The word "predestination" means "to appoint, to determine,
or to design beforehand".
The Father, through perfect expression of His thinking, predesigned
His perfect plan in Christ, Eph. 1:9; 1 Pet. 1:2,20; 2
Tim. 1:9. Through Predestination, believers are guaranteed sonship (Eph.
1:5) and heirship (Eph. 1:11).
The doctrine of Predestination deals only with Christians. There is
no such thing as an unbeliever being predestined to go to hell. The Christians
makes a conscious decision to follow the plan of God. The unbeliever makes
a conscious decision to reject the plan of God. John 3:18; 3:36. If any
person accepts Christ as Saviour, he will be saved.
The Biblical concept of Predestination does not conflict with human
volition, but emphasizes it.
The purpose of Predestination is to relate the believer to the Plan
of God through Positional Truth. Eph. 1:4,5. It is based on the foreknowledge
of God, Rom. 8:29. It is an expression of God's love for those who are
in union with Christ.
Predestination was a sovereign decision on the part of God the Father,
Eph. 1:5,11. Jesus Christ has a destiny. When we enter into union with
Christ at the time of salvation, we share in that destiny.
Topic: Positional Truth
There are five Greek words used to communicate the Biblical doctrine
of Predestination. Without a knowledge of these words and the categories
of truth they represent, no one can draw inferences or theological conclusions
about what is being taught in the Bible on the subject.
(prooridzw) - verb, "to predesign; to predetermine". Rom.
8:28,29; Eph. 1:5,11
(protithemi)- verb, "to predetermine", Rom. 3:25; Eph. 1:9.
Synonym of prooridzo.
(prothesis)- noun, "a predetermined plan". The subject of
Ephesians is the Prothesis of God. Rom. 8:28; 9:11; Eph. 1:11; 3:11; 2
Tim. 1:9.
God is never caught napping. He has already met every contingency with
a predetermined plan of action. When we yell "Help!" to God,
He doesn't have to try to think up some way to help us. He has already
provided everything we need.
All we have to do is learn about what God has provided and how to take
advantage of it.
(proginoskw) - verb, "to foreordain", I Pet. 1:20; Rom. 8:29;
(prognosis)- noun, "foreknowledge; a predetermined purpose",
Acts 2:23; 1 Pet. 1:2. [ English: prognosis ]
The crucifixion of Christ is related to the Divine Decrees and the predetermined
purpose of God. Acts 2:23**, 4:28, cf. I Pet. 2:4,6
All believers' suffering is related to the predetermined plan of God.
In eternity past, God thought about us and predesigned provisions for us
for both time and eternity. Rom. 8:28,29.
God the Father predetermined the Grace concept of Propitiation, Rom.
Topic: Propitiation
Predestination defines God's ultimate purpose for the believer - that
we should be like the Lord Jesus Christ in His humanity, Rom. 8:29. This
is called glorification, Rom. 8:30.
The born-again Jew is part of the preordained plan of God under the
unconditional covenant to Israel. Therefore, the Jew of the Old Testament
is not a castaway, Rom. 11:2. There is a definite relationship between
Predestination and Eternal Security. Predesination provides the basis for
Eternal Security.
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