These outlines are intended as "teaching guides" to the study
of any particular topic. The outlines may leave many unanswered questions
as to details since those details would be answered in the process of teaching
from the scripture references provided. In addition, there may be vocabulary
references and subject references that are unfamiliar. Hopefully before
too long, all the necessary topics will be available to provide a balanced
and complete theology.
Pronunciation guide
GREEK: Verbal Orientation
Hebrew Verbal Orientation
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topic S - Suffering: undeserved
Unity: Peace among Christians
THE UNIVERSE: Its Testimony
PEACE: Unity Peace
1. Must first recognize the 7 different kinds of peace taught in the
Bible. See listing above
2. Unity begins at Salvation:
A. Unity through position in Christ: 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:26-28
B. Unity through possession of the 36 positional blessings.
3. There is unity in purpose: All believers remain on earth for the one
purpose of representing Jesus Christ to the world. 1 Cor. 10:31; 6:20; 2 Cor. 5:20
4. The local church provides for unity among believers in a common geographical
location. 1 Cor. 12:12-27
5. The attack on Christian unity:
A. Doctrine: Titus 1:10-11 (v. 9); 1 Cor. 14:36-38; 2 Tim. 4:3-4
B. Human celebrity-ship: 1 Cor. 1:10-13; 3:4-7
C. Social distinctions: James 2;1-4; Gal. 2:11-14
D. The Sin Nature: James 4:1-2; 1 Cor. 6:1-8
6. Unity peace then is the status of fellowship between believers which
is stable and encouraging, based on adherence to divine truth. That is,
the acceptance and advancement of the absolute truth standards of God's
word. 1 Cor. 1:10; 4:6
7. Since the basis for unity peace is divine truth, truth must be learned
and applied. Eph. 4:11-14
8. God's word in the heart produces the character qualities of THE LOVE STRUCTURE . 1 Tim. 1:5
A. The application of love then is the cement of unity. Col. 3:12-15
B. But love does not ignore the issues of bible truth. Col. 3:16
C. Any unity that exists at the expense of divine truth, is a false
unity and does not promote the plan of God, but promotes man and the darkness
system. 2 Tim. 2:25-26; Is. 8:19-20
D. Accordingly, if the issues of truth are compromised in order to provide
a man-made unity, God's plan is violated. Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Thes. 3:6, 14-15;
1 Tim. 4:6; 2 Tim. 2:24-26
9. So then, the preservation of the unity of the Spirit of Ephesians
4:3, is accomplished by the promotion of truth through love with grace humility.
Rom. 15:1-2; Gal. 6:1-2; Phil. 1:27; Col. 3:15.
10. The general guideline for doctrinal unity is found in the seven unity
doctrines listed at Ephesians 4:4-6.
A. One body: Doctrine of POSITION
in Union with Christ.
B. One Spirit: Doctrine of the HOLY SPIRIT:
His person and work
C. Called in one confidence of your calling: Doctrine of Salvation
D. One Lord: doctrine of Jesus as the Christ (see
many under "C")
E. One faith: One system of doctrine. See BIBLE:
New Testament Authority
F. One baptism: Ritual identification with Jesus through water (BAPTISMS)
G. One God and Father: Doctrine of God's character. (many
under "G")
11. The doctrine of unity is reflected in the ritual of COMMUNION.
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
12. Unity peace is also reflected through Christian welfare, which is
the caring and providing for the afflicted and ailing of the church community.
See Topic: Christian Welfare.
13. There is a special blessing of joy on the promoters of peace, whether
it be the peace of reconciliation with God, or the peace of unity through
adherence to divine standards for life and worship. Matthew 5:9
THE UNIVERSE: Its Testimony
1. The original creation: Genesis 1:1
A. Ps. 33:6, 9 - By the word of Yahweh
B. Proverbs 3:19 - By wisdom
C. Jeremiah 10:12 - power, wisdom and understanding
D. Jeremiah 27:5 - by my great power
E. Psalm 8:3 - the work of his fingers
F. Ps. 89:11-13
G. The Divine logos: John 1:3
H. All created perfect: Deut. 32:4
2. Its original purpose:
A. For Him: Rom. 11:36; Col. 1:16
B. Genesis 1:14 - for signs (ōth) - Ps. 65:8;
Jer. 10:2
3. The present testimony of the heavens:
A. Psalm 8:1
B. Psalm 19:1-6
C. Psalm 50:1-6
D. Psalm 148:3-6
E. Romans 1:19-20
F. Psalm 89:33-37 - testimony to Divine faithfulness
4. The present testimony of the earth: Psalm 119:90
A. Gen. 9:9-17
B. Acts 14:17
C. Psalm 65:9-13
D. Psalm 104:1, 5-30
E. Job 36:24-33
5. Jesus Christ is the sustainer of the universe:
A. Col. 1:17 - by Him all things hold together - perfect active
B. Heb. 1:3 - and He upholds all things - present active participle
- pherō
C. This present sustaining of the universe is a witness to the reliability
of revealed truth. Mt. 5:18
D. The future renovation of the universe will take place after the revealed
plan of God has been accomplished.
6. The future of the universe:
A. Psalm 102:25-27
B. Mt. 24:35
C. 2 Peter 3:10-13
D. Rev. 20:11; 21.1
E. Isaiah 66:22 - Divine faithfulness to Israel
7. The future glory of God:
A. Phil. 1:9-11 - to the glory of God the Father
B. 1 Cor. 15:28 - That God may be all in all (return to status of
1. Unlimited atonement is a theological term which means that Jesus Christ
died for the sins of the entire human race. 2 Cor. 5.14-15
A. One died: aorist active indicative - apothnāskō. The specific
point of time when Jesus carried the sins of the whole world on the cross.
(1 Pet.2.24)
B. for: huper - preposition of substitution - in the place of
C. all: reference to all of mankind in distinction from the ones who
live through faith acceptance of his sacrifice on their behalf. v. 15
D. Thus, we must recognize this as a universal sin sacrifice.
2. The word atonement means covering and refers to the old testament
animal sacrifices which provided a judicial covering for sin, but never
provided absolute removal of the sins. Heb. 10.4
A. Salvation has always been through making a free will decision to
trust God's promise concerning the person and work of the Messiah savior.
B. Salvation was taught and ceremonially demonstrated through the sacrificial
system, but the sacrifices did not provide salvation.
C. However, the ritual sacrifices were necessary as the teaching aid
looking forward to Christ. Heb. 9:11-14, 22
D. For the nation of Israel, the Day of Atonement provided a judicial
covering of the nation's sins and therefore, acceptance of the nation by
God under a theocratic system (God as king).
E. The ritual sacrifices also provided functional forgiveness because
they anticipated the real sacrifice of the savior who would actually carry
the sins of the world. Jn. 1:29
F. To make atonement was to provide a judicial covering for sins and
the basis for functional forgiveness as the believer applied Pr. 28:13
in association with the sacrifice.
G. The word atonement is never used in the NT with reference to Christ's
sacrifice for sin.
H. His sacrifice does not provide a universal "covering" for
sin, but a universal payment for sin.
I. Therefore, the term "unlimited atonement" is a theological
device which actually communicates a universal salvation provision available
to all people on the same terms of trust in Christ. (whosoever believes
J. A much better term incorporates the fact that a ransom or price for
sins was indeed paid by the spiritual sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
3. Christ died for all - there are no exceptions.
A. Titus 2.11-God's grace provides salvation to all men (universal provision)
B. Heb. 2.9 - Jesus tasted death for everyone (universal identification)
C. 2 Pet. 2.1 - He even bought the ones who deny him. (universal payment)
D. 1 Tim. 4.10 - He is the savior of all men (universal sacrifice) especially
of believers (limited application based on faith).
E. 1 Tim. 2:6 - who gave Himself as a ransom for all.
4. A univresal ransom means that Jesus Christ satisfied the character
of the Godhead by paying the price demanded by Divine justice. Ie, propitiation.
A. 1 John 2.2 - He is the propitiation (satisfaction -
hilasmos) for
the sins of the whole world. (universal satisfaction)
B. Romans 3.25 - God displayed Christ publicly as a
- place of satisfaction (mercy seat)
5. Since the sins of the whole world are paid for, and God's justice
is satisfied, there results a universal offer of salvation to the entire
human race. John 12:32; 3:16; Acts 17:30
A. But this does not mean that every person is automatically saved.
B. One must accept Christ's work on his behalf by personal trust. Acts
16.31; 1 Tim. 4.10
C. So the issue in salvation is not sins (plural) but one sin. John 16.8-9
with 8.21-24 and 9.41.
The sin of unbelief is the only thing standing between God and each
member of the human race. When that is "reversed" by trusting
in Christ, all other sins are forgiven.
D. And the only "WORK" that is involved is the "work
of God, that you believe
on Him whom He sent." John 6:29.
E. Isaiah 53:6 - "the iniquity of us all" = a universal ransom.
Isaiah 53:11 - "justify the many" = a limited justification based
on faith, Romans 5:1
6. Furthermore, since Christ paid for the sins of the whole world, it
is God's responsibility to make the information about this salvation available.
This is called the "drawing" of God by which He convicts through
the Holy Spirit that man needs to trust in Christ.
7. At the last judgment, the issue will be faith in Christ, not sins.
Rv. 20:13-15
A. The book of works is opened in order to demonstrate man's need for
salvation by showing both specific deeds of sin as well as deeds of human
B. The deeds of sin demonstrate the person's violation of God's standards.
C. The deeds of human good demonstrate the inadequacy of man's righteousness
to meet up to the standard of God's perfect righteousness.
D. If someone has failed to trust in Christ during his lifetime on earth,
his name is blotted out of the book of life and he will spend eternity separated
from the Godhead in the lake of fire. Heb. 9:27 - judgment.