for them.

B. Their studies did not involve the occult or the mystic sciences.

7. The magi of the Babylonian empire are designated as "Chaldeans" in Daniel 1:20; 2:2, 5, 10, 27; 4:4; 5:4, 7, 11.

8. Through Daniel's political promotion as ruler over them, he greatly influenced these men to the point that many became believers. Daniel 2:48

9. Accordingly, those who became believers in the Messiah, separated from the parent organization and formed a special group that now concentrated on the Messianic hope as well as the natural sciences.

10. So this group of Gentile believers perpetuated themselves through the years, operating apart from the Mosaic law but practicing the righteousness demanded by the Messianic hope.

11. They had access to much of the Old Testament, but not all.
It is reasonable to figure that Daniel passed on to them the same "written" information that he had, such as the scroll of Jeremiah and the Torah.

A. Therefore, when they saw the star, they interpreted it properly as "His star" and followed it to Palestine.

B. This would be in accordance with Genesis 1:14 which tells us that God designed stars to serve as "signs."

C. There was probably some divine guidance involved with this "revelation" as well since later, God gave them specific guidance about "getting out of town."

D. They did not know about Micah 5:2 which pinpointed Bethlehem, so they went to Jerusalem, the capital which would be the logical place for the King to be born.

12. Luke says that they came from the East which indicates only a general knowledge of their home.

13. There is no evidence that these are kings or rulers.

14. The idea that there were only three, probably comes from the fact that only "three" gifts are mentioned.
It is more likely that it was a larger group, although, not too large.

15. The explanation of the star:

A. They saw it at its rising. That means WHEN it appeared.
B. They designate it as "His star."
C. It is only ONE.
D. It steers them in a general direction and then disappears.
E. It appears again and guides them to a SPECIFIC location and stops.
F. Therefore, it is to be explained as a supernatural occurrence and not by a natural conjunction of planets and constellations, etc., regardless of how coincidental that is made to appear.


16. The word group is also used in the "general" sense to refer to those who were practitioners in the mystery cults.
This is probably what is in view at Acts 8 and 13, and should definitely NOT be associated with the magi of Matthew 2.



1. Proverbs 11:17a the man of chesed - the grace perspective

A. Creature humility: recognizes God's authority
B. Fellowship humility: policy
C. Growth humility: policy
D. Living humility: policy

2. Does good to his own soul:

A. GAmal = deal fully or adequately with: Thus benefits and fulfills
B. The man of grace fulfills his own soul (nephesh)

3. Participates in Divine peace: Ps. 85:8

A. Salvation: Rom 5:1
B. Abundant life: Jn. 14:21
C. Psalm 85:9-13

4. Thus, participates in a unique destiny: Ps. 4:3; PS. 37:37

A. Salvation: Eph. 1:3-12
B. Character reflection: Rom. 14:17 - righteousness
C. Abundant life: Rom. 14:17
D. Service: I Pet. 2:9-10
E. Social stability: Ps. 37:21-28

5. It is the man of Grace who has capacity to serve. Heb. 12:28

6. And capacity to utilize Divine grace provisions. Jas. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5; Ps. 18:25-29

7. God guards his way of life: Pr 2:8; 6:20-23:1 Sam. 2:9

The way of life of Ps. 85.13

8. The man of grace is able to utilize fellowship provision. Ps. 86:1-10

9. Divine protection from the wicked and evil. Ps. 91:10-12

10. Divine provision in physical crisis: Ps. 31:19-24; 32:6-7

11. Death provision: Psalm 116:15


1. Manna was a provision of God for the people of Israel during the 40 years of wilderness wandering after the deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Not only was manna a "physical" food source for the people, but it provided also a "teaching aid" to communicate the value of placing highest value in the word of God.

A. Its very presence was a proclamation of God's existence and power.
Exodus 16:12

B. The proper use of manna was a test of obedience. Ex. 16:4

C. Exodus 16:32-33, It was a commemoration of God's grace for future generations.

2. Manna was provided consistently for 40 years on a total grace basis apart from any merit from the nation. Ex. 16:35; Josh. 5:12

3. They did not deserve it at the beginning and never truly understood its value.
Psalm 78:17-33; Numbers 11:6

4. Manna came down every day, but it didn't. Ex. 16:4, 5, 22-27

5. Those who gathered much had no more than those who gathered little. Ex. 16:16-18

6. Manna spoiled over night, but it didn't spoil over night. Ex. 16:19-20

7. Manna spoiled over night but was preserved for hundreds of years without spoiling.
Exodus 16:19-20, 33; Heb. 9:4

8. Manna melted, but it didn't melt. Ex. 16:21

9. Manna tasted good to some. Ex. 16:31
But bad to others. Numb. 21:5; 11:6

10. How manna was eaten. Numb. 11:7-8

11. Manna was free to those who received it, but expensive to those who rejected it.
Numbers 21:5-6

12. manna has 3 interesting titles in scripture:

A. Food from heaven: Ps. 78:23-25
B. Food of angels: Ps. 78
C. Spiritual food: 1 Cor. 10:3

13. manna is a picture of the word of God. The word is the expression of the living word, Christ.

A. Therefore, manna becomes a type of the person of Christ as the only source of spiritual life.

B. The Pharisees of Christ's day did not understand this. All they could focus on was the overt miracles instead of true spiritual value.

C. John 6:26-59 (v. 60-69): Christ uses manna as a proto-type of Himself and uses it to establish the necessity to accept His character and message completely.

14. The hidden manna of Rev. 2:17.

The believer is promised a share of the hidden manna. It must be representative of fellowship and rapport with Christ and the Godhead in heaven based on new revelation received after the rapture.
It is not "physical food" but spiritual food.

15. Application of manna today:

The issue is the value of the word of God vs the pseudo value of material things, (details of life) both necessity and surplus.

Mat. 6:19-34; Philip. 4:11-13; Heb. 13:5; Psalm 84:10-11; Job 23:12; Deut. 32:46-47; Proverbs 4:13.

Return to study on Angels



1. The writer of the Book of Mark had 2 names. Acts 12:12

a. Jewish name: Iōannās, from Hebrew Yochanan = yahweh is gracious
b. Roman name: Mark - indication of his Roman citizenship

2. Mark was raised in Jerusalem in a fairly wealthy family. Acts 12:12-14

a. Mother's name was Mary
b. The type of home indicates their financial status.

3. Mark was a relative of Barnabas. Col. 1:4 (probably cousin)

a. Barnabas was a fairly wealthy man also, as is indicated in Acts 4:36-37
b. Barnabas had the spiritual gift of exhortation as is indicated by the Apostle's nickname for him.
c. In the capacity of his gift, barnabas was a valuable partner to Paul in the spread of the Gospel.

4. We first learn of Mark in Acts 12:12ff in connection with Peter's ministry in Jerusalem (44 AD). 1 Peter 5:13 indicates that Mark was either Peter's convert or special student or both.

5. Mark's training and preparation was apparently advanced enough so that Paul and Barnabas took him with them back to Antioch which was at this time, the informal headquarters for the church body. Acts 12:25 cf. 11:19-26; 13:1

6. When Paul and Barnabas were chosen to begin an evangelistic thrust throughout the Roman Empire, Mark was taken along as an assistant to them. Acts 13.5 - huparetās -

a. indicates a voluntary submission to authority with intent to carry out the plan and fulfill the needs of the one in authority.

1. servants of Christ.
2. servants of the word:

b. Not a "personal attendant," but an "assisting in the ministry" concept.

1. advanced stage of his training.
2. to handle details
3. perhaps assistant teaching
4. Later facts indicate that Mark had a communication spiritual gift.

7. but despite Mark's spiritual advance, he encountered a crisis early which he could not handle. Acts 13:13

a. in Perga, Mark left the team and returned to the church at Jerusalem. Acts 15:36-39 (not to Antioch)
b. His Jewish upbringing gave him a legalistic tendency in his character.
c. A legalistic tendency which was very common in the early church.
That is, to cling to an overt observance of the Mosaic law and to require Gentile believers to also adhere to the law. Acts 15:1-12; Gal. 2:1-16

d. Based on hIs close association with Peter and the Jerusalem church, it is apparent that Mark got caught up in this same legalistic bind.

e. Accordingly, his general attitude would not have been in agreement with Paul's perspective of the Mosaic law. So he left.

8. After the Jerusalem counsel in 50 AD Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch and Mark leaves Jerusalem with them.

a. Mark has recovered at this time, but Paul refuses to accept him.
b. This leads to a large personality dispute between Paul and Barnabas which results in the split of the team and Paul being out of fellowship. Acts 15:36-40 cf. 16:1-10

9. Barnabas and Mark form a team and begin their work in Cyprus. Paul forms a team with Silas. Acts 15:39-40

10.Of course, shortly afterwards, through the influence of Luke, Paul gets back in fellowhsip but continues the current status of the teams.

11.Later, Mark re-associates with Paul as is indicated by 3 passages

a. Col. 4:10-11

1. welcome him
2. fellow-workers for the Kingdom of God.
3. encouragement to Paul

b. Philemon 24, with Paul during the 1st Roman imprisonment.
c. 2 Tim. 4:11, useful to me for service during 2nd Roman Imprisonment.

12. During Paul's 1st Roman Imprisonment (61-62 AD), Mark is with him. Philip. 2:4

13. Paul is released in 63 AD and begins. his 4th Missionary journey.
But Mark remains in Rome and later joins Peter. 65 AD 1 Pet. 5:13 (controversial)

14. At the end of winter in 68 AD, Paul is again taken to Rome where he is imprisoned for 90 days and then executed on the Ostian Way at the age of 70.

15.During this time he wrote 2 Timothy and asked Tim to pick up Mark and bring him since he was useful for service. V. 4:11

16.So between 65-68 AD, Mark had left Rome. Tradition says that Mark went to Egypt and Turkey, but Timothy knew where he was. There is no indication whether Timothy and Mark ever got to Paul before his execution.

17.Mark's communication spiritual gift is ultimately expressed to us through the Gospel of Mark.

a. God the Holy Spirit through inspiration, used Mark's close association with Peter and the other Apostles to provide a written record of the ministry of Christ.

b. The book was written between 55-60 AD

18.Application from the life of Mark:

a. The dangers of legalism and other false doctrine even after proper preparation.
b. The principle of grace recovery after failure.



1. Genesis 3.15 - the seed of the woman

(genealogy - Luke 3.36-38)

2. Noah: Gen. 6.9-10 - principle of true humanity

(genealogy - Luke 3.34-36)

3. Abraham: Gen. 12.1-3; 17.4-8 with Gal. 3.16

4. Isaac: Gen. 17.19-21; 26.23-24

5. Jacob: Gen. 28.10-16

6. Judah: Gen. 49.8-12

7. David: Psalm 89.1-4 with Isaiah 55.1-5; John 7.42

8. The Koniah curse: Jeremiah 22.24-30; 1 Chron. 3.17-19 with Mt. 1.12

9. Isaiah 7.14 - the virgin

genealogy through Nathan - Luke 3.23-31- physical royal line

genealogy through Solomon - Mt. 1.6-16 - legal royal line


MICHAEL: The Archangel

A. Hebrew: miykAāl - has 3 parts.

1. Interrogative pronoun, miy = who?
2. preposition, ke = like or as.
3. el (āl) = God
4. Result: Who is like God?
5. Communicates God's uniqueness in character and essence.
6. Gabriel's name communicates that he is God's "right hand man."

B. Daniel 10:13, "one of the chief princes." Notice, NOT the chief prince.

1. Cf. New Testament archangel in Jude 1:9 and 1 Thes. 4:16

2. Jewish tradition indicates that their are 7 archangels, but the bible indicates there is only one.

3. The term describes the rank with regard to his special function in God's plan.

C. Daniel 10:21 and 11:1, indicate that Michael is in a subordinate position to Gabriel.

D. Daniel 12:1, describes Michael as the "guardian angel" of the nation of Israel.
Daniel 10:21. In 1 Thes. 4:16, Michael participates at the rapture because this is also the time for the restoration of Israel as the evangelistic agent).

E. Rev. 12:7, does not contradict this position. Michael is still functioning as the guardian of Israel, even though he has temporarily "stepped aside" as indicated at Daniel 12:1.

F. Michael is very high in rank, if not number 2, but he has specific function in connection with Israel while Gabriel's function is to "stand in the presence of God."
See topic: Gabriel

G. At Jude 9, Michael had the responsibility of putting the body of Moses in a "safe place" after his death , to await his role in the tribulation as one of the 2 witnesses-heralds of Rev. 11.

H. Michael is NOT the pre-incarnate Christ, ie, the "Word" of John 1:1.

1. Michael is "one of" the chief angels, not THE chief. Dan. 10:13.
2. Michael and the Christ "appear" in the same historical context as two different beings at Rev. 12:
3. Christ is identified via 1 Cor. 10:1-3 as the Rock who delivered and followed Israel throughout the wilderness (Deut. 32). And the Rock is none other than Yahweh God Himself.

4. Michael is NOT the angel (messenger) of the LORD. The angel of the Lord is clearly identified as Yahweh Himself.
See topic Angel of the LORD


MARRIAGE: Summary 7 principles

1. There are 4 grace gifts given by God to the human race.

A. The gift of life and freedom: basically, free will.
The right and responsibility to choose for yourself.

B. The gift of human partnership: one man and one woman in the marriage relationship.

C. The gift of spiritual partnership: salvation relationship through forgiveness of sins based on Christ's work on the cross.

