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ZECHARIAH 13 Chapter 13:1-6 continues with information about life in the kingdom. The structure is still prose until verse 7 and there is no break in the subject from chapter 12:13. Once again, the term, “in that day” refers to the general time period of the second coming. The specific event in view is determined by the context. Verse 1: personal sin must still be dealt with as everyone will still have a sin nature. Verse 2: All idolatry will be shut down. All idols will be removed. All the false prophets will be removed. And all the demons will be removed from the earth. Verses 3-6: As time goes by, many of the people born will grow up as an unbeliever and return to false doctrine and become false prophets. The society will deal with these false teachers as they are discovered.
Verse 1 This probably refers to the continuous provision of forgiveness for the nation of Israel, based on the Messiah’s successful sin sacrifice at His first coming. The context is still the kingdom age. I cannot see any reason to shift to a first advent context for verse one. It is true that the shift to the first advent and the rejection of the Messiah is made at verse 7, but that is based on the change from prose to poetry. Here, the term, “In that day” follows from its usage in chapter 12, and has a specific end-times focus. It appears to me that this “fountain” for forgiveness of sin is for the sins that will be committed by the people during the kingdom age. All the people who enter into the kingdom will be saved before they enter rather than after. It is possible that the prophet has in view, the source of forgiveness (the Messiah’s sin sacrifice) being available to the people DURING the Jerusalem conflict of the end-times, and their salvation during that time, but still prior to any entrance into the kingdom. This is related to the timing for verses 12:10-14; the pouring out of the Spirit and the FORMAL time of mourning for the tribes Israel. As indicated in chapter 12, this FORMAL time of mourning seems to take place after the start of the kingdom for there is no “context” for it occurring while the armies are all fighting in and around Jerusalem. This is especially true in view of the nature of the invasion as described at chapter 14:2.
Verse 2
This is describing the spiritual
environment at the start of the kingdom age. All the demons; the unclean spirits will be removed from the earth. They will probably be placed in the abyss along with Satan. Revelation 20:1-3. Verse 3 "And if anyone still prophesies, then his father and mother who gave birth to him will say to him, 'You shall not live, for you have spoken falsely in the name of the LORD'; and his father and mother who gave birth to him will pierce him through when he prophesies. Apparently, some of the believers who enter into the kingdom will have functioned as false prophets in times past. Of course, a false prophet can be a believer as well as an unbeliever. This is talking about FALSE prophets/teachers and not genuine teaching, for after the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the Israelites according to Joel 2:28-29,
“Your sons and daughters will
prophecy, So later, if any of the people attempt to return to idolatry via their false prophet activity, the first course of punishment will be through the parents. They will actually put the false prophet to death by piercing him through as he attempts to teach the false doctrine. Verses 4-5 "Also it will come about in that day that the prophets will each be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies, and they will not put on a hairy robe in order to deceive; but he will say, 'I am not a prophet ; I am a tiller of the ground, for a man sold me as a slave in my youth.' In some cases, some of these FORMER false prophets will attempt to continue to engage in their false teaching. It is certain that they will still be engaged in this activity for the language indicates, that they “will each be ashamed of his vision WHEN HE PROPHECIES.” However they will be “socially” ashamed and need to be DEFENSEIVE about their activity. They will not put on the hairy coat, which was normally characteristic of the dress of the prophets in general. And if anyone recognizes them from their past activity before the kingdom began, they will have to deny any accusations. They will claim to be a farmer rather than a prophet, and this will be because they will have been sold into slavery as a youth. Verse 6 "And one will say to him, 'What are these wounds between your arms?' Then he will say, 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.' But the false prophet will still be engaged in their false teaching and idolatrous practices which includes self-mutilation in various forms. Accordingly, people will see the marks of this practice and remember the customs of the past. This will be part of the accusation directed against the false prophet. Accordingly, the false prophet will continue to lie and simply say that the marks were accidents that happened in the house of his friends or loved ones.
Verses 7-9: This section looks to the first coming of the Messiah, the nation’s rejection of the Messiah, and the judgment from God that results from that rejection. This section is separated from the immediate context by a device called Hebrew poetry. It is not clear in most translations, but very clear in the Hebrew text – and the NASB preserves the distinction. For the best understanding of Zechariah (as well as the other prophets) it is imperative to treat the many “poetic” sections as separate from the “prose” sections. Again, this will be perfectly obvious in the Hebrew text and in the better English translations.
This shift always indicates some change in focus. It might be a
major change or a minor change, but the shift from poetry to prose, or from
prose to poetry grabs the attention of the reader and requires some kind of
change in focus. The change, of course, will be determined by the context.
“And it will come about in all the LAND:
Palestine See Topic: Israel’s National Discipline
And I will bring the 3rd part through the fire: This refers to the
extreme judgment on the nation, which is designed ultimately, to refine and
They will call on my name, and I will answer them. They call upon Him DURING the Day-of-the-Lord judgments. Those who believe BEFORE the arrival of the Lord after the SHORTENED “tribulation of those days” (Mat. 24:29), will of course become members of the universal body of Christ and be raptured when He comes back (Mat. 24:31).
Once the SIGNS occur, many will call upon the name of the Lord, but
it will be too late to be considered part of the universal church. These will
of course, be saved, but will remain on the earth for the duration of the 70th
week plus 75 days. It is these who will be answered by the Lord as He judges
the unbelievers and eventually descends to the earth to destroy the armies
that are gathered in
God will never forsake Israel.
He made promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that will never be broken. Romans
11:26 Paul refers to the Old Testament to indicate HOW it will happen that “all Israel will be saved.” Isaiah 59:20. It will happen because –
(1) The
Messiah will come.
preposition in the Hebrew at Isaiah 59:20 is LE. It basically has the idea of
FOR or CONCERNING, rather than TