1. Since man is born in darkness and lives under the authority and influence of darkness in Satan's world system, he needs protection in life until he can enter the authority & influence of God's kingdom of LIGHT. So God designed Divine morality.

A. Morality is LIGHT viewpoint made available to those outside the authority and influence of LIGHT.

B. Morality does not provide entrance into the LIGHT system. Nor in and of itself does it provide proper function in LIGHT.

C. It is a way of life for interrelationship between members of the human race to provide order and stability in society so that humanity does not destroy itself through the unbridled expressions of the sin nature or Satan's mismanagement and inability to control.

D. Morality is a system for both believer and unbeliever.

1. For the unbeliever, it provides viewpoint to offset the darkness viewpoint around him and to control the sin nature within.

a. It provides character standards which cultivate moral integrity which then cultivates an "esprit de corps" attitude of human brotherhood among all peoples.

b. It provides overt standards of punishment for abuses of freedom in order to control the overt expressions of the sin nature.

c. This then promotes order and stability within society and preserves freedom so that man might search for spiritual reality without attack or censure. Acts 17.26-29. "And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation SO THAT they would seek God, if perhaps they might feel around for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us."

2. For the believer who fails to live according to the spiritual standards of God's kingdom of LIGHT, morality provides an overt control over the rebelliousness of the sin nature.

3. In neither case does morality provide salvation or the abundant life of John 10:10 ("I am come that you might have life {salvation relationship} and abundance {quality of life here on earth}"). That is only available through entrance into (salvation) and living according to the spiritual standards of God's kingdom of LIGHT. Romans 14:17, "The kingdom of God is . . . righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

E. For the Believer who functions in LIGHT, (perception and application of God's standards of truth) moral discipline perpetuates the dedication to spiritual values into a consistent expression of beneficent love. 1 Cor. 13:4-7.
See Topic: Beneficent Love

2. Outside the LIGHT system, morality is observed by the unbeliever for self-benefit reasons.

A. Personal benefit
B. Collective benefit
C. Penalties for violations (enforced morality)

3. And if benefit can be achieved apart from morality, ego under control of the sin nature responds accordingly.

A. Personal benefit
B. Collective benefit
C. If penalties for violations are not enforced, then morality provides no real restraint on the sin nature.

4. Also outside the LIGHT system, morality is subject to distortion and abuse by religion, philosophy, and political systems.


1. Divine morality is the code of human behavior designed by God to cultivate and preserve freedom in the human race.

A. To give order and stability to human society in the Devil's world.
B. And to provide overt restraint on man's corrupt sin nature.

2. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lived in perfect environment with everything they needed, provided freely by God. They enjoyed perfect relationship and fellowship with Cod and with each other.

3.When Adam and Eve rejected divine design in the garden, several things happened.

A. They lost relationship and fellowship with Cod.
B. They acquired in their human physical make-up, a distorted corrupt nature. (sin nature) Gen. 8:21
C. They lost their authority over the world to Satan.
D. Also, as a result of man's sin, creation was put under a curse. This expresses itself through an aggressive antagonistic environment.
E. All of these factors put pressure on man's social relationships and affect the stability of human freedom.

4. The loss of spiritual relationship with God removed man out from the place of Divine viewpoint influence.

A. Since man's soul is designed to function on Divine standards this removal placed him in a totally disoriented condition.

B. This resulted in instability, frustration and unhappiness since proper spiritual adjustment to God is the only source for stability and happiness.

C. Accordingly, man's relationship to man is affected based on influence from the sin nature, Satan and the environment.

5 .The presence of the sin nature resulted in instability and disorder in man's soul as well. This also caused mans relationship with man to become distorted and unstable.

A. individual freedom is undermined.
B. Man-woman relationship is undermined.
C. family relationships are undermined.
D. social relationships are undermined.

6. Satan's rulership over the earth causes man to be influenced by Satan's promotion of his own standards of life which are inferior and in opposition to divine standards.

A. Man is created by Cod and designed to live according to Divine standards for maximum happiness and fulfillment in life.

B. Under Satan's influence, man is subject to alienation from this happiness and fulfillment. Satan's program cannot provide it.

C. Satan's program, in various ways and degrees enslaves man's free-will and destroys personal freedom.

7. Because of the curse on creation, man is now subject to an aggressively antagonistic environment. This condition stimulates the sin nature even more in the areas of selfishness and power lust, so that the order and stability of society is affected, and freedoms are destroyed.

8. Therefore, God instituted the principles of divine morality in order to restrict the dictatorship of the sin nature and to provide for man in his spiritually depraved condition, a system of order and stability.

9. The principles of divine morality in a very basic degree, are built into the soul of man and provide a natural but still potential restraint on the sin nature. Ec. 7:29; Rom. 2:14-15
Ec. 7:29, "God made man upright, but he has sought out many (opposing) devices."
Rom. 2:14-15, "
They show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them."

10. So to the degree that Divine morality is practiced in human society, to that degree there will be order and stability And accordingly, man's volition will be unhindered for response to to the gospel. Acts 17:26-27, "So that they might seek for God."

11. The design for Divine morality is expressed in four areas.

A. Man's soul or personal freedom and volition:
B. Marriage: one man and one woman joined into a "one flesh unit."
C. Family: the environment and standards for raising children.
D. Nationalism: Standards for interaction within organized social groups.

1. The principle of free-will was in full operation as the focal point in the angelic conflict. Gen. 2:9, 16-17

2. The issue in the angelic conflict is the principle of personal choice. Will man who was created inferior to angels, but with the same freedom to exercise choice, choose for or against the absolute perfection of Divine authority, viewpoint and standards?
The unbeliever has full freedom (free will) to choose for or against God's revelation of His character and plan. There are many things that influence that choice, but the choice, whether for or against, is NEVER forced or decreed by anyone or anything.

3. Every invitation and command from God recognizes the existence of free will; man's ability and responsibility to choose what he will think for himself in every area of life.

4. Free will is not freedom to DO anything, for God can and does prevent certain actions. But free will is freedom to THINK anything, and in the mind, to CHOOSE anything. It is the overt follow through of the choice that might be allowed or prevented by God.


1. God provided 4 grace gifts for the human race in order to give happiness and fulfillment in life.

A. The gift of life and freedom: basically, free will.
The right and responsibility to choose for yourself.

B. The gift of human partnership: one man and one woman in the marriage relationship.

C. The gift of spiritual partnership: salvation relationship through forgiveness of sins based on Christ's work on the cross.

D. The gift of viewpoint partnership: The provision of the viewpoint of the Godhead in written form so that we might have fellowship with Him based on His thinking and standards.

2. Marriage was provided for the human race as God's 2nd grace gift.

A. The gift of marriage is a partnership between one man and one woman wherein each fulfills the other through soul and body communication and fellowship.

B. The design was provided by God in the garden of Eden even before sin entered into the world. Gen. 2:18-25

3. Marriage was provided by God for the benefit of the human race.

A. Gen. 2:18, the divine evaluation of the human race:

1. Not good (lo tobh) for the man to be alone.
2. This is the creator doing the evaluation, not the creature.

B. This was prior to the fall.
C. After the fall, apply the principle of Gen. 2:24
D. To be alone: separated from your counterpart.

1. The principle of counterpart was established in the animal kingdom as Adam had observed. Gen. 2:19-20

2. The need in his soul was already present as indicated by the end of v. 20, "there was not found . . ."

3. This need went beyond animal instinct as Adam recognized it within his human consciousness.

4. The need in man, and later in the woman, was designed by God in order to provide unique inter-soul relationship unavailable to the animals.

5. The maximum in human happiness is realized through fulfillment of inter-soul relationship.

6. This does not suggest that either is "frustrated" without the other.

7. It does suggest that it is wrong to stay single when God has provided a counterpart.

8. It tells us that as long as man and woman were separated, marriage could not function.

9. If marriage could not function, then family and nations would be non-functional.

10. God designs that man and woman get married unless his plan provides for the rare exceptions. Mat. 19:12

11. But human maturity and God's guidance and timing must always be considered.

4. Divine action to provide the counterpart: Gen. 2:18-19

A. I will make: AsAh = manufacture out of existing material
B. This is accomplished by operation rib. Gen. 2:21-22
C. For him: This was done with marriage in mind.
D. The creation of male and female presupposes a divine plan for marriage and for procreation. Gen. 1:27-28; Mat. 19:4-5

5. Marriage then is a divine institution designed for the entire human race in order to provide fulfillment to individuals, and order and stability for society. Marriage is also God's plan for perpetuating the human race in a stable environment and protection of the woman from abuse by man's sin nature.