D. The gift of viewpoint partnership: The provision of the viewpoint of the Godhead in written form so that we might have fellowship with Him based on His thinking and standards.

2. Marriage was provided for the human race as the 2nd great gift for happiness and fulfillment in life.

A. The first gift was volition: there is no happiness, purpose or fulfillment in life when a creature is a "robot." God gave man free will so that he might by choice, live in the sphere of fellowship with the Godhead.

B. The gift of marriage is a partnership between one man and one woman wherein each fulfills the other through soul and body communication and fellowship.

C. The design was provided by God in the garden of Eden even before sin entered into the world. Gen. 2:18-25
In this passage we have the 7 basic principles for the proper understanding and function of marriage.

3. Summary of the 7 principles of marriage from Gen. 2:18-25

A. Principle #1: The principle of benefit. Gen. 2:18, "not good (beneficial) for man to be alone."

1. Alone: separated from your counterpart

2. Eve could not function as his counterpart until her body was "removed" from his via the rib. Operation "built." Gen. 2:22

3. This does not suggest that Adam was "frustrated" without a woman around.

4. It does suggest that it is wrong for a man to stay single when God's plan has provided a woman for him.

5. It does tell us that as long as Adam and Eve were separated, marriage could not function.

6. If marriage could not function, then family and nations would be non-functional.

7. God designs that man and woman get married unless his plan provides for the rare exceptions. Mat. 19:12

8. But human maturity and God's guidance and timing must always be considered.

B. Principle #2: the principle of divine provision, Gen. 2:18, "I will make for him."

Apply James 1:17, "every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."

C. Principle #3: the principle of perfect design: v. 18, "a helper, corresponding to him."

1. The counterpart that God designed is tailored specifically for the man, and in turn, the woman finds a counterpart for herself.

2. helpmeet: āzer kenegedo - a helper corresponding to him. The idea of complement and fulfillment is involved.

3. A perfect "physical" complement and a perfect soul match.

D. Principle #4: The principle of authority. "He brought her to the man."

1. Leadership is invested in the man.

2. He was the first created and by reason of divine design, he is given the role of initiator, provider and controller in the one flesh unit. 1 Cor. 11:3, 8-10

3. This role is re-affirmed and amplified after they sinned. Gen. 3:16b

E. Principle #5: The principle of soul communication before body communication.
Gen. 2:21-23 - the identification is made in the soul.

1. This is accomplished through communication.
2. We call it courtship.
3. Dating is a preliminary to courtship.

a. A man and woman seek to establish soul rapport during dating.

b. Physical activity is a distraction to true rapport.

c. You experiment and search with the soul, not with the body.

d. It is true that the body can provide an initial point of attraction, but the soul rapport must be the basis for a successful relationship.

F. Principle #6: The principle of body communication as the consummation of marriage. Gen. 2:24b, "and they shall become one flesh."

1. This puts the man and the woman under a totally new set of laws for human activity.

2. Before, they were children learning in the home, now they are partners with one another, building their own home.

3. Before, the were children provided for, now they are partners who must provide for each other.

4. Before, they were children without sexual responsibility and pressure. Now they are partners in fulfilling each other.

5. Factors of the one flesh principle:

a. The one flesh principle provides a soul and body partnership that provides the ultimate in human happiness.

b. It consummates the issue of "two" becoming "one unit" to function in life as one unit and glorify God as a unified "entity."

c. It speaks of commitment and permanence. Mt. 19:3-6

d. It speaks of mutual sharing to provide fulfillment in both soul and body. 1 Cor. 7:32-34 and v. 3-5.

e. The one flesh principle communicates a unique joining of a man and a woman that finds its full potential only as the principle is truly followed.

f. This requires a social formality that marks a separation from parental authority.

g. It requires restricted sexual activity. First comes the social ceremony, then the one flesh reality.

h. It requires specialized sexual activity: only one man and one woman involved in the relationship.

i. And in that context, there is NO SHAME, Gen. 2:25.

G. Principle #7: The principle of separation of authority structures, Gen. 2:24a

1. Marriage and family are different.
2. Children are first, under the authority of parents and must leave that sphere when they marry.

3. A man can't be under the authority of parents and rule his own castle.

4. A woman can't be under the authority of her parents and properly submit to the authority of her husband.


Marriage: The provision

1. God provided 4 grace gifts for the human race in order to give happiness and fulfillment in life.

A. The gift of life and freedom: basically, free will.
The right and responsibility to choose for yourself.

B. The gift of human partnership: one man and one woman in the marriage relationship.

C. The gift of spiritual partnership: salvation relationship through forgiveness of sins based on Christ's work on the cross.

D. The gift of viewpoint partnership: The provision of the viewpoint of the Godhead in written form so that we might have fellowship with Him based on His thinking and standards.

2. Marriage was provided for the human race as God's 2nd grace gift.

A. The gift of marriage is a partnership between one man and one woman wherein each fulfills the other through soul and body communication and fellowship.

B. The design was provided by God in the garden of Eden even before sin entered into the world. Gen. 2:18-25

3. Marriage was provided by God for the benefit of the human race.

A. Gen. 2:18, the divine evaluation of the human race:

1. Not good: lo tobh
2. Notice, this is the creator doing the evaluation, not the creature.

B. This was prior to the fall.
C. After the fall, apply the principle of Gen. 2:24
D. To be alone: separated from your counterpart.

1. The principle of counterpart was established in the animal kingdom as Adam had observed. Gen. 2:19-20

2. The need in his soul was already present as indicated by the end of v. 20, "there was not found . . ."

3. This need went beyond animal instinct as Adam recognized it within his human consciousness.

4. The need in man, and later in the woman, was designed by God in order to provide unique inter-soul relationship unavailable to the animals.

5. The maximum in human happiness is realized through fulfillment of inter-soul relationship.

6. This does not suggest that either is "frustrated" without the other.

7. It does suggest that it is wrong to stay single when God has provided a counterpart.

8. It tells us that as long as man and woman were separated, marriage could not function.

9. If marriage could not function, then family and nations would be non-functional.

10. God designs that man and woman get married unless his plan provides for the rare exceptions. Mat. 19:12

11. But human maturity and God's guidance and timing must always be considered.

4. Divine action to provide the counterpart: Gen. 2:18-19

A. I will make: AsAh = manufacture out of existing material
B. This is accomplished by operation rib. Gen. 2:21-22
C. For him: This was done with marriage in mind.
D. The creation of male and female presupposes a divine plan for marriage and for procreation. Gen. 1:27-28; Mat. 19:4-5

5. Marriage then is a divine institution designed for the entire human race in order to provide fulfillment to individuals and order and stability for society. Ec. 9:9

6. It is God's plan and authority which accommodates marriage. Therefore, the marriage unit is viewed as "what God has joined together." Mat. 19:6

7. The counterpart that God designed is tailored specifically for the man and in turn, the woman finds a counterpart for herself.

A. helpmeet: āzer kenegedo - a helper corresponding to him. The idea of complement and fulfillment is involved. A perfect "physical" complement and a perfect soul match.

B. Partnership: The one flesh unit mentioned at Gen. 2:24
C. Partners in life: 1 Pet. 3:17, "heirs together of the grace of life."

The term "grace of life" refers to human life in general.

D. Soul partnership:

1. Gen. 2:25, "not ashamed."
2. Song of Solomon 8:6, "seal on the heart." The marriage partner fulfills the soul.

E. Physical partnership:

1. Jeremiah 31:22, "for the LORD has created a fresh thing in the earth; a woman shall surround a man."

a. This is not something that is NEW.
b. It is something that has been neglected.
c. And God uses the image of "true marriage partnership" to illustrate the relationship He will have with the nation of Israel.

2. 1 Cor. 7:3-5

F. Parental partnership: raising of children together. Prov. 1:8; Eph. 6:1-3

8. Monogamy is established as the divine design. 1 Cor. 7:2; Eph. 5:33; 1 Tim. 3:2; 5:9

9. Polygamy is totally contrary to divine design. See topic on polygamy and return.

10. Marriage: the happiness potential

A. Marriage offsets the "lo tobh" factor of Gen. 2:18: Pr. 18:22; 12:4
B. The "one flesh unit" provides companionship and partnership in life.
Gen. 2:24 with 1 Pet. 3:7, "heirs together."

C. "No shame" indicates:

1. maximum soul relaxation
2. Potential for maximum happiness from physical expressions of love. 1 Cor. 7:3-5; Prov. 5:18

D. Potential for happiness through raising children. Prov. 10:1; Ps. 127:3-5

E. Even the unbeliever, when moral standards are followed has potential for great happiness in marriage. Ec. 9:9


MARRIAGE: Authority Structure

1. Once we recognize that marriage was designed by God, we must recognize and accept His format and policies.

A. The one one flesh unit: one man and one woman.
B. The authority structure: initiator and responder
C. Standards for maintenance and growth.

2. The original authority structure: Gen. 2:7-25

A. V. 7, The man was created first: 1 Tim. 2:13; 1 Cor. 11:8 This make him by "position" the one in authority.
B. V. 15, man was responsible for maintenance and protection in the garden.

1. Cultivate: Abhad = to serve it. In this context it means to manage the moral structure within the garden which involves authority over the animal kingdom. V. 19-20

2. Guard: shAmar refers to preservation of light standards, Ie, to protect from darkness infiltration. This indicates that He was informed of the Satanic rebellion and the dangers that existed from Satan.

3. Thus, Adam was morally and spiritually the one in authority. It can be designated as his "rulership" responsibility.

C. V. 18, Marriage was designed for him.

1. Woman created for the man: 1 Cor. 11:9 (Prime benefactor)
2. Woman was created from the man: Gen. 2:21-22 (man is the source)
3. Gen. 2:22, God brought her to the man. (man is the recipient)
4. This makes him PHYSICALLY the one one in authority.

a. The man's responsibility was to perpetuate his "rulership" responsibility in the garden in reference to the woman.
b. His personal responsibility was "initiation" in their physical relationship.
c. The woman's "response" factor was basically passive in their physical relationship.

D. Before the fall, a mutual inter-relationship of equality existed within the garden's perfect environment with no human viewpoint or sin to mar the blessing of the "one flesh unit."

E. Accordingly, the only need for authority activity was in the area of serving and guarding the garden and in the natural area of conducting his relationship with the woman.

3. The authority structure was amplified after the fall in view of the presence of the sin nature. Gen. 3:16-19

A. The woman's response factor is intensified. Gen. 3:16

1. Your desire: teshuqAh refers to an intense emotional and mental dependence on the man whom the woman commits her soul to.

2. He shall rule: The moral authority is amplified to establish greater protection for the woman's soul. That soul protection is realized as the woman submits to the man of integrity in every area of their married life. Eph. 5:22-24; 1 Pet. 3:5-6

B. Man's responsibility factor is intensified. Gen. 3:16-19

1. He shall rule: Provides protection from her own emotional distractions and errors. Example, Gen. 18:9-15

2. Spiritual protection is made more difficult:

a. Presence of the sin nature: Gen. 6:5; 8:21
b. Satan's rulership: 1 John 5:19; Gal. 1:4

3. Physical nourishment and protection is aggravated by a physically antagonistic environment. Gen. 3:17-19

4. Moral protection is now more crucial since all members of the human race have a sin nature.

4. The man's authority responsibility

A. 1 Cor. 11:3, The man is the head of the woman. The emphasis here is the "positional" authority that the man has by virtue of his creation.
In application, it is both a personal and social factor which is symbolized by the long and short hair issue. V. 4-7, 13-15

B. Eph. 5;23-29, the emphasis here is a "functional" factor represented by three words.

1. Savior: v. 23, refers to spiritual protection through application of beneficent (agapā) love.
2. Nourish: v. 29, Refers to physical provision - food shelter, clothing, physical protection.
3. Cherish: v. 29, refers to fulfilling the emotional, soulish and physical needs in her life from the perspective of rapport
(philos) love.
4. Diligence in these three areas fulfills 1 Cor. 7:3.

C. 1 Peter 3:7, Live together according to knowledge (kata gnōsis).
Knowledge and application of both spiritual and moral truths concerning the nature of man and woman and God's design.

D. The real issue for the man is character integrity which reflects the love of Christ. Eph. 5:25, "As Christ love the church."

5. The woman's authority response:

A. The positional status which is symbolized by long hair. 1 Cor. 11:3-7, 13-15
B. Ephesians 5:22, the functional factor

1. Submit: hupotassō, the issue of obedience to the man of integrity.
2. As to the Lord - communicates two ideas.

a. Dedication to His policies
b. Reaps the benefits of His grace benevolence.

3. V. 24, In everything: every area of the married life.
4. V. 33, respect (phobeō) - attitude of humility on God's terms.

