These outlines are intended as "teaching guides" to the study of any particular topic. The outlines may leave many unanswered questions as to details since those details would be answered in the process of teaching from the scripture references provided. In addition, there may be vocabulary references and subject references that are unfamiliar. Hopefully before too long, all the necessary topics will be available to provide a balanced and complete theology.

Pronunciation guide

GREEK: Verbal Orientation

Hebrew Verbal Orientation


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NEPHILIM: Genesis 6 commentary

NEW BIRTH:Regeneration

NEW COVENANT: Orientation

New Heavens and Earth: Renovation of the Universe

The New Jerusalem





1. The naive is one who is open-minded in the sense of being empty. Thus, the idea of little or no Divine viewpoint content.

A. The verb: pAthAh - to be open-minded and then deceived and enticed.

B. the noun: pethiy - one who is open-minded and therefore susceptible to deception.


2. The principle of gullibility: Proverbs 14.15 -because he has no Divine viewpoint in his soul, he receives and embraces anything and everything.


3. Characteristic of youth: Prov. 1.4; 7.7 It is natural for the youth to be naive until he learns truth. The desire is that he not remain that way.


4. The danger of remaining that way:

A. Proverbs 22.3; 27.12 - he cannot recognize the danger

B. Proverbs 14.18 - their life is characterized by emptiness. Emptiness is the quality of standards and viewpoint that results from having no truth in the soul.

C. Proverbs 1.31-32 -

1. All they have is their own way. cf. Pr. 14.12

2. And they are filled up with their own inventions.

3. The wandering quality of life will result in "living death." a neutralized way of life.

D. Proverbs 7.1-23 -vulnerable to the physical & verbal attacks of immorality.

E. The woman of folly: Proverbs 9.13-18


5. Two ways for moral guidance: Proverbs 19.25; 21.11

A. Experiential guidance through being punished for wrongdoing or seeing another punished.

B. The better way is to be taught truth & avoid wrongdoing by following truth.


6. The value of truth:

A. Psalm 19.7 - God's truth makes wise the naive

B. Psalm 119.130 - gives understanding to the naive

C. Purpose of the book of Proverbs: Proverbs 1.1-6 - to give prudence

7. Wisdom's invitation:

A. Proverbs 1.20-23

B. Proverbs 8.1-5

C. Proverbs 9.1-6

8. Psalm 116.5-11: The open-minded as one with the humility attitude of teachability.

A. He knows he will always have need for more truth content.

B. He is positive to obedience and trust.




1. Nationalism as the proper world order. Acts 17:26-27

A. Offsets the Nimrod revolution of 1757 AH. (Gen. 11)
B. Establishes the norm until Messiah's kingdom. Dan. 2:44; Rev. 11:15

2. The structure of a national entity:

A. Interior protection for the preservation of freedom. law enforcement
B. Exterior protection for the preservation of freedom. military organization
C. Economic freedom: free enterprise system

1. property rights
2. business opportunities
3. fair taxation inheritance rights

D. Common culture: centered around moral truth in the four Divine institutions, but including distinct societal customs and practices.

E. Race: originally, racial distinctions were the primary characteristic of a nation,
but as history progressed many nations became multi-racial.

F. Religious freedom: The only exception is within a Theocratic nation, of which there is only one - Israel.

G. As different races and cultures were woven into the fabric of various nations, those nations became more diverse. But the stability of any nation requires uniformity in language and patriotism. A nation can be populated with different languages, races and even cultures, but there must be ONE "national" language and culture that basically characterizes that nation.

3. Guidelines for law enforcement: Proverbs 21:15; 29:4; Ec. 8:11; Romans 13:3-4

4. Principles of exterior protection: Doctrine of the military

5. The authority within a national entity.

A. Romans 13:1 - national authority is established by God.
B. Romans 13:2 - Rebellion against national authority is rebellion against God.
C. Proper submission to authority is for 3 reasons.

1. Because of wrath: Rm. 13:5 - to avoid punishment
2. Because of conscience: Rom. 13:5 - Divine viewpoint standards in the soul. IE, dedication to God.

3. Because of testimony: 1 Peter 2:12-14

D. The exception is when national authority steps on spiritual authority.
Acts 4:19-20: 5:29: Daniel 3 and 6.

E. Submission includes paying taxes:

1. Moral perspective: Rom. 13:6
2. Spiritual perspective: Mt. 22:15-21

6. Revolution is never condoned. Proverbs 24:21-22

7. See Topic: Patriotism


1. God's permissiveness: that which comes upon you naturally because of violation of an established standard, principle or law.

A. National laws: Romans 13:4-5
B. Physical laws: sickness and disease;

     1. Growth: obvious effects when diet, etc. is not followed.
     2. death: obvious effects when you do something that kills the body.
     3. Sickness:
          a. Physical: Proverbs 25:16, effects from physical activity.
              Physical effects from physical activity: Pr. 25:16
              Physical effects from soul activity: Pr. 14:30
          b. Psychological: soul effects from soul activity. Pr. 11:17; 15:13; 17:20; 19:23.
              (Soul effects from physical activity, Hosea 4:11)

     4. Sexual: Pr. 5:7-14; 2 Sam. 11:1-5
     5. Drugs: alcohol as an example - Pr. 23:29-35

C. Economic laws: Pr. 24:30-34; 28:19

2. God allows the consequences to be a flag that you violated established moral and/or spiritual laws.
It also functions as a warning stage for possible divine disicpline
3. Various passages to study:  Job 9:4;
Proverbs 14:30b, 14; 5:22-23; 8:36; 1:17; 28:14
Psalm 31:9-10
1 Peter 4:15



1. Definition: The practice of calling on the dead to answer and solve mysteries of the present and the future.

2. This practice was clearly forbidden by God. Lev. 19:31; 20:6 Deut. 18:11

A. Medium: one who consults - shAal - qal active participle

1. an obh - considered a host demon. That is, one who had contact with the deed.

2. but in actuality it is a ventriloquist demon which has the ability to imitate voices.

B. Spiritist: a yiddoniy - a knowledge demon

C. or one who seeks (dArash) the dead.

3. Contact with the dead is impossible. But attempts to do so are part of the darkness system's purpose to promote independence from God.

A. All the spirits of the dead are in God's hands and in a secure location. Ec. 12:7

B. And these spirits are not used by Cod and certainly not by Satan to communicate to people still alive.

4. Involvement with this aspect of darkness is so serious, that God's punishment for it in the Theocratic kingdom of Israel was death. Ex. 22:18 Lev. 20:27

A. Now a man or a woman:
B. Who is a medium: lit - if there is with them, an obh
C. or a yiddoniy - a knowledge demon
D. They shall surely be put to death.

5. Attempts to contact the dead fall into 2 categories.

A. Fakery and fraud
B. Demon possession: illustrated by the Hebrew vocabulary at Lev. 20:27 and 1 Sam. 28:7.

1. a woman who is master or possessor: baal = lord
2. of an obh: a ghost demon or ventriloquist demon
3. The context indicates that she knows actual contact with the dead is not possible.

4. But as host to the demon, her job is to give the impression that contact with the dead is accomplished.

5. Then when Samuel actually appears, she is caught off guard and is terrified.

6. This appearance by Samuel is the only time God has ever intervened in such a way.

a. It served as a dramatic revelation to Saul who needed a dramatic death warning.

b. And it serves for all time as a permanent indictment from God upon all such attempts to call up the dead.

6. The dead cannot help us in our lives, even if they could try. And are just as useless. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that the only solution the creature needs is creator viewpoint. Is. 8:19-20

7. Indeed, all occult activity is totally useless in meeting our needs. Is. 47:12-13
Any benefits are simply the delusion of darkness.

8. God's revelation to man is not through contact with the dead or through any occult activity.
Is. 45:19 with 44:24-26a


1. The sons of God's in context are fallen angels who desire to fulfill their creature lusts from their "angelic" sinful nature acquired when they sinned against God.
2. They fulfill those lusts by taking human form and seducing human females; "they took women/for themselves."
3. This also served Satan's purpose to pollute the human gene pool in order to prevent the fulfillment of the "seed of the woman" promise of Gen. 3:15.
4. This resulted in a half angel/half human offspring called nephilim, which accomplished Satan's purpose.
These nephilim/people are DIFFERENT from the sons of God. Gen. 6:4, distinguishes between the sons of God and the nephilim.
5. Over a period of 120 years, the pollution expanded so that it could be said (hyperbolically), "ALL FLESH had corrupted its way upon the earth." And it could be said of Noah, "perfect in his GENERATIONS."
This PHYSICAL corruption is different from the sinfulness/wickedness that filled the earth as at verse 5.
6. These half-breed creatures are INNOCENTS, not responsible for the physical nature of their parentage.
They are never spoken of as being evil BECAUSE of their parentage. And they have just as much right for redemption as any pure human creature.
7. The flood was designed by God to destroy this half-breed creature and any possibility that any future pollution of the human gene pool could occur.
8. Thus, at the flood ALL FLESH except Noah +7 were destroyed. Verse 7, 13.
9. Accordingly, ONLY humans survived the flood and all peoples came from Noah's sons. The Nephilim and the offspring from the nephilim's offspring, etc. were all destroyed in the flood.
10. Believers went to Paradise and unbelievers went to torment.
11. The fallen angels/sons of God were punished independently from the flood by being imprisoned in the "pits of darkness" as seen in 1 Peter, 2 Peter and Jude.
11. The Hebrew word, nephilim (and related words) used after the flood simply indicate the physical STATURE of various people that was a dominant gene among a variety of clans. Most of these were killed through the campaigns of Joshua and David. That physical GENE for big people became recessive and only periodically shows up in subsequent generations, as even today we see it show up indiscriminately.


1. What happens at night: Ec. 2.23 -- the heart does not rest - lie down.

A. The heart works overtime to highlight and intensify the pressures of life.

B. For the spiritual rebel, there is no solution, so that it all seems to be vanity.

C. But for the trusting believer there is the absolute reality of the character and plan of God.

2. God's grace provision:

A. Ps. 42.8 - chesed in the day time/doctrinal comfort at night.

B. Job 35.10-look to God who gives songs in the night

(doctrinal comfort from truth in the soul)

C. Psalm 23 - Yahweh, my shepherd

3. Therefore potential for confidence in the pressure.

A. Psalm 4.8 - lie down in peace.

B. Ps. 119.148 - no fear of nighttime solitude

4. Two choices in the pressure:

A. Principle: Ps. 56

B. Ps. 6.6-7 - negative reaction

C. Ps. 63.6-8 - positive response.

5. Process of meditation from the negative to the positive - Ps. 77.1-15

6. Job's negative reaction: Job 30.16-23

7. Examples of positive response:

A. Psalm 16.7-8

B. Psalm 119.55

C. Acts 16.19-25

8. Divine protection during sleep: Pr. 3.24; 6.22; 19.23



NEW COVENANT: Orientation

1. The New covenant is the promise to Israel of national salvation, blessing and prosperity as the doorway to fulfilling the covenants to Abraham, Moses and David. Jer. 33:14-16

2. This national salvation is represented by 3 basic things.

A. Physical restoration of Israel to The totality of the Palestinian land grant. Ezek. 36:28 (Gen. 15:18; Josh 1:4)

B. Personal salvation of all those re-gathered to the land. Ezek. 36:25-36

C. Personal indwelling of the Holy spirit for all those who are re-gathered. Ezek. 36:27

3. This will not take place until Messiah returns at 2nd advent and sets up his 1000 year kingdom. Joel 2:28; Is. 59.:6-21; Rom. 11:26-27

4. But the basis for the fulfillment of the New Covenant is Messiah's work on the cross at the first advent. Heb. 9:11-28; 10:1-18; Is. 53 with 54:2-3

5. And on the basis of that salvation provision, the spiritual blessing of the Abrahamic covenant in the New is extended to all mankind - even before it is physically fulfilled to Israel.
Heb. 2:9; Is. 54:1; Gal. 4:21-31; Is. 65:1; Acts 2:38-39