6. It is God's plan and authority which accommodates marriage. Therefore, the marriage unit is viewed as "what God has joined together." Mat. 19:6

7. The counterpart that God designed is tailored specifically for the man, and in turn, the woman finds a counterpart for herself.

A. helpmeet: āzer kenegedo - a helper corresponding to him. The idea of complement and fulfillment is involved. A perfect "physical" complement and a perfect soul match.

B. Partnership: The one flesh unit mentioned at Gen. 2:24
C. Partners in life: 1 Pet. 3:17, "heirs together of the grace of life."

The term "grace of life" refers to human life in general.

D. Soul partnership:

1. Gen. 2:25, "not ashamed."
2. Song of Solomon 8:6, "seal on the heart." The marriage partner fulfills the soul.

E. Physical partnership:

1. Jeremiah 31:22, "for the LORD has created a fresh thing in the earth; a woman shall surround a man."

a. This is not something that is NEW.
b. It is something that has been neglected.
c. And God uses the image of "true marriage partnership" to illustrate the relationship He will have with the nation of Israel.

2. 1 Cor. 7:3-5, "Because of acts of immorality, let each man have his own wife, and each woman have her own husband."

F. Parental partnership: raising of children together. Prov. 1:8; Eph. 6:1-3

8. Monogamy is established as the divine design. 1 Cor. 7:2; Eph. 5:33; 1 Tim. 3:2; 5:9

9. Polygamy is totally contrary to divine design. 
See topic: polygamy.

10. The happiness potential in marriage

A. Marriage offsets the "lo tobh" (not good) factor of Gen. 2:18: Pr. 18:22; 12:4
B. The "one flesh unit" provides companionship and partnership in life.
Gen. 2:24 with 1 Pet. 3:7, "heirs together."

C. "No shame" indicates:

1. maximum soul relaxation toward the human body.
2. Potential for maximum happiness from physical expressions of love. 1 Cor. 7:3-5; Prov. 5:18

D. Potential for happiness through raising children. Prov. 10:1; Ps. 127:3-5

E. Even the unbeliever, when moral standards are followed has potential for great happiness in marriage. Ec. 9:9

11. Marriage was established as the basic unit of human rapport and fellowship. But because of the sin nature, this too is distorted through abuse and misuse. Accordingly, God designed principles for the protection of freedom within the marriage relationship.

A. boundary for sex
B. Monogamy
C. Authority structure
D. Teaching of children
E. Penalties for violations


1. When Adam and Eve had children, the unit of the family was instituted. Again, because of the sin nature, freedom can be lost through enslavement within the family unit or through the destruction of the family unit.
Therefore, Divine morality has provided principles and guidelines for the protection of children.

A. authority structure: Eph. 6:1
B. Training standards: Proverbs; Eph. 6:1-4


1. As individual family units began to increase, the need for social government developed. But because of man's sin nature, there existed the tendency to distort government, resulting in slavery.

2. Because of man's distorted nature, his soul is subject to the corruption of darkness viewpoint and influence, which tends to force its own individual will on other members of the human race.
This is slavery and hinders the spread of Divine viewpoint standards as such standards are restricted or even outlawed.

3. Therefore Divine morality has provided principles of nationalism to deter one man or one group of men from dominating the freedoms of society through either political or religious activity.
Principles for the protection of personal freedom are found throughout the Mosaic law. Two examples.

1. capital punishment

4. Preservation of human freedom through Divine morality keeps the overt expressions of free choice active in the Angelic conflict. This demonstrates to Satan and his angels the perfection of God's character and accordingly, every time someone chooses the standards of the LIGHT system over Satan's standards of darkness, Satan is, figuratively speaking, slapped in the face because the standards of truth are vindicated as being more valuable than the standards of independence from God.

5. For the unbeliever, morality is a way of life that provides order and stability and preserves personal freedom. It is, in fact, the only freedom available to the unbeliever.

A. It is not a religious system nor of any spiritual value.
B. It is however, a rigid system which operates on strict principles of enforcement, both natural and applied.
C. The issue in morality is the overt. It does not provide "inner" freedom or happiness because of the presence of the sin nature.