C. 1 Peter 3:1-6, the real issue is spiritual and moral integrity.

1. V. 2, pure manner of life: hagnos
2. In the sphere of respect: phobos
3. V. 3, not with emphasis on overt dress and beauty.
4. But v. 4, the hidden person of the heart

a. in the sphere of (en) the incorruptible quality (aphthartos)
b. of a gentle: praus- indicates the expression of humility.
c. and a quiet: hāsuchios - relaxed and content
d. spirit: character reflection via one's personality
e. Which is in the sight of God, of greatest value: polutelās

5. Example of Old Testament women via Sarah, V. 5-6a

a. Holy women: set apart by unique character integrity. They put their trust in God and accepted and followed His policies.

b. Used to adorn themselves: kosmeo - dress themselves, but this is on the inside.

c. Being submissive: hupotassō, present middle participle.
d. Just as Sarah obeyed: hupakouō, aorist active indicative
c. Calling him lord: kurios = one who has authority over another.
kaleō is a present active participle which indicates the verbal expression of the inner attitude.

6. Imitation by following a godly example, V. 6b

a. Whose children you become: idiom to indicate imitation
b. As you do what is right: agathopoieo, aorist active infinitive
To do that which is intrinsically good; good according to an absolute, divine viewpoint standard. This refers to following divine policy as detailed in the word of God.

c. And are not being intimidated: phobeomai, present middle participle. Usually, "be afraid," but the idea here is intimidation by the fear-pressure that may come your way within an "unequal" marriage relationship.

d. By any fear pressure: ptoāsis = an act of causing fear or intimidation, thus, the fear or intimidation itself.

e. This refers to faith failure in areas where God has promised that "all things work together for good." It is failure to put in to practice Philip. 4:6-7 and 1 Pet. 5:7.

D. Titus 2:3-5

1. V. 3, reverent: recognition of the divine authority structure in every area of life.
2. Teachers of what is good: kalodidaskalos. The word, kalos, has emphasis on moral good.

3. V. 4, to encourage: sōphronidzō - to put wisdom in the mind.
4. to be husband lovers; present infinitive of eimi + philandros.
The emphasis here is on cultivating a "rapport" relationship with the husband.

5. Child lovers: philoteknos. Emphasis on cultivating a rapport relationship with your children.

6. Sensible: sōphrōn - consistent application of divine wisdom.
7. Pure: hagnos - emphasis on consistent devotion to God characterized by sinless consistency.

8. Homeworkers: oikourgos
9. Kind: agathos - application of beneficent love
10. Submissive to their own husbands: hupotassō, present middle participle
11. So that the word of God might not be dishonored. blasphāmeō - present passive subjunctive.

6. The positional and functional authority structure is perpetuated in Christian society by limiting the teaching within a formal worship service context to just men. 1 Cor. 14:34-35; 1 Tim. 2:11-14; Titus 2:3-5; 1 Pet. 3:1-2


MARRIAGE: Courtship

1. Principle #1: Not good for the man to be alone. Gen. 2:18

A. Therefore, the provision of marriage.
B. But God does not directly bring the woman to the man as with Adam.
C. So there needs to be the activity of courtship.
D. Courtship is the process of interacting with members of the opposite gender, using both moral and spiritual guidelines, in order to choose a marriage partner.

2. Principle #2: It is good for the man to be alone. 1 Cor. 7:8

A. The issue of spiritual value vs. details of life.
B. I say to the unmarried: single status

1. agamos = not married at the present time.
2. chāra = widows

C. It is good for them: kalos = good, beneficial, well.
D. If they remain: 3rd class condition "if" which indicates the function of volition in making their own decisions.

E. Even as I: Paul recognized the principle of maximum spiritual benefit via single status. 1 Cor. 7:35

1. Personal benefit: for your sumpheros - mutual benefit.

a. V. 28, trouble is thlipsis and must be viewed in the context of the spiritual conflict we are in - not in the nature of the marriage relationship.

b. Trouble: because the forces of evil and the antagonistic environment now have another source for attacking you.

c. Trouble: because new necessity detail responsibilities are added to your life. 1 Cor. 7:32-34

2. Benefit for the plan of God: undistracted devotion. principle of the voluntary Eunuch - Mat. 19:12

3. Therefore before any serious courtship activity takes place, the believer needs to fully understand the doctrine of marriage, the voluntary Eunuch and the details of life.
SEE: Topic, Voluntary Eunuch.

4. There are two categories of courtship.

A. Passive courtship: this involves the single person who has rejected the option of voluntary eunuch, but is concentrating on spiritual preparation.

1. IN other words, not looking for someone. Principle at 1 Cor. 7:27
2. He will be relaxed and protected form deception and compromise.

B. Active courtship: This one is taking active steps to meet and fellowship with members of the opposite gender.

1. Book of Ruth: Boaz
2. Much more vulnerable to deception and compromise.
3. Will still maintain the primary objective in life which is the intake and application of truth.

4. Should never conduct the "big search."

5. In all courtship activity, one must recognize God's plan and divine guidance. Prov. 19:14; James 4:15

6. Thus, use divine standards:

A. Don't marry an unbeliever: 2 Cor. 6:14-18, Therefore - don't court an unbeliever.

B. Don't marry in immaturity:

1. Thus, character strength in both people.
2. Doctrinal knowledge of the marriage relationship.

C. Don't marry on a wave of libido: Ezek. 16:28, no satisfaction.
D. Don't marry because of social pressure.

1. Time panic
2. Unhappy home life
3. Herd instinct
4. Finances

E. Don't marry a divorced person, except in bona fide situations.

1. Divorced prior to salvation.
2. Innocent party in an adultery case. Mat. 5:22
3. Desertion: 1 Cor. 7:15
4. Former mate has remarried.

F. Don't marry for a status symbol.
G. Don't marry with a "divorce mentality."
H. Don't marry on an emotional high or low.
I. Don't marry into a cultural gap or disparity.
J. Don't marry with disagreement in major issues of life.
Quote from Charles Dickens, David Copperfield:

"There is no disparity in marriage
like unsuitability of mind and purpose."

7. Attitude during courtship.

A. Faith rest: Gen. 2:18
B. Prayer:
C. Bible study:
D. Do not conduct the "big search."

8. Protection during courtship.

A. For the man:

1. Bible truth in the soul. Prov. 2:10-16
2. Thus, moral and spiritual integrity
3. Doctrine of separation.

a. The fast crowd. Prov. 1:10-19
b. Your "old" unbeliever friends. 1 Pet. 4:3-4

4. Moral principle: 1 Cor. 7:1, good not to touch.

B. For the woman:

1. The father is the guardian of his daughter's virginity. 1 Cor. 7:36-38
2. The woman guards her purity. 1 Cor. 7:34
3. The word gives her character strength
4. The man of integrity during courtship activity is her protector.

9. Thus, two people will sometime arrive at 1 Cor 7:9

A. If: 1st class condition to indicate the certainty of this situation
within the context of normal social activity.

B. No self-control: egkrateuomai + negative (present middle indicative, 3 person plural)

1. There will be physical attraction for the right one.
2. There will be desire for sexual communication.
3. But that desire, beyond simple signs of affection (kissing, embracing & hand holding: Song of Sol. 1:2; 2:6;) must be held in check until spiritual and social timing is fulfilled. 1 Cor. 7:1

4. True "love-making" is accomplished by SOUL interaction.

5. Sexual contact before a genuine marriage commitment, will distort
the soul identification and produce mental and emotional scars. Proverbs 6:32; Hosea 4:11

C. But that desire will also reach a point where the physical becomes the dominant factor in the mind.

1. This is called "burning" at 1 Cor. 7:9, puroō - present passive infinitive
2. Present tense communicates the dominance factor (continuous).
3. Passive voice communicates an effect produced on the soul by a combination of soul and body desire.

D. And this is the signpost for marriage.
Better to marry - more beneficial (kreitton is a functional comparative of agathos)

E. Thus the command: Let them marry - aorist active imperative.
F. And 1 Cor. 7:28a, it is not a sin to marry.

10. What kind of woman should a man look for? Proverbs 31

A. One with integrity: v. 10 cf. 11:22
B. One you can have confidence in: v. 11
C. One who will seek your benefit: v. 12
D. One who is resourceful: v. 13-16, 19, 24
E. One who takes care of herself: v. 17, 22
F. One with self confidence: v. 18
G. One who is generous: v. 20
H. One who is protective: v. 21
I. One who is relaxed about life: v. 25
J. One who communicates truth: v. 26
K. One who is diligent: v. 27
L. One you can publicly praise: v. 28
M. One who understands marriage authority: 1 Pet. 3:5-6

11. What kind of a man should a woman look for?

A. Spiritual integrity: knowledge and grace expression
B. Moral responsibility:
C. Humility attitude:
D. Gentleness: humility toward others
E. Book of Proverbs gives good standards.

12. The issue of moral preparation.

A. Principle of soul maturity.

1. The pre-teens are molding years. Prov. 4:1-9
2. The teens are stabilizing years.
3. You can be stabilized anywhere from 13 to 19, but one must allow the stabilizing to take place before he commits to a life time obligation, so that "who you are" will be clearly established.

4. Personality compatibility is of utmost importance in marriage. You don't want to marry someone at age 16 who will be entirely different at the age of 18.

B. Principle of physical maturity.

1. Puberty is the transition between molding and stabilizing.
2. It is only logical to allow the body changes to be completed before you commit to a physical relationship.

3. In addition, the soul must catch up to the body before there is a true capacity for establishing a relationship.
4. Adulthood is measured by both physical maturity and soul stability.

13. The issue of spiritual preparation:
Basically - crash program of Bible truth.


For detailed analysis of the marriage customs in Israel at the time of Christ, see
Edersheim: Sketches of Jewish Social Life, chapter 9

1. Engagement: No specific length of time, but the engagement was Just as binding as the actual marriage

A. A marriage contract was established to set policy and guidelines.
B. The groom gave the bride a token to confirm his intentions and make the engagement publicly legal. This was a piece of money or even just a letter delivered either in person or through the groomsmen.

C. During the time of the engagement, there was very little contact and absolutely no sexual activity.
D. Gifts, letters and any formalities were transacted through the groomsmen.

E. These groomsmen served as a type of body guard; one for the groom and one for the bride.

F. Based on this activity, they also served as guarantor of the brides purity to the extent that such supervision can do so.

2. The actual marriage took place when the groom received the bride from the hand of her father at the brides home.

A. The groom goes to the bride's house and brings her out.
B. When they leave that house, they are considered married.
C. He then escorts her to his own house via a public procession that is
followed by the friends of the bride.

D. He brings her into his own home and upon the verbal confirmation of her purity by the groomsmen, officially recognizes her as his wife.

3. Then begins the wedding supper attended by all the friends of both.

A. The friends of the groom are already in the house waiting for the feast.
B. The bride's friends have to wait outside until invited in by the groom.
C. Then all party together for from 1 to 4 weeks.

4. Correlation with the return of Christ

A. The engagement begins at salvation. 2 Cor. I1:2
B. The contract is the Gospel.
C. The token of intent from the groom is the seal of the Holy Spirit. Eph 1:13-l4

D. The bride's groomsman is the written word of God. Eph 5:26
E. The absence of physical activity is the absence of Christ during the church age.
F. The groom coming for the bride is the rapture.
G. The grooms house is heaven. Jn 14:l-3
See Article: The Saints in Heaven
H. The confirmation of purity is the reward seat of Christ. (The white raiment of Rev l9)

I. The marriage feast is held in the groom's kingdom on the earth at the end of the Day of the Lord judgments (after Armageddon).
J. The groom's friends are resurrected 0T and resurrected tribulation martyrs.
Rev 20:4; Dn 12:1-13
k. The brides friends are living tribulation believers who go alive into the kingdom.
Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 19.9

l. The marrige feast lasts 1000 years.



A. General spiritual principles:

1. We are God's servant.

a. Bought with a price: 1 Cor. 6:19-20
b. 1 Pet. 2:13-16 - we are the bond servants of God
c. Romans 12:1-2 - Living and holy sacrifice to God

2. Necessity for fellowship:

a. Rom. 8:8, In the flesh, cannot please God.
b. Filling of the Spirit: Gal. 5:16, 22-23
c. Abiding in Him: 1 John 2:24; 3:6, 9
d. Let the word of Christ dwell inside: Col. 3:15; Ps. 119:11

3. Humility orientation to sin:

a. 1 John 1:8-10; 2:1
b. 1 Cor. 10:11-13
c. Gal. 6:1-2

4. Orientation to specific sins:

a. Anger is a sin. James 1:19-20
b. Do not lie: Col. 3:9-10
c. Do not commit adultery: Heb. 13:4
d. Do not steal: Eph. 5:28
e. No drunkenness and drugs: 1 Cor. 5:11; Prov. 20:1; 23:20
f. Summary: Rom. 13:13
g. Daily confession: Principle of Eph. 4:26,

"let not the sun go down on your emotional anger."

5. Daily prayer: Col. 4:21; Thes. 5:17; Luke 18:1

6. Cultivate the character structure of LOVE: Col.3:14; 1Cor.13:4-7

B. Principle of knowledge: Application of 1 Pet. 3:7,

"Live together according to the standard of knowledge."

1. Learn the 7 principles of marriage from Gen. 2:18-25.

a. #1: Principle of mutual benefit. Gen. 2:18,
"not good to be alone"

b. #2: Principle of divine provision. Gen. 2:18

Marriage is from God.

c. #3: Principle of perfect design. Gen. 2:18

"a helper corresponding to him."

d. #4: Principle of authority.
The man has the responsibility for the care and protection of the marriage unit.

e. #5: Principle of soul communication. Marriage is first and foremost a relationship of the soul.

f. #6: Principle of mutual physical fulfillment.

g. #7: Principle of separation of authority structures.Gen.2:24a
The marriage unit operates independent from parents.

2. Understand the meaning of "weaker vessel" at 1 Pet. 3:7.

This refers to the soul dependence that the woman has on the man. Gen. 3:16, "your desire shall be for your husband."

a. The word "desire" is teshuqAh. It indicates a very intense soulish and emotional need and dependence for her man.

b. Such soul dependence places the man in a place of great honor and power and makes the woman vulnerable to abuse.

c. It takes great integrity in the man to administrate that "power" and cultivate true happiness and fulfillment for the woman.

d. Both the man and the woman need to be aware of this fact in order to properly meet each other's needs.

C. Principles of respect:

1. Communication respect: open and honest (Prov. 27:9)

a. Positive speech: encouraging, courteous, polite (Eph. 4:29)
b. Disagreements must be handled with respect and humility.

1. Gal. 6:1-5; Rom. 14:19; Rom. 15:1-2
2. Cultivate discussion rather than argumentation. Phil.2:14

c. Avoid negatives: Eph. 5:4; Pr. 12:18

1. sarcasm
2. criticism
3. ridicule
4. rebuke
5. contradiction
6. silent treatment

2. Privacy respect:

a. Time alone
b. Keep problems away from the public!

3. Personality respect:

a. likes, dislikes, hobbies.
b. Do not compare spouse with others.

4. Hygienic respect: Both body and environment. Cleanliness

5. Financial respect: Mutually agreed upon money policy.

6. Body respect:

a. No violence:
b. Sexual respect: 1 Cor. 7:3-5 (Don't demand sex)

D. Family principles: mutually shared responsibility for children.

1. Both parents are teachers: Prov. 1:8
2. Both parents have authority responsibility. Eph. 6:1

E. Principle of PRIORITIES:

Basically, do not work or play yourself out of your domestic responsibilities in both soul and body.



1. Two names: very common Matthew Levi, Mattathyah - gift of Yah (Yahweh)

2. A publican: telōnās - revenue officer - 2 types

A. Gabbaid: general collector - ground, income, poll taxes
B. Mokhes: customs collector - import; export; road use; cross rivers; animals; entrance to cities
and markets; etc.

1. great mokhes: employed substitutes to collect
2. little mokhes: did the collecting personally

3. Mark 2:1, 13-14

A. Matthew was a little mokhes
B. In Capernaum,
C. At the seashore (Sea of Calilee - Gennesaret)
D. In the customs office
E. Major highway connecting Damascus and Ptolemais (on the Med. coast)

1. collect from boats going across the lake
2. from caravans going to the Med. coast.

F. Indication of his education: at least 3 languages

4. His character prior to salvation:

A. the character of a publican
B. oppressive, arrogant, partial, tyranical
C. Totally self-motivated

5. His religious and social status:

A. believer or unbeliever - no way of knowing.
B. definitely under the influence of the darkness system.
C. shut off from the formal religion - considered totally hopeless and therefore, shunned and banned
(example - Mat. 23:13)

D. disqualified from being judges or witnesses.
E. society considered them unpatriotic and anti-national. A constant reminder to all who observe and encounter them that the Jews are in servitude to Rome.

F. But in Christ's ministry, no one is excluded. Mat. 9:10-13
G. Matthew is positive to Divine design.

6. Matthew called: Mat. 9:9

A. not from John's disciples
B. after Peter, James, John and Andrew: Mark 1:16-19
C. His response to "follow me" indicates his prior 'heart' acceptance of the person and message of Christ.
Knowing this, Jesus called him to make a committed "public" acceptance.

D. Lk. 5:27-28 "left everything behind"

7. Matthew 9:10; Mark 2:15; Luke 5:29

A. Shortly after his call, Matthew held a big banquet in his home for Jesus.
B. To expose his friends more completely to the message.
C. To announce his decision to follow him?

8. His character after salvation.

A. Because of his positive volition prior to confrontation, he was chosen by Christ as one of the 12. Mat. 10:1-3
B. He was subject to the same spiritual weaknesses as the other disciples.

1. fear at the unexpected: Mat. 14:25-26, Failure to depend on God's plan for them.
2. careless in listening to Christ's words and learning from his miracles. Mat. 16:5-12; Mark 8.14-21

C. They had a basic recognition of Christ's character and value. John 6:66-69
D. But were disoriented to his ultimate ministry and purpose. Luke 18:34

1. They saw His character, but - -
2. could not see what His character demanded for Him to do.
3. attaching wrong or incomplete honor to someone in authority.

E. Disoriented at the crucifixion: Mark 14:27; John 16:32
F. Disoriented concerning His resurrection. Luke 24:34-41:
G. Recovery and consistency after the resurrection. Luke 24:45-53; Acts 1:13
Plus - the writing of the Book of Matthew

9. The main thing to learn from Matthew is the principle of total grace acceptance of those who have undesirable pasts.


I. We actually encounter Mel only at Gen. 14:18-20.

v. 18

A. King of Salem: political ruler of the city (later Jerusalem).

1. Situated N. and just outside the circle (or valley) of the Jordan.

2. The circle of the Jordan was the most beautiful and productive area in Canaan. Gen. 13:10

3. It contained 5 cities that were the wealthiest of the region as well as the most evil. Gen. 13:13

4. Salem was a beacon of light in the midst of this evil because of Mel's righteous rule.

B. Background for this encounter with Mel:

1. Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and his associates made war with the 5 cities of the valley. Gen. 14:1-2

2. The reason for this invasion was a failure of the cities to pay the fealty demanded by Chedorlaomer. Gen. 14:4

3. But the invasion extended beyond the 5 cities and involved the whole area. Gen. 14:5-7

4. Thus, Salem would also be involved.

5. Abe's nephew, Lot, was among the captives taken by Ched, so Abe organized a rescue attempt. Gen. 14:14

6. He was successful and not only rescued Lot, but totally defeated Ched and rescued all the people and wealth that had been taken.

Gen. 14:15-17

7. And it is upon Abe's return that Mel joins him at the valley of Shaveh, as well as the king of Sodom.

8. The valley of Shaveh was located just N. of Salem.


C. Brought out bread and wine: These have long been symbols of spiritual celebration.

1. Here we have Mel administrating a worship celebration because of Abe's victory over the invaders.

a. What was the real purpose for the celebration? The rescue of Sodom's people or its wealth? Not likely.

Gn. 13.13

b. Not even the rescue of Lot would produce such an expression.

c. What does Mel have to do with the victory over these invaders?

d. His city and people were just as much in danger as the others.

e. Thus, the victory serves as a protection for Salem as the center of spiritual truth in the land.

2. The basis for his administration of this spiritual celebration is the title - priest of God Most High.

3. Mel is thus identified as a spiritual guide and teacher after the pattern of the family priesthood.

4. The family priesthood is the manner in which God chose to administrate His truth throughout the world prior to the organization of the nation of Israel at Ex. 19:5.

a. The family priesthood is the first agency that God designed for the dissemination of truth throughout the world.

b. It can be seen in such men as Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Job, Jethro and even Balaam.

c. Before the flood we have one group of people in one general geographical location (including Cain's line in Nod).

d. After the flood we have many different national entities migrating away from the valley of Shinar and the specific family priests would have spiritual responsibility to their respective families and clans.

e. But since Babylonian evil (Nimrod's religion) had gained such popularity and influence, the influence of righteousness would begin to diminish more and more as the clans spread out from Shinar.

f. God's righteous plan would still have seed-pods of influence here and there (Melchizedek, Job and the like) but there would soon be the need for a national entity to take the lead as a "formal" evangelistic influence in the world.

g. It was God's plan to build the nation of Israel to fulfill this purpose in the years ahead, but in the meantime, (and to a certain extent, even afterwards) the family priesthood would be the agent for spreading truth.

5. The name Melchizedek reflects the priestly function that he had. It means - king of righteousness.

a. Righteousness is the operative word for representation of the plan of redemption and the proclamation of God's truth.

b. Compare Noah at 2 Pet. 2:5: a proclaimer of righteousness

V. 19-20a -Mel proclaims a blessing concerning both Abe and God based on the physical victory over Chedorlaomer. (details not included)

V. 20b - Abe acknowledges Mel's spiritual service (the celebration and the teaching) and demonstrates his understanding and appreciation by offering the standard 10% material contribution.

(Such 10% offering was practiced by all the remnants of Nimrod's religious empire, and was specifically changed by God for Israel to be 20%)

II. So the function of Melchizedek here, is actually that of a family priest, having spiritual influence over the whole city as well because of his popularity and political office.

A. He is responsible for teaching truth to the people within his social boundaries, including visitors.

1. The same function Jethro, the priest of Midian, had at Ex. 2:16;

3:1; 18:1-12, 14-24; Deut. 1:9-18

2. And Job at Job 29:7-25

B. God used the family priest, Jethro, to aid in preparing the nation of Israel to be the evangelistic agent.

C. God used the family priest, Melchizedek, to aid Abraham in becoming an effective communicator of truth on his own account.

Gen. 18:19; 26:5

III. Melchizedek was later recognized as the official representative of the order of the family priesthood. Psalm 110.4

A. The family priesthood functioned on the basis of spiritual heritage and divine appointment.

B. It did not function based on physical descent or national affiliation as with the priesthood of Levi.

C. The function of the family priesthood was never really discontinued

D. Even after Israel became the official evangelistic agent, each family head still had the responsibility to promote truth to his own family and to others.

1. Deut. 6:6-9

2. Psalm 145:1-13

3. Even during the church age when we have a different "official" evangelistic agent (the church) the personal responsibility and function of the family "head" remains. Eph. 6:4

E. It was still the responsibility of family leadership to pass on spiritual values and heritage.

F. And on that basis, it is unending as the real core to promoting truth in the devil's world.

IV. So since the family priesthood was the core of evangelism from the beginning, and the core of evangelism throughout all of man's history, that order becomes the example for the eternal priesthood of Christ. Heb. 6:20-7:3

A. And Mel becomes the best example of that priesthood since scripture reveals nothing about him except the existence of his priestly status.

B. The correlation of Christ with the Melchizedek priesthood is advanced doctrine and requires a background of man basic truths in order to understand it. Hebrews 5:9-11 and 6:1-3

C. There are 5 factors that correlate with the priesthood of Christ and make Mel a type of the Messiah.

1. His name: king of righteousness

The Messiah's name - Yah our righteousness, and the righteous branch. Jer. 23:5-6

2. His political title: King of peace (Salem) - political and spiritual

The Messiah is the prince of peace - Isaiah 9:6

3. His priestly title: priest of God Most High

The Messiah is our great high priest - Heb. 4:14-15

4. No human genealogy recorded: Heb. 7:3 - that is, no "inherited" priesthood as explained at Heb. 7:6.

a. And Christ is appointed because of His status - not because of physical descent.

b. Not because of physical genealogy, for he is from Judah, not Levi. Heb. 7:13-14, 16a

c. Also recognize that Messiah does have an actual and recorded genealogy, though it is not the basis for his appointment as priest. (As it is for status as king).

5. His perpetuity: no recorded birth or death to emphasize the perpetuity of the family priesthood of Mel.

And the Messiah's priesthood exists in perpetuity based on the endless life via resurrection. Heb. 7:16b

D. And so Mel is set apart from the other family priests as representing the perpetuity of the family priesthood which is a type of Christ's eternal priesthood. Heb. 7:24-25

1. Christ is the ultimate family priest as He extends His influence over the entire world and passes on his inheritance (spiritual heritage) to those who trust in Him.

2. He is a priest after the order of Melchizedek - that is, after the family priesthood epitomized in Mel.

3. And Mel is used as a type of Christ because his influence was so great in Salem as king and priest.

Heb. 7:4 - how great or distinguished - pelikos

4. And in order to designate Mel as a type of Christ, the Holy Spirit leaves out of scripture his vital statistics. Heb. 7:3

a. But made like: aphomoioo - perfect passive participle to produce a facsimile or copy

b. CT: But having become a copy (or type) of the Son of God

c. he abides a priest: meno - present active indicative

d. perpetually: without cessation of function

e. There is no record of his death or cessation of function although, he obviously did die.

f. So because he is a type of the Messianic priesthood, his office is perpetual. But not because of an actual perpetual status, but because of the way he is portrayed in Genesis - without vital statistics.

V. Melchizedek is not a theophany: these points have already been given.

A. He is represented as an actual man with both political and priestly activities.

B. Hebrews 7:4 designates him as a man.

C. All Theophanies are identified in the immediate context as a manifestation of God. Mel is never so identified, either in the immediate context or otherwise.

D. No Theophany ever appears in an established human institution as a functional member of society.

E. No Theophany is ever given a personal name.


MILLENNIUM: Gog Magog revolt


A. We must understand that the Millennial earth is populated with people in natural bodies, possessing a sin nature.

1. Based on Ezekiel 44:15-31
2. Ezekiel 46:16, having children; Isaiah 65:23
3. Ezekiel 47:8-12
4. The potential for rebellion at Zechariah 14:16-19
5. Potential for false prophets at Zechariah 13:3-6
6. Physical growth: Isaiah 65:20
7. Normal human activity: Isaiah 65:21-24

B. The rigid discipline of the Messiah's rule will be a strong deterrent to overt violations of policy.
Isaiah 9:7; Revelation 19:15

C. However, the soul of man will still be vulnerable to the arrogant, independent creature viewpoint of the sin nature. See Topic: The Sin Nature

D. This inner rebellious attitude will eventually dominate the majority of the people over the 1000 year period.

E. And thus, when Satan is released from his 1000 year prison (Revelation 20:2) he will motivate a specific individual to be a prophet of rebellion against God. And he will organize all the nations into an overt rebellion.

2. The time of the revolt: Revelation 20:3b, 7
Verse 3b, after the 1000 years (achri).

A. Are completed: aorist passive subjunctive of teleioō = fulfilled.
B. after these things: the 1000 years of Messiah's rule.
C. he must: dei, present indicative = it is necessary and indicates the perfect fulfillment of the plan of God.
D. be released: luo, aorist passive infinitive (from tartarus, v.3)
E. for a short time: mikros chronos

1. The exact time is nowhere indicated.
2. But what is a short time in a 1000 year period? 10-20-50 years? Maybe only 1 or 2.
3. long enough to organize and lead a revolt of people who are already rebels in their souls.

Verse 7 When (hotan) the 1000 years:

A. are completed: teleioō, aorist passive subjunctive = fulfilled
B. Satan: the literal individual is in view.
C. will be released: luo, future passive indicative
D. from his prison: the Abyss - probably tartarus.

3. Preparation for the revolt: Revelation 20:7-8

A. The mastermind is Satan.
B. Satan makes contact with the nations in order to deceive them (planaō).
C. Gog and Magog are used to indicate a revival of international materialism lust that wants to dominate the world.

1. Best represented historically by Russian communism.
2. It is the same opposition manifested by the King of the North in connection with the Armageddon campaign that occurs during the 30 day period after the end of the tribulation. Ezekiel 38-39
See Article: When Armies Move

3. Gog is the leader of the Northern kingdom and Magog is the land under his control. Ezekiel 38:2; Genesis 10:2 (For identification of the peoples involved, see the analysis of the King of the North in connection with the 6th trumpet judgment).

4. In the midst of the world-wide chaos caused by the Day of the Lord judgments, this military giant will purpose to possess all the wealth of Palestine. Ezekiel 38:11-13

5. And after 1000 years, this land area is once again dominated by the same materialism lust that destroyed their forefathers 1000 years before.

6. But this time:

a. Satan is the mastermind

b. He uses their materialism lust and jealousy to deceive them into doing his will.

c. he organizes all the nations this time. Revelation 20:8, "the 4 corners of the earth."

D. During the Millennium, many people will grow up without trusting in Christ as their savior, so that at the end of the 1000 years, there will be a multitude operating on darkness viewpoint.
Revelation 20:8, "like the sand . . ."

E. Without Divine viewpoint influence in their soul, all the nations will develop an intense jealousy toward Palestine

1. Jealous of all the natural wealth and prosperity that is there.
2. Angry because of all the wealth and time the nations are required to give.
Isaiah 60:l5b-17; Zechariah 14:16-19
3. Some of them may even rebel enough NOT to send the required delegation to Jerusalem and be suffering economic hardship as a result.

F. And so they are ripe for deception.

1. Satan has a different goal. He is unconcerned with the material wealth. He wants to depose the Godhead as the sovereign of the universe. Isaiah 14:14

2. And when he is released after 1000 years in chains, he can only use what is at his disposal, nations.

4. Comments on why God allows this to take place.

A. Demonstration of man's sinfulness in the conditions of perfect physical environment and under the personal reign of the Messiah.

B. To allow Satan his final opportunity to overcome the authority and influence of light. This is stated as being part of (God's plan at Revelation 20:3, "he MUST be. . ."

C. Thus, to demonstrate that Satan has nothing to offer the creatures of the universe; either in the form of power, or abundant life qualities.

D. And ultimately, that darkness viewpoint is useless and non beneficial.

5. The attack: Revelation 20:9

A. They come to Palestine
B. Surround the camp of the saints (not a war camp, Isaiah 60:l8)
C. And (even) the beloved city, ie., Jerusalem
D. God allows them to assemble, but that is all.
E. There is no battle. Fire comes down from heaven and devours everybody.

1. The people go to Hades to await the Great White throne judgment which will occur shortly (Revelation 20:11-15).
2. Satan is cast into the lake of Fire which has been his destiny from eternity past. Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10



1. Man is composed of body, soul and spirit. 1 Thes. 5:23

2. The soul of man is designated by nephesh (Hebrew) or psuchā (Greek) and is composed of two basic elements; mentality and emotion.

A. The mentality of the soul is called the heart and is the controller of the soul (kardia/Greek and lābh/Hebrew).

B. The emotion of the soul is called reins or bowels, and is the responder and appreciator of the soul.

See Topic: The Emotions

3. The heart contains three elements of character and personality.

A. Conscience: Heb. 10:22; Titus 1:15 (suneidāsis)
B. Mind, with memory and frame of reference:
Titus 1:15; Luke 1:51; 24:45; Deut. 4:9 (nous, sunesis, dianoia)

C. Ego or Self-consciousness, with volition (free will).

4. The mind is that portion of the "heart" that perceives, processes and stores knowledge content.

A. Knowledge perceived, enters the mentality of the soul ("heart") through the mind (Luke 24:45, nous) where it is analyzed based on previously learned standards and frame of reference (memory).

B. It is then related to the self-consciousness (ego) and responded to by volition. Acts 2:37; 7:54

C. Accepted information becomes "understanding" (dianoia) which is the source of viewpoint, insight (dialogismos).

D. It is then transferred to the conscience to form norms and standards for life and godliness. Heb. 10:22; Titus 1:15; 1 Tim. 1:5

E. The dianoia (understanding) retains the information in the memory/frame of reference (2 Pet. 3:1-2, dianoia) and provides the basis for insight and reasoning (dialogismos).

F. The conscience and the mind then form the character of the soul by influencing self-consciousness (ego) and volition.

1. Pride: Luke 1:51, "proud in the dianoia of their heart."
2. Service: Rom. 7:25, "with the nous I am serving the law of God."

G. Rejected information is assigned to the memory center where it may or may not be recalled. The memory of course has both a conscious and a subconscious compartment.

H. When the bible speaks of taking information to heart, it refers to a total acceptance of the information to the point of character influence; good or bad. This information is placed in the understanding (dianoia) and the conscience (suneidāsis).

I. If the information is divine viewpoint, and is rejected, it is subject to Satanic distortion, either direct or indirect.
(Luke 8:12, kardia; 2 Cor. 4:4, noāma)

J. Even accepted information is subject to sub-memory storage. 2 Pet. 1:12-13; 3:1-2.

5. The correlation of terms finds that "mind" and "understanding," although referring to different "steps" in the acquisition of knowledge (perception/nous; insight/understanding), are dependent one on the other.

I find that while the mind (nous) "includes" the understanding and is often used with that in view, the understanding is NOT used for perception, but only for the insight that results from accepting information.

6. The nature of the content of "the understanding" of the heart, is the basis for character and personality. Accordingly the two terms (heart and understanding) are often equated in reference to character expression. This is exactly what we find at Heb. 8:10 and 10:16.

A. Heb. 8:10, "put my laws in their mind (understanding, dianoia) write them upon their hearts (kardia)."

B. Heb. 10:16, "put my laws on their heart (kardia) and write them upon their mind (understanding, dianoia)."

7. The words that refer to retained and used information relate to "the understanding of the heart."

A. dianoia is the "section" of the mind (and heart) which utilizes knowledge content.

B. dialogismos and the verb, dialogidzomai - refer to the "function" of utilization that the dianoia performs (insight).

1. logidzomai means to "reason" using the content of the dianoia.
2. logismos refers to the ideas that come from the dianoia, and may be good or bad, depending on the nature of the content.

C. enthumāsis and enthumeomai (verb) are synonyms for "B."
D. sunesis and suniāmi (verb) emphasize perception with the positive result of perception being the possession of understanding.

1. Mind opened: Luke 24:45, nous + suniāmi
2. Col. 1:9, "so that you may be filled with the full-knowledge (epignosis) of His will in the sphere of all spiritual wisdom (sophia, practical understanding) and understanding (sunesis, factual understanding).

E. ennoia: refers to the function of "the understanding of the heart" that expresses itself based on that understanding.
(Attitude, motivation)

F. noāma: is a synonym for nous, the mind.
Notice Philip. 4:7, "hearts and minds."
Heart speaks of "character" and mind speaks of knowledge content.

8. Many character expressions are related directly to "the understanding."

A. Viewpoint: Luke 2:35, dialogismos; Luke 5:21-22, dialogidzomai
B. Planning: Luke 6:7-8, dialogismos; Mat. 1:20, enthumeomai
C. Doubting, questioning: Luke 24:38, dialogismos
D. Confidence: Col. 2:2, sunesis; Rom. 14:5, nous
E. Service: Rom. 7:25, nous; Mat. 22:37, dianoia
F. Enemies in mind: Col. 1:21, dianoia
G. Pride: Luke 1:51, dianoia; 9:46-47, dialogismos
H. Motivation: 1 Pet. 4:1, ennoia
I. Idolatry: Acts 17:29, enthumāsis
J. Think evil in the heart: Mat. 9:4, enthumeomai + kardia

9. The "understanding" needs to be filled with Divine viewpoint.

A. Renewing of the mind: Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23 (nous).
B. Prepared: 1 Pet. 1:13, dianoia
C. Stirred up: 2 Pet. 3:1, dianoia

10. There is a constant conflict in the soul between the "understanding" filled with Divine viewpoint, and the dictates of the world, flesh and devil.

A. Rom. 7:23, nous
B. 2 Thes. 2:2, nous
C. 2 Cor. 11:3, noāma
D. 2 Cor. 10:3-6, logismos + noāma

11. Rejection of divine viewpoint by the heart results in the darkness process.

A. The emptiness of a vacuum results when truth is rejected.
Rom. 1:21, nous; Eph. 4:17, nous

B. The vacuum "sucks in" darkness viewpoint because the soul NEEDS information. Rom. 1:21, kardia; Eph. 4:18, dianoia

C. The darkness viewpoint then corrupts the content and function of the soul. 1 Tim. 6:5; 2 Tim. 3:8; Titus 1:15 (nous).

D. This results in a blinded mind where the functions of the soul are "blinded" in regard to spiritual values (2 Cor. 4:4).

E. The end result is a disapproved mind. Rom. 1:28, nous; Eph. 2:3, dianoia

12. The content of "the understanding" is described by two words at Hebrews 4:12.

A. enthumāsis: reasonings, expressions of viewpoint.
B. ennoia: motivations, attitudes of character.

13. Understanding viewed from the standpoint of CONTENT.

A. Luke 2:47, sunesis
B. 1 Cor. 1:10, nous
C. Eph. 3:4, "you can understand (noeo) my insight (sunesis)."
D. Col. 1:9, sunesis
E. 2 Tim. 2:7, "The Lord give you understanding (sunesis)."

14. This "place" of understanding is the HEART.

A. Mark 15:19, "out of the heart come evil thoughts (dialogismos)."
B. Luke 2:35, "the thoughts of many hearts" (dialogismos).
C. Luke 5:22, "Why are you reasoning (dialogidzomai) in your hearts."
D. Luke 9:47, "and Jesus, knowing the thinkings (dialogismos) in their hearts."
E. Luke 24:38, "why do reasonings (dialogismos) arise in your hearts?"

15. Protection of the mind (noāma) from human viewpoint solutions relates to the doctrine of faith rest (Philip. 4:7).

16. Comments on perception:

A. Mat. 15:17, "Do you not understand?" (noeo)
Mat. 16:9, "Do you not yet understand (noeo) or remember?"
Mat. 16:11, "then they understood," (suniāmi).
Mat. 24:15, "Let him who reads, understand," (noeo).

B. John 12:40, Blinded their eyes; (perception) "Hardened their heart," (kardia)
"So that they might not PERCEIVE with their heart" (noeo)

C. Romans 1:20, "being understood (noeo) through what has been made."
D. Ephesians 3:4, "you can understand (noeo) my insight (sunesis)."
E. 1 Tim. 1:7, "they do not understand (noeo)."
F. 2 Tim. 2:7, "consider (noeo) what I say."
"for the Lord will give you understanding." (didomi (give) plus sunesis).

G. Heb. 11:3, "By faith we understand." (noeo)
H. Mat. 13:15, "and understand with their heart." (suniāmi)
I. Luke 24:45, "then He opened their minds (nous) to understand (suniāmi) the scriptures."

J. Eph. 5:17, "understand what the will of the Lord is." (suniāmi).

17. The knowledge content of the mind and the character of the heart are then reflected to the outside of the soul's house through the human spirit, as personality. The human spirit is the reflector of the soul.




1. Existence of the principle: 2 Cor. 4:4

2. The basis for the blindness is the word, "unbelieving" (apistos).
The activity of Satan to blind the minds of the unbelieving is based on that unbeliever's failure to relate to God on His terms when confronted with either God-consciousness or gospel hearing.
Once a person rejects truth, the information received is then vulnerable to distortion. This is what is meant by the Devil blinding the mind of the unbelieving.