6. Thus comes the church age and a spiritual fulfillment of the New covenant to all who trust in Christ. Heb. 9:15

7. Trusting in Christ spiritually identifies the believer with Christ so that he becomes a partaker of the seed of Abe and heirs according to the promise. Heb. 2:9-11; Gal. 3:7, 25-29

8. But the Church is not a sharer of the physical blessings of an earthly kingdom as Israel is.

A. The physical promises were given to Abe and his seed. Gen. 12:1-3

B. That seed will share in the blessings as they are identified with Messiah at his coming. Gal. 3:15; Is. 59:20

C. The fulfillment was future to the prophets.

D. The fulfillment is future to the Church. Rom. 11:26-27

E. The New Covenant is basically a spiritual provision that paves the way for physical blessing.

F. The spiritual provision of the New Covenant is universal. Gal. 3:8

G. The physical blessing that results is restricted based on God's plan for each of the participants.

1. For Israel, it is national prosperity in a physical kingdom.

2. For the Church, there is no physical kingdom while in mortal bodies.

3. The Church is not a physical entity, but a spiritual one, with a heavenly citizenship - not an earthly one.
Phil. 3:20; 5 Pet.219 Thus aliens - I Pet. 1:1; 2:11

4. The kingdom that is taken from Israel and given to the church (Mt. 21:43) is the spiritual commission of the kingdom and spiritual fellowship within it. Not the physical promises. Rom. 1:6-27

H. However, in resurrection body, the physical promises are extended to the Church as they share in Christ's ruler ship Lk. 22:26-30; Rev. 5:10; 20:4

9. And so, the Holy Spirit is provided as the agent of the New covenant blessings to the church.

A. And although His presence and activity is similar to what He will do in the kingdom, it is not a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies concerning Him.

B. The baptism of the Holy Spirit does not take place at the Spirit's 2nd advent in the kingdom age. That was only for the Church age as the mechanics for building the new priestly body. 1 Cor. 12:13; 1 Pet. 2:9, Eph. 2:19-21

C. The activities mentioned in Joel 2 as quoted by Peter in Acts 2, did not take place at that time nor anytime during the Church age.

10. The New Covenant By Dwight Pentecost, from Things to come


In reference to Revelation 21:9-22:7,
"It would thus be concluded that during the millennium the heavenly city will be brought into a relation to the earth, although not settled on the earth. The resurrected saints of an ages in that city will be in their eternal state and possessed of their eternal blessings, even though such is not true of things down on the earth itself."

"A mediating view, that the eternal state of the resurrected during the millennium is seen in the passage, is suggested as a better view. When the occupants of the city are described it must be seen that they are in their eternal state, possessing their eternal inheritance, in eternal relationship with God who has tabernacled among them. There will be no change in their position or relation whatsoever. When the occupants of the earth are described they are seen in the millennial age. They have an established relationship to the heavenly city which is above them, in whose light they walk. Yet their position is not eternal nor unchangeable, but rather millennial."

For analysis of the various views and proper conclusion see THINGS TO COME, Chapter 33

The Heavenly City New Jerusalem, By Dwight Pentecost









The Apostolic writings provide the absolute authority in doctrine and policy for the church

Romans 16.17-18:

Now I urge you brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to THE TEACHING WHICH YOU LEARNED, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.


1 Timothy 1.3-4:

As I urged you - - - in order that you may instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, nor pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than promoting the administration of God which is by faith.


1 Timothy 4.1-3, 6:

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, nourished on the words of the faith and of the SOUND DOCTRINE WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING.

1 Timothy 6.3:

If anyone advocates a different doctrine, and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to good worship - - -.

2 Timothy 1.13:

Retain THE STANDARD OF SOUND WORDS WHICH YOU HAVE HEARD FROM ME, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 3.13-14:

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. You however, continue in THE THINGS YOU HAVE LEARNED and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them;

2 Timothy 4.3-4:

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine - - - but they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires; and will turn away from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

Titus 1.9:

Holding fast the faithful word which is IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEACHING, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.





©Ron Wallace, Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it,
but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author's consent.


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