D. However, the unbeliever can find a degree of happiness through morality life, although, more precisely, this is simply the emotional feeling of "comfort" that results from order and stability in his personal life and in society.

E. The standards of morality life are absolute since they are Divine design, but they only provide a guide for the human race. They do not change character.

F. In fact, the morality standards demonstrate to man his sinfulness and depravity because they expose the inner character for what it is. Rom. 3:20, "through the law is the knowledge of sin."

G. To the degree That morality standards are violated, to that degree the sin nature will dominate ones personal life and cause disorder and instability within. This results in unhappiness, insecurity and fear.

H. When morality standards are violated by government, society becomes dominated by that government and various degrees of enslavement results which destroys personal freedoms and therefore hinders the advance of LIGHT standards.

I. When morality standards are distorted into a religious way of life, the results are totally opposite to their intended purpose.

1. Instead of the preservation of freedom, slavery and fear is the result.
2. Instead of cultivating evangelism, it promotes the darkness system and darkness viewpoint.

6. For the believer, morality life is an extension of his spirituality and a fulfillment of priesthood and ambassadorship.

A. The believer is not taken out of society, but is to live in society as a source of both moral and spiritual viewpoint and guidance. Phil. 2:14-16; Jn. 17:15

B. Morality is not spirituality, but spirituality conforms to morality standards. Divine morality is God's viewpoint.
C. Morality in the life provides a major area of testimony to unbelievers. 1 Pet. 2:12-15
D. Therefore, the believer's responsibility in Divine morality is to promote its standards in the world through personal application and teaching.

E. Morality life standards are just as strict to believers as to unbelievers, and although the believer is under the special care and attention of God, when he violates them, God will either (1) allow the natural consequences to take place (Principle of Rom. 13:1-7).
or (2) apply the principle of divine discipline. Heb. 12:6.


1. Orientation:

A. Every command In the Word of God is based on a principle of absolute Divine righteousness.
B. The righteousness of God is revealed in the Word as His norms and standards for thinking and behavior.
C. The decrees of God have established authority levels designed to test and prove the supremacy of God and resolve the angelic conflict.

D. God has established 2 authority levels which are necessary in the preservation of the human race so the conflict can be resolved.

1. Spiritual authority
2. Moral authority

E. Spiritual authority defines the rights and power of God's sovereignty over his creatures.

1. Sp. authority begins with the Godhead as the Father delegates authority to the Son and Spirit.
2. From the Godhead, authority is delegated directly to the body of Divine revelation - the Scripture.

3. Then indirectly to each believer priest based on ambassadorship and stewardship.

F. Moral authority defines and regulates interrelationships between members of the human race.

1. It too, however, has its origin within the Godhead, as He alone knows what is best for the creature.

2. Moral authority exists In 4 areas.

a. Volition
b. Marriage
c. Family
d. Nation

2. God has placed these two levels of authority side by side in the human race.

A. But because of freewill and the sin nature, there is the possibility of conflict.
B. The moral authorities may not recognize or honor spiritual laws.
C. The moral authorities may not recognize or honor moral laws.
D. In other words, some authority may tell you to do something that violates spiritual law or God's moral law.

3. God's word establishes a priority between these 2 levels.

A. Spiritual authority is absolute as it represents the very essence of the LIGHT system. I Jn. 1:5 - God is LIGHT and in Him is no darkness.

B. Moral authority is delegated to imperfect creatures and therefore deals with principle.
C. Moral authority can express itself in an immoral way and yet it still remains the authority.

D. When man rejects spiritual authority, he rejects the absolutes of Divine standards. This becomes religion and has no authority over man.

E. When moral authority attempts to restrict spiritual authority, the spiritual authority has priority and the believer is not bound by the moral authority in that area.

4. Spiritual authority always has priority over moral authority. Acts 5:29 We must obey God rather than man.

A. The two are not In conflict.
B. But when an imperfect moral authority sets itself up in opposition to spiritual laws, the spiritual laws take precedent.
C. If a corrupt moral authority enslaves through corrupt policies, the believer is still under the principle of that authority unless the oppression hinders observance of spiritual laws.

D. Spiritual laws are Divine mandates for worship and service.
E. Even though a corrupt moral authority advocates immorality and indeed, practices immorality, the believer is still obligated to the principle of authority.