A. Negative Volition begins the hardening process. Hebrews 3:13
B. Zech. 7:11-12

1. v.11 - First comes negative volition, "Won't hear" (no desire).
2. v.12 - Second comes the hard heart, "Can't hear" (no capacity).

C. This is taught in the parable of the sower, with the seed that was sown beside the road. Luke 8:12

3. The blinded mind can occur to the believer or the unbeliever.
Consistent negative volition empties the mind and darkness invades.
The source of the darkness is human viewpoint and doctrines of demons. 1 Tim. 4:1-3, 7

A. Satan's program has counterfeit truth.
2 Cor. 11:14-15; 2 Thes. 2:7a, 9-10; Rev. 12:9; 2 Tim. 4:4; Lk. 8:12
Counterfeits, mixes and distorts - to deceive and blind the soul.

B. Religion (man's viewpoint and policy) blinds the soul to truth when self-consciousness embraces that religion without the humility of teachability.

1. Conviction with positive response: Acts 2:37-42
2. Conviction with negative response: Acts 7:51-54
3. Saul's example: Acts 26:14
4. The humility of teachability: Berea, Acts 17:10-12
5. Israel's failure: 2 Cor. 3:12-17

4. The process: Romans 1:21-23 (The potential for unbelievers)
(See The darkness process for details)

A. heard truth
B. rejected truth
C. became empty: mataioo = aorist passive indicative (unguarded, weakened, vulnerable)
D. in their thought patterns (dialogismos)
E. and their foolish heart became darkened

1. Light was replaced with darkness
2. Divine viewpoint was replaced with evil viewpoint.

F. v. 22-23 - the expression of the darkness in the soul

1. v.22, Mental: idolatry. (pleonexia is idolatry: Eph.5:5; Col. 3:5)
2. v.23, overt: practice of impurity, akatharsia

5. The process: Eph. 4:17-24 (recognizes the potential for believers)

A. consistent negative volition = hardness of heart
B. ignorance: agnoia
C. alienation from the life of God
D. empty mind: nous
E. darkened dianoia: discernment (primary soul function)
F. calloused soul: scarred, all facets of soul function distorted.
G. expression of the scarred soul: imitation of darkness

1. Mental: totally occupied with self pleasure.
2. Overt: Practice of impurity (akatharsia)

6. There is a partial blindness that comes from false teaching as a result of failure to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth. false teaching: Jer. 5:30-31; Gal. 1:6-7; 3:1; 5:7-9;
Phil. 3:2, 17-19; Col. 2:8; 2:16-23; 2 Thes. 2:2;
1 Tim. 1:5-7; 6:20-21; 2 Tim. 2:16-18; 2 Tim. 4:1-4;
Titus 1:10-11; Acts 20:29-30; 2 Pet. 2:5; Jude 4

7. Protection against false doctrine:

A. 2 Tim. 3:16-17
B. 2 Tim. 2:15
C. Phil. 4:9
D. Is. 28:9-10
E. Rev. 2:2
F. Doctrine of separation: 1 Cor. 15:33
G. Hebrews 3:13, fellowship with other believers.

8. Recovery from the darkness of the soul is re-exposure to Divine Viewpoint through a crash-program of learning Bible truth.

A. Unbeliever, while still alive: repeat of Gospel information
B. Believer: Doctrinal re-instruction. Resume the growth process.
Heb. 5:11-14; James 1:21-25; Eph. 4:20-5:17; 2 Tim. 2:24-26


MIRACLES: God's Wondrous Things

1. Based on the Hebrew verb, pAlA, which Speaks of something which is beyond natural or human ability.

A. Thus, supernatural: miraculous, awesome, magnificent.
B. God's name and the essence behind it Judges 13:15
C. God's knowledge attribute is supernatural. Psalm 139:6
D. The supernetural quality of God's light system. I Pet. 2:9, thaumastos

2. Statement of God's supernatural ability.

A. Gen. 15:14
B. Jer. 32:17,27
C. Zech. 8:6, comparison to human limitations.

3. The plan of God

A. In general: Isaiah 25:1; 28:29
B. The Messianic plan: Psalm. 118:22-23 (Mat. 21:42- thaumastos)
C. The Divine plan for the believer: Psalm 40:5

4. Supernatural quality of Divine revelation.

A. Isaiah 28:29
B. Psalm 119:18
C. Psalm 119:129
D. Romans 11:33-35 with I Cor. 2:6-16
E. Thus, Deuteronomy 30:11
F. Transition to capacity for understanding is the growth process. Ps. 119:27
G. Believer out of fellowship: Job 42:3
H. Humility in the growth process. Psalm 131:1-3

5. Supernatural quality of God's grace provisions. Psalm 31:21

6. Recognize the supernatural quality of God's works.

A. Psalm 86:10
B. Psalm 77:11-15
C. Psalm 136:4 and 72:18, God alone.

7. Examples of God's supernatural works.

A. The miracles of the natural world: Ps. 107:23-32; 139:13-16; Job 37:1-13
B. The Exodus: Ex. 3:20; 15:11; Neh. 9:17; Psalm 78:11-12
C. The wilderness miracles Psalm 78:32
D. Crossing the Jordan: Joshua 3:5
E. Conquest of Canaan: Exodus 34:10
F. Uzziah: 2 Chron. 26:15
G. Solomon's temple: 2 Chron. 2:9
H. National discipline: Deut. 28:59; Isaiah 29:14; Lam. 1:9
I. Second advent events: Joel 2:26; Micah 7:15; Psalm 98:1

8. Perpetuation of the spiritual heritage includes teaching about God's miracles. Ps. 78:1-4

9. A lifetime of learning about God's miraculous works, does not deaden the impact in ones life. Ps. 71:17

10. Used in connection with the Messiah. Isaiah 9:6

11. The gospel message of the evangelists during the DAY OF THE LORD includes reference to his miraculous works. Psalm 96:1-6; CF. Rev. 14:7

12. Angelic perspective toward God's supernatural ability. Ps. 89:5-7

(13. The use of pAlA in connection with the man of sin. Dan. 8:24; 12:6

(14. The use of pAlA In connection with human limitations.
Deut. 17:6; 2 Sam. 13:2; 2 Sam. 1:26; Lev. 27:2; Numb. 6:2



1. Orientation:

A. Every command In the Word of God is based on a principle of absolute Divine righteousness.
B. The righteousness of God is revealed in the Word as His norms and standards for thinking and behavior.
C. The decrees of God have established authority levels designed to test and prove the supremacy of God and resolve the angelic conflict.

D. God has established 2 authority levels which are necessary in the preservation of the human race so the conflict can be resolved.

1. Spiritual authority
2. Moral authority

E. Spiritual authority defines the rights and power of God's sovereignty over his creatures.

1. Sp. authority begins with the Godhead as the Father delegates authority to the Son and Spirit.
2. From the Godhead, authority is delegated directly to the body of Divine revelation - the Scripture.

3. Then indirectly to each believer priest based on ambassadorship and stewardship.

F. Moral authority defines and regulates interrelationships between members of the human race.

1. It too, however, has its origin within the Godhead, as He alone knows what is best for the creature.

2. Moral authority exists In 4 areas.

a. Volition
b. Marriage
c. Family
d. Nation

2. God has placed these two levels of authority side by side in the human race.

A. But because of freewill and the sin nature, there is the possibility of conflict.
B. The moral authorities may not recognize or honor spiritual laws.
C. The moral authorities may not recognize or honor moral laws.
D. In other words, some authority may tell you to do something that violates spiritual law or God's moral law.

3. God's word establishes a priority between these 2 levels.

A. Spiritual authority is absolute as it represents the very essence of the light system. I Jn. 1:5 - God is light and in Him is no darkness.

B. Moral authority is delegated to Imperfect creatures and therefore deals with principle.
C. floral authority can express Itself In an immoral way and yet it still remains the authority.

D. When man rejects sp. authority, he rejects the absolutes of Divine standards. This becomes religion and has no authority over man.

E. When moral authority attempts to restrict sp. authority, the sp. authority has priority and the believer is not bound by the moral authority in that area.

4. Spiritual authority always has priority over moral authority. Acts 5:29 We must obey God rather than man.

A. The two are not In conflict.
B. But when an imperfect moral authority sets itself up in opposition to sp. laws, the sp. laws take precedent.
C.If a corrupt moral authority enslaves through corrupt policies, the believer Is still under the principle of that authority unless the oppression hinders observance of sp. laws.

D. Spiritual laws are Divine mandates for worship and service.
E. Even though a corrupt moral authority advocates Immorality and indeed, practices immorality, the believer Is still obligated to the principle of authority.

F. The believer combats immorality and apostasy within society through his witness of life and message. Not violence nor anything that obstructs the freedom of others. 2 Cor. 10:3-6

G. Our Christian mandate is not to force others to be Christian, or even moral, but to teach Truth and provide light influence in every area of society. Eph. 5:6-21

5. The Christian obligation to authority: Eph. 5.22-6.9

A. Marriage: 5:22-33; 1 Pet. 3:1-7
B. Children: 6:1-3
C. Parents: 6:4
D. servants: 6:5-5; 1 Pet. 2:18
E. masters: 6:9
F. Nation: 1 Pet. 2:13-14; Rom. 13:1-7

6. Principle of moral authority delegated to human institutions.

A. John 19:11
B. Rom. 13:1-2
C. Dan. 4:17
D. Jer. 27:5-5
E. Ex. 20:12- parents
F. Gen. 3:16 marriage

7. The potential for conflict:

A. Mat. 10:34-39
B. Psalm 2:2-3

8. How to handle the crisis. Daniel 6:1-23

A. The conflict develops - v.1-5

1. v.1-3 - operation jealousy
2. v.4 - operation criticism - failed (1 Pet. 4:12-16)
3. v.5 - The believers vulnerability (Achilles heel) is his dedication to spiritual laws.

B. Operation conspiracy - v.6-9

1. The. plan: create a conflict between moral authority and Daniel's perception of spiritual authority.

a. The king is a dupe in this situation.
b. The political rulers are the instigators.

2. Daniel recognized the existence of moral authority.
He was part of that moral authority.

3. The conspiracy against him recognized the importance of spiritual authority in his life.

4. They used moral authority to try to overrule sp. authority.
They made a law against prayer.

C. Daniel, knowing the new law, followed spiritual law as was his custom. v.10

1. The conflict was resolved in Daniel's soul by yielding to the higher authority.
2. Moral authority: No one shall make a petition to any god or man besides the King (Darius) for 30 days.

3. Spiritual authority: worship and service. Summarized at Deut. 6:1-15

D. Daniel handled the crisis by applying Bible Truth through the operation of Faith rest in the plan and viewpoint of God. Principle of I Pet. 3:13-17

E. The conspirators invade privacy, v. 11

1. Dan was not trying to keep anything secret -
2. But It was still home worship done In privacy.

F. Operation hook: v. 2 - Darius doesn't have any Idea that his best political aide is in violation of the new law.

G. They "reel in" Darius by exposing Daniel. v.13
H. Darius tries to prevent them from taking Daniel. v.14
I. But he is bound by his own law. v.15-17
J. Comforts Daniel with what he hopes is true although he himself is an unbeliever. v. 16b
K. Practices his religious ritual in attempt to appease God. v.15
L. In the morning, Darius hopes for the impossible. v.19-20
M. Daniel's attitude: v.21-23

v.21 - 0 King, live forever: title of respect because Dan still recognizes the moral authority he is under.

v.22 - Explanation

1. innocent before Him - God
2. Committed no crime against Darius

v.23 - Narrative summary

1. no harm because he trusted in his God. Principle of 1 Pet.4:19
2. No harm Is only one option In God's plan.
3. Sometimes He allows harm - even death. Heb. 11:32-39
4. But always His plan is promoted and the believer benefits from the perspective of sp. value. I Pet. 3:13; Rom. 5:35-37

9. Dan. 3:1-18

10. Acts 5:17-42

11. Acts 4:1-31

12. Application to social action

A. These passages cannot be used to advocate social demonstrations or physical actions for support of any cause.

B. The issue was worship and service. Not politics or morality.
C. Our responsibility as Christians is to represent Truth by our witness in life and word.
D. That means we speak when we have a chance, but we do not force ourselves upon anyone either emotionally or physically.

E. The present laws of this nation permit us the right of peaceful assembly, and of speaking out on any issue without fear of government reprisal.

F. And if the laws forbad us to proclaim our message of Bible Truth, then we would be obligated to the higher sp. law
that commands us to proclaim.

G. But never are we authorized to use violence, oppression, coercion or invasion of privacy to make that proclamation.



1. Man's soul was created with a natural inclination to be dedicated to Divine policy. Ec. 7.29; Rom. 2.14

2. But the sin nature as the distorter of the soul gives man a natural inclination to act independent from God and contrary to Divine policy. Ec. 7.29, 9.3; Gen. 8.21

3. So now man needs a positive influence in his life to offset or control the self-centered pursuits of the sin nature.

4. The laws of Divine morality provide a positive influence in society as they are perpetuated through family and national teaching.

A. Character influence

B. Social enforcement

5. When these standards are learned they produce a character of moral integrity which gives a limited control on the self-centeredness of the sin nature.

6. This provides order and stability in society and promotes social freedom for all the people in that society.

7. Moral integrity creates moral humility by keeping self in proper perspective. Moral humility then is the basis for members of the human race to honor principles of freedom for all others.

8. The preservation of morality in the world by nationalism promotes a transition from moral humility to creature humility which seeks for God. Acts 17.26-29

9. Moral humility is not necessary to have creature humility, but simply influences the soul to be more receptive to spiritual values.

10. So for the unbeliever, moral integrity or enforcement provides the only control over the sin nature. Rom. 2.14

11. Religion also provides overt control over the OSN, but this is done by distorting moral and spiritual principles so that slavery and fear results instead of freedom and peace.

Mt. 23.13; Gal. 5.1



1. Prior to the Mosaic law there existed in the world a set of moral standards designed by God to preserve the freedoms and stability of society.

A. Natural design in the soul: Ecclesiastes 7:29; Romans 2:14-15
B. Genesis 9:1-7
C. Genesis 2:24 (Genesis 12:10-19)
D. Genesis 26:5
E. These were perpetuated through the ministry of the family priests. Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, etc.

2. When God made the nation of Israel as a new priestly agent to administrate truth throughout the world, He provided her with a "formalized" law in order to set her apart as different and unique from the other nations.
Exodus 19:5-6; Deuteronomy 4:1-8, 44-45; Jeremiah 13:11

3. The Mosaic law is divide into three sections. Deuteronomy 4:1, 13
Statutes, judgments and commandments

A. THE MORAL CODE (commandments, mitswAh): Exodus 20:1-17
This was a detailed guideline for social interaction in all areas of life that revolves around the ten commandments.

1.The NATIONAL purpose was to cultivate personal and national freedom around a rigid overt morality structure while building a stable and fair economic and military power in the world.

2. The SPIRITUAL purpose was to convict the of sin, righteousness and judgment by exposing the sinfulness of the sin nature. Romans 7:7

B. THE SOCIAL CODE (judgments, ordinances; mishpAt): Exodus 21-33. This provided guidelines in every area of social interaction in order to present Israel as a socially unique entity to the rest of the world, and to provide health guidelines for protection of Israel's citizenry. It included dress code; dietary code; criminal justice system; business practices; and property rights to list a few.

C. THE WORSHIP CODE (statutes, choq, decreed standards): This was a structured system of worship revolving around many rituals which taught through symbols, all about the person and work of the promised savior, the Messiah (Christ, the anointed one). It taught about the nature of sin, the consequences of sin, and the solution to sin. I taught about grace in both salvation and fellowship. Details are covered in the books of Exodus and Leviticus.

1. Order of worship: Exodus 24; 30:11-38
2. The tabernacle: Exodus 25-27; 30:1-10; 31:1-11
3. The priesthood: Exodus 28:1--29:46
4. The sabbath: Exodus 31:12-18; 34:18--35:3
5. The offerings: Leviticus 1:1--6:7

D. There is a great deal of overlap between the moral and social codes; in fact, in many areas the social code amplifies the moral code. Also, since Israel was a THEOCRATIC nation (a nation governed personally by God), there is considerable overlap between the worship code and the others. However, it is not right that we should view all parts of the social code as defining either absolute morality or an absolute standard for worshipping God.

4. The Mosaic law is introduced by a summary code called The Book of the Covenant, or The Ten Commandments.

A. The 10 commandments were given to the nation of Israel as their code of freedom. It is God's covenant with them which establishes their national status and Divine responsibility. Exodus 19:5-6; 24:7-8; 34:27-28;
Deuteronomy 4:13-16, 23, 31; 5:2-21; 8:18; 9:9, 11, 15.

B. The code of freedom deals with both spiritual and moral value.

1. Its practical purpose is to establish and protect the basic freedoms of the individual and of society, by promoting vital moral guidelines that do no harm to others.

2. Its national purpose is to set Israel apart from other nations as unique and special because of adherence to these Divine standards. Deuteronomy 7:6-11

C. For a detailed study see Topic: Ten Commandments

5. The Mosaic law was never designed as a way of salvation.

A. It cannot justify: Galatians 2:16; Romans 3:20; Philippians 3:9; Acts 13:39
B. It cannot give life: Galatians 3:21
C. It cannot provide the Holy Spirit: Galatians 3:2
D. Cannot solve the problem of the sin nature. Romans 8:3; Colossians 2:20-23


6. Salvation has always been the same; by faith in the promise of life through the Messiah.

A. Prior to the advent of Jesus faith was expressed in the promise that God would send a Savior who would bring life to the world by paying the penalty for sin.

1. Genesis 5:26; 12:6
2. Psalm 2:10-12; 34:22
3. Isaiah 55:1-3; 57:11-13
4. Joel 2:32 (prophetic with reflection of established policy)

B. After the arrival of Jesus, faith was in His person and work, as the fulfillment of all that was promised in the Old Testament.

7. The purpose of the law.

A. It taught the basis for spiritual and social freedom for the citizens of Israel. The blessings and the curse of Deuteronomy 28-30.

B. It was an evangelistic tool to teach the peoples of the world about the fact, the consequences of sin, and the solution to sin.

1. It provided a formal code of righteousness in the eyes of God. Romans 7:12

2. Provided a formal indictment that man was a sinner. Romans 3:20; 5:20

3. Since the law presents an absolute standard of moral righteousness, and since the sin nature is naturally inclined in opposition to that standard, the law then becomes an instrument of judgment and cursing.

a. It judges by demonstrating that all are sinners.
b. It curses by placing all sinners under a death penalty; the penalty of spiritual death. Romans 3:19; 23; 6:23

c. The power of the curse is the fact that it is impossible to keep the standards of the law, so there is no escape.

4. Accordingly, the law was a guide or teacher to reveal man's need and to reveal God's solution. Its purpose then, was to lead man to the Messiah, that they might trust in the promise of His coming. But once the Messiah personally arrived, and accomplished the actual payment for sin, then the law was set aside as that formal teacher (Galatians 3:23-25).

5. Because of the utter sinfulness of man's nature, and the abundance of iniquity that comes from it, God gave to mankind through Israel, a formal code of moral righteousness, that places an indictment upon all men.

6. Without that formal code, although man is still dead in trespasses and sins, there is no formal indictment but only an experiential indictment.

a. Formal indictment: Romans 5:13; 4:15
b. Experiential indictment: Romans 2:14-15
c. There is no formal and "legal" exposure of the sin nature. Romans 7:8

8. The Fulfillment of the Law

A. The moral code represents absolute morality and can never be displaced as a functional guide for all members of the human race. The 10 C's provide a VITAL moral standard for social freedom.

B. It continues to be a formal indictment of man's sinfulness for it ever exposes the presence and corruption of the sin nature. Thus, it is fulfilled every time man is convicted of his sinfulness.

C. But the emphasis in this code, except for the 10th command, is overt behavior rather than inner character. The focus in the teaching of Jesus was to stress inner character as that which truly fulfills the law through the attitude and practice of beneficent love. Matthew 7:12; 22:36-40; 23:23

D. The very life of Jesus while here on earth was the perfect example of love and in that regard, He was the fulfillment of the law (Mat. 5:17; John 1:17). And through His teachings provided 6 examples of vital morality for the believer (Matthew 5:19-48).

E. The apostles continued this theme as is best illustrated by Paul's teaching at Rom. 12:9-21 and 13:8-14; Gal. 5:14. See Topic: Beneficent Love

F. Jesus was also the fulfillment of the worship code, as all the symbolism pointed specifically to His nature and work as the Savior. Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 9:1-15; 10:1-14; Luke 24:44; Acts 28:23

G. Since the law represented a righteous standard and condemned mankind as coming short of that standard, Christ is the fulfillment of the righteousness of the law because through faith we are proclaimed righteous.
Romans 10:4; Romans 5:1, 9; 2 Corinthians 5:21


A. Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and come short of God's character (glory).
B. Romans 6:23 tells us that the payment for sin is death.
C. Ephesians 2:1-3 tells us that both Jews and Gentiles are "dead in trespasses and sins" and are by NATURE "children of wrath."

D. Galatians 3:22 says that all men are under the authority of sin.
E. The entire human race is indicted under these factors as "judged already," (John 3:18), and as having the wrath of God abide on them (John 3:36).

F. Romans 5:6-10 further indicts the human race by declaring all men to be Helpless, Ungodly, Sinners and Enemies of God.

G. Then at Romans 5:12-19, the basis for such judgment and spiritual death is said to be the fact that all people possess a sin nature through physical birth, and it is because of Adam's one act of sin that this sin nature is passed down to all of his progeny.

H. It is also declared that our knowledge of the sin nature and the sinful deeds of the sin nature comes through the formal code of standards of the Mosaic law, and specifically from the ten commandments. Romans 5:13, 20; 3:20; 4:15; 7:7

I. Furthermore, this law represents righteous standards that cannot be completely kept by man, for there is no one who does not sin (Romans 3:23).

J. And to offend in one point of the law is to be in violation of its entirety (James 2:10; Galatians 5:3).

K. Thus, the law becomes a curse for us, for one must keep it totally and perfectly in order to be accepted as righteous before God on those terms (Galatians 3:10, 13).

L. The law was never designed as a means to find righteousness before God because of the impossibility of keeping it.
Acts 13:39; Hebrews 10:1; Romans 3:20a ; Galatians 3:21

M. Romans 3:19 declares that the entire human race exists "in the sphere of law," and the purpose is so that ALL the world may become accountable to God.

1. Prior to the institution of the Mosaic law, the basis for conviction of sin was PERSONAL through the NATURAL moral design that was in the soul of every person. Romans 2:14-15

2. But this was not a legal indictment but personal. Therefore "the law entered" (Romans 5:20), In order to provide a LEGAL exposure and condemnation from God.

N. It is thus determined that "under law" means to be under the condemnation of the law, for the law declares all men under the authority of sin and therefore accountable to God.

O. Thus, it is necessary for people to be delivered out from under the authority of the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2) in order to be delivered from wrath and condemnation (Romans 8:1; 5:9-11).

P. Grace is the means by which God is able to extend freedom, forgiveness and righteousness to the human race (Ephesians 2:8). Romans 8:2 tells us that the law could not do this and that God sent His Son so that freedom could be provided.

Q. When a person trusts in Christ, he accepts God's gift of freedom and eternal life and comes under the authority of grace.
Romans 6:14, "you are not under law, but under grace."

1. Died to the law: Romans 7:4; Galatians 2:19
2. The indictment of the law is canceled: Colossians 2:13-14
3. He receives forgiveness: Ephesians 1:7
4. And righteousness: Romans 4:22-25; 5:1, 9

R. Grace then, is also the sphere in which God now sees the believer, as not under law, but under forgiveness and righteousness.

S. Under the law means to be under the legal requirements of the law.

1. Formally as a Jew: Galatians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 9:20
2. Informally as a Gentile: Romans 3:19

T. Under the law does not mean to be under a specific way of life or system of spiritual service. Nor does it mean to be under a works system for salvation in contrast to faith.

1. But by the first century, Judaism had developed into a system by which one thought that he was saved and made righteous (justified) by keeping the works of the law. John 5:39, 45; Romans 2:17; 9:31-33; 10:3; Acts 15:1, 5;

2. But the statement, "not under law but under grace," does not refer to this false system of salvation.

3. The issue of faith vs. the works of the law, does not attack the law, but attacks the false system of salvation that revolves around the law. Instead, Paul's teachings about faith establishes the law. Romans 3:27-31

U. The law establishes the presence of the sin nature and condemns the sins that come from it.

1. Through grace, the believer is freed from that condemnation and is given resources to live above the lust of the sin nature.

a. The Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:16-18
b. The word: Psalm 119:11; James 1:21-25

2. Thus, we have the instruction at Romans 6:12-14, that we should not let the sin nature rule in our life because we have been delivered from the LAW. "We are not under law but under grace."

3. The power of the sin nature to condemn is found in the law.
1 Corinthians 15:56, "the power of THE sin (nature) is the law."
Romans 7:5-6

4. If we live in fellowship with God, using the WORD and the Spirit to resist the lusts of the sin nature, then we are not under the experiential condemnation of the law. There is no expression of sin to condemn. Galatians 5:18, 23
Romans 8:4, "the righteousness of the law is fulfilled."


A. Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and come short of God's character (glory).
B. Romans 6:23 tells us that the payment for sin is death.
C. Ephesians 2:1-3 tells us that both Jews and Gentiles are "dead in trespasses and sins" and are by NATURE "children of wrath."
D. Galatians 3:22 says that all men are under the authority of sin.
E. The entire human race is indicted under these factors as "judged already," (John 3:18), and as having the wrath of God abide on them (John 3:36).

F. Romans 5:6-10 further indicts the human race by declaring all men to be Helpless, Ungodly, Sinners and Enemies of God.

G. Then at Romans 5:12-19, the basis for such judgment and spiritual death is said to be the fact that all people possess a sin nature through physical birth, and it is because of Adam's one act of sin that this sin nature is passed down to all of his progeny.