F. The believer combats immorality and apostasy within society through his witness of life and his message; not violence nor anything that obstructs the freedom of others. 2 Cor. 10:3-6

G. Our Christian mandate is not to force others to be Christian, or even moral, but to teach Truth and provide LIGHT influence in every area of society. Eph. 5:6-21

5. The Christian obligation to authority: Eph. 5.22-6.9

A. Marriage: 5:22-33; 1 Pet. 3:1-7
B. Children: 6:1-3
C. Parents: 6:4
D. servants: 6:5-5; 1 Pet. 2:18
E. masters: 6:9
F. Nation: 1 Pet. 2:13-14; Rom. 13:1-7

6. Principle of moral authority delegated to human institutions.

A. John 19:11
B. Rom. 13:1-2
C. Dan. 4:17
D. Jer. 27:5-5
E. Ex. 20:12- parents
F. Gen. 3:16 marriage

7. The potential for conflict:

A. Mat. 10:34-39
B. Psalm 2:2-3

8. How to handle the crisis. Daniel 6:1-23

A. The conflict develops - v.1-5

1. v.1-3 - operation jealousy
2. v.4 - operation criticism - failed (1 Pet. 4:12-16)
3. v.5 - The believers vulnerability (Achilles heel) is his dedication to spiritual laws.

B. Operation conspiracy - v.6-9

1. The. plan: create a conflict between moral authority and Daniel's perception of spiritual authority.

a. The king is a dupe in this situation.
b. The political rulers are the instigators.

2. Daniel recognized the existence of moral authority.
He was part of that moral authority.

3. The conspiracy against him recognized the importance of spiritual authority in his life.

4. They used moral authority to try to overrule spiritual authority.
They made a law against prayer.

C. Daniel, knowing the new law, followed spiritual law as was his custom. v.10

1. The conflict was resolved in Daniel's soul by yielding to the higher authority.
2. Moral authority: No one shall make a petition to any god or man besides the King (Darius) for 30 days.

3. Spiritual authority: worship and service. Summarized at Deut. 6:1-15

D. Daniel handled the crisis by applying Bible Truth through the operation of faith rest (trusting) in the plan and viewpoint of God. Principle of I Pet. 3:13-17

E. The conspirators invade privacy, v. 11

1. Dan was not trying to keep anything secret -
2. But it was still home worship done in privacy.

F. Operation hook: v. 2 - Darius doesn't have any idea that his best political aide is in violation of the new law.

G. They "reel in" Darius by exposing Daniel. v.13
H. Darius tries to prevent them from taking Daniel. v.14
I. But he is bound by his own law. v.15-17
J. Comforts Daniel with what he hopes is true although he himself is an unbeliever. v. 16b
K. Practices his religious ritual in attempt to appease God. v.15
L. In the morning, Darius hopes for the impossible. v.19-20
M. Daniel's attitude: v.21-23

v.21 - 0 King, live forever: title of respect because Dan still recognizes the moral authority he is under.

v.22 - Explanation

1. innocent before Him - God
2. Committed no crime against Darius

v.23 - Narrative summary

1. No harm because he trusted in his God. Principle of 1 Pet.4:19
2. No harm is only one option in God's plan.
3. Sometimes He allows harm - even death. Heb. 11:32-39; Acts 7:59-60; 12:1-2
4. But always His plan is promoted and the believer benefits from the perspective of spiritual value. I Pet. 3:13; Rom. 5:35-37

9. Dan. 3:1-18; Acts 5:17-42; Acts 4:1-31

10. Application to social action

A. These passages cannot be used to advocate social demonstrations or physical actions for support of any cause.

B. The issue was worship and service. Not politics or morality.
C. Our responsibility as Christians is to represent Truth by our witness in life and word.
D. That means we speak when we have a chance, but we do not force ourselves upon anyone either emotionally or physically.

E. The present laws of this nation permit us the right of peaceful assembly, and of speaking out on any issue without fear of government reprisal.

F. And if the laws forbad us to proclaim our message of Bible Truth, then we would be obligated to the higher spiritual law that commands us to proclaim. Acts 5:29

G. But never are we authorized to use violence, oppression, coercion or invasion of privacy to make that proclamation.



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