H. It is also declared that our knowledge of the sin nature and the sinful deeds of the sin nature comes through the formal code of standards of the Mosaic law, and specifically from the ten commandments. Romans 5:13, 20; 3:20; 4:15; 7:7

I. Furthermore, this law represents righteous standards that cannot be completely kept by man, for there is no one who does not sin (Romans 3:23).

J. And to offend in one point of the law is to be in violation of its entirety (James 2:10; Galatians 5:3).

K. Thus, the law becomes a curse for us, for one must keep it totally and perfectly in order to be accepted as righteous before God on those terms (Galatians 3:10, 13).

L. The law was never designed as a means to find righteousness before God because of the impossibility of keeping it.
Acts 13:39; Hebrews 10:1; Romans 3:20a ; Galatians 3:21

M. Romans 3:19 declares that the entire human race exists "in the sphere of law," and the purpose is so that ALL the world may become accountable to God.

1. Prior to the institution of the Mosaic law, the basis for conviction of sin was PERSONAL through the NATURAL moral design that was in the soul of every person. Romans 2:14-15

2. But this was not a legal indictment but personal. Therefore "the law entered" (Romans 5:20), In order to provide a LEGAL exposure and condemnation from God.

N. It is thus determined that "under law" means to be under the condemnation of the law, for the law declares all men under the authority of sin and therefore accountable to God.

O. Thus, it is necessary for people to be delivered out from under the authority of the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2) in order to be delivered from wrath and condemnation (Romans 8:1; 5:9-11).

P. Grace is the means by which God is able to extend freedom, forgiveness and righteousness to the human race (Ephesians 2:8). Romans 8:2 tells us that the law could not do this and that God sent His Son so that freedom could be provided.

Q. When a person trusts in Christ, he accepts God's gift of freedom and eternal life and comes under the authority of grace.
Romans 6:14, "you are not under law, but under grace."

1. Died to the law: Rom. 7:4; Galatians 2:19
2. The indictment of the law is canceled: Colossians 2:13-14
3. He receives forgiveness: Ephesians 1:7
4. And righteousness: Romans 4:22-25; 5:1, 9

R. Grace then, is also the sphere in which God now sees the believer, as not under law, but under forgiveness and righteousness.

S. Under the law does not mean to be under a specific way of life or system of spiritual service. Nor does it mean to be under a works system for salvation in contrast to faith.

1. But by the first century, Judaism had developed into a system by which one thought that he was saved and made righteous (justified) by keeping the works of the law. John 5:39, 45; Romans 2:17; 9:31-33; 10:3; Acts 15:1, 5;

2. But the statement, "not under law but under grace," does not refer to this false system of salvation.

3. The issue of faith vs. the works of the law, does not attack the law, but attacks the false system of salvation that revolves around the law. Instead, Paul's teachings about faith establishes the law. Romans 3:27-31

4. Thus, sometimes the phrase, "under law," refers to the Jew who was under the national code that characterized Israel.
Galatians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 9:20. This was not a spiritual issue, but a cultural issue.

T. The law establishes the presence of the sin nature and condemns the sins that come from it.

1. Through grace, the believer is freed from that condemnation and is given resources to live above the lust of the sin nature.

a. The Holy Spirit: Gal. 5:16-18
b. The word: Psalm 119:11; James 1:21-25

2. Thus, we have the instruction at Romans 6:12-14, that we should not let the sin nature rule in our life because we have been delivered from the LAW. "We are not under law but under grace."

3. The power of the sin nature to condemn is found in the law.
1 Corinthians 15:56, "the power of THE sin (nature) is the law."
Romans 7:5-6

4. If we live in fellowship with God, using the WORD and the Spirit to resist the lusts of the sin nature, then we are not under the experiential condemnation of the law. There is no expression of sin to condemn. Gal. 5:18, 23
Romans 8:4, "the righteousness of the law is fulfilled."



1. The Greek word is mustārion:

A. The word refers to a group secret which is not to be revealed except to those initiated into the group.

B. It was used in connection with ancient cults, religions, philosophies and even in secular life to indicate secrets unknown to others.

C. In the New Testament, God the Holy Spirit uses the word in 2 ways.

1. In general: reference to some bit of information that is unknown and needs to be revealed. 4 times
Rev. 1:20; 17:5, 7; 1 Cor. 14:2

2. Technical: 24 times
Refers to the plan of God as it is administered from the incarnation of Messiah all the way through the kingdom with special emphasis on the Church age.


2. The mystery was unknown in previous ages. Rom. 16:25-26

Verse 25

A. To him who is able: dunamai (pr. m. part) keeps on having ability

B. to establish you: stāridzō (aorist active infinitive) set up, establish, support, confirm.
Refers to spiritual security for the believer. A permanent salvation status

C. According to: kata indicates that the basis for having spiritual security is the policy of God

1. My gospel: personal impact of Divine revelation on Paul.
2. and: kai, even the proclamation (karugma) of Jesus Christ
3 factors:1 Cor. 15:3-5: Person, work, resurrection.

D. According to: kata - the basis for the proclamation of the Gospel message is the Revelation of the mystery

1. The mystery truth determines the content of the Gospel.
2. The revelation of the mystery: apokalupsis provided through -

a. incarnation, death and resurrection - 1 Tim. 3:16
b. provision of spiritual gifts: Col. 1:20; Eph. 4:11-12

E. Which has been kept secret: concealed - sigaō (perf. p. part.)

F. in ages past:

1. kairos - locative plural - in times or time periods
2. aionios - locative plural - adj. - past (or perpetual)
3. Eph. 3:5; Col. 1:26

G. What has been concealed are details of the Divine plan.

The outline had been taught extensively in the Old Testament although often in parabolic language.
Gen. 3:15; 12:3; 49:8-12; Deut. 32:21;
Is. 7:14; 9:1-7; 11:1-5; 28:9-13; 65:1-16; 52:13--53.12;
Psalm 110:1; 118:22-29

H. Mt. 13:11-17

I. 1 Pet. 1:10-12

J. Also kept from the angelic creation, both elect and fallen. 1 Pet. 1:12; 1 Cor. 2:7

Verse 26

A. But now is made manifest: phaneroō (aorist passive part.)
made visible. Ie, taught clearly without parabolic language.

B. And by the scriptures of the prophets --

1. Dia + the genitive of graphō = through the writings
2. Genitive plural adj. - prophātikos = prophetic.

3. Thus through the prophetic writings which is a reference to the mention of Mystery truth in the Old Testament in outline and parabolic form.

4. The Holy Spirit interprets the old in the new.

a. Deut. 32:21 is quoted in Rom. 10:19
b. Is. 28:11 is quoted in 1 Cor. 14:21
c. Is. 65:1 is quoted in Rom. 10:21
d. Is. 53:4 is quoted in Mt. 8:17
e. Is. 53:9 is quoted in 1 Pet. 2:22
f. Is. 7:14 is quoted in Mt. 1:23
g. Is. 9:1-2 is quoted in Mt. 4:14-16
h. Is. 61:1-2 is quoted in Lk. 4:14-21
i. Ps. 110:1 is quoted in Heb. 1:13
j. Ps. 118:22 is quoted in Mt. 21:42 ff

C. According to: kata

1. The commandment: epitagā - Divine sovereignty determines when to initiate the various phases of his plan. Gal. 4:4
2. Of the Eternal God: tou aiōniou theou (aiōnios + theos)

D. has been made known: gnōridzō (aorist passive part.) The point of time of new testament revelation.

E. To all the nations: universal proclamation - pas ethnos Col. 1:6, 23; Acts 17:6

F. Leading to: eis, indicates the result of the Gospel proclamation.

G. Obedience of faith, hupakoā pistis

1. Faith is the thinking system that denies all aspects of human logic and emotion.
2. obedience indicates the object of faith obedience to the Gospel
3. Rom. 1:5 cf. 2 Thes. 1:8

3. Paul's summary of the Mystery in Eph. 3:1-11:

4. The outline of the mystery

A. Col. 2:2, The Mystery is Christ.
B. 1 Tim. 3:16, The mystery of godliness (eusebeia)

1. Eusebeia means, good worship and refers to the proper manner of worship. Here the emphasis is on the proper "object" of worship based on the revelation of God's plan in and through the Messiah.

2. The mystery of worship is that the function of worship is now equally bestowed on the Father and on the incarnated Messiah. Equal honor: John 5:23

3. The mystery of worship then centers around the plan of God as revealed through the incarnation of The Word.

a. He who was revealed: phaneroō, aorist passive indicative.
b. In the flesh: John 1:14; Philip. 2:6-8

4. His ministry:

a. Vindicated: dikaioō, aorist passive indicative demonstrated as righteous
b. By the Spirit: Sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 11:1-2; 42:1-4; Mat. 12:15-21
c. John 8:29; Mat. 17:5; 1 Pet. 2:22

5. Angelic observation:

a. Seen: horao, Aorist passive indicative
b. By angels: angelos, plural

At His birth: Luke 2:13
At His temptation: Mat. 4:1-11
At His crucifixion: Mat. 26:53
At His resurrection: Mat. 28:2; John 20:12
At His ascension: Acts 1:10-11

6. Proclaimed as the Savior:

a. kārussō, aorist passive indicative
b. Among the nations: Rom. 16:26; Col. 1:6, 23; Acts 17:6 (1:8).

7. Believed: embraced as the Savior.

a. pisteuō, aorist passive indicative
b. In the world: kosmos
c. John 1:10-13

8. Ascension/session: Acts 1:9; Eph. 4:8
Present status: Heb. 1:3, 13; 10:12-13 ; Col. 3:1

9. These 6 factors then are the basis for worshiping God as Christians in a way that is acceptable to him.

C. Israel's replacement:
Deut. 32:21; Is. 65:1-16; Mat. 21:33-46; 23:38; Romans 11:25-32; Parables, Mat. 13

D. Building of a new body: Eph. 3:6; Mt. 21:43

1. Positional relationship: Eph. 5:22-32
2. Function: Eph. 3:10; 1 Pet. 2:9
3. Rapture: 1 Cor. 15:51-57

E. Intensification of the angelic conflict:

1. The mystery of lawlessness: 2 Thes. 2:7
2. The ruler of this world: John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11
3. Principle of intensification: Rev. 12:9
4. The god of this world: 2 Cor. 4:4; 11:13-15
5. The present evil age: Gal. 1:4; Philip. 2:15; Eph. 5:16

F. The mystery is Christ: Col. 2:2
(The "wealth" of the mystery, is Christ in you, Col. 1:26-27)

1. Positional: how the body is built "in that day" of Jn. 14:16-20
1 Cor. 12:13; Eph. 2:20-21; Isaiah 28:17a

2. Experiential: the new body built up - edified.
Gal. 4:19; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 4:13; 3:16-17; 2:22

3. The hope of glory:

a. hope: is elpis which is confidence of our status.
Confidence that what God has promised he will perform.
Phil. 1:6; 1 Thes. 5:24; 1 Cor. 1:9

b. Glory is the promise of the Gospel which is Eternal life - now and future.

c. 2 sources of confidence:

1. The fact of our position and the claims of scripture. Rom. 8:1, 38-39; 1 Jn. 5:11-12

2. The reality of spiritual life experience through growth. Rom. 8:16; 5:3-5; Gal. 5:22-23; 2 Cor. 3:18

5. It is the responsibility of the communicator to give full explanation of all the mystery doctrines.

A. 1 Cor. 4:1
B. 1 Tim. 3:9
C. Col. 1:25, 28-29
D. 2 Tim. 2:2
E. Prayer desired. Eph. 6.19; Col. 4.3


6. Summary:

A. Mystery of His will: Ephesians 1:9

Resolution of the angelic conflict through summing up all things in Christ.

B. Mystery of Christ: Ephesians 3:4; Col. 4:3

The positional union of Jew and Gentile in ONE body IN CHRIST.

C. Mystery of the gospel: Ephesians 6:19

The placement of Jew and Gentile in ONE body IN CHRIST.

D. Mystery of God: Col. 2:2;

Spiritual life reality as experienced in and through Christ.

E. Mystery of God: Rev. 10:7

The final 7 years of Israel's history prior to Messiah's kingdom.

F. Mysteries of God: 1 Cor. 4:1

The many facets of "new" dispensation truth based on the arrival and success of the Messiah-Savior.

G. Mystery of the faith: 1 Tim. 3:9

Probably still focusing on the union of all believers in ONE body.

H. Mystery of godliness: 1 Timothy 3:16

New worship policies based on Messiah's success.

I. Mystery of the 7 stars: Revelation 1:20

The progress of the church until the Day of the Lord.

J. Mystery of the woman: Rev. 17:7

Babylonian evil as perpetuated throughout human history.

K. Mysteries of the kingdom of God: Luke 8:10; Mark 4:11

God's strategies for the advance of LIGHT in the kingdom of darkness.

L. Mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: Mat. 13:11

Same as the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

M. Mystery of the rapture: 1 Cor. 15:51

Removal of living believers from the earth at the Day of the Lord.

N. Mystery of blindness on Israel: Romans 11:25

Israel's replacement by the church until the Day of the Lord.

O. Mystery of Christ and His church: Ephesians 5:32

Position in Christ, in one body of perfect equality.

P. Mystery of lawlessness: 2 Thes. 2:7

Advance of Satanic evil as expressed through mankind.



©Ron Wallace, Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it,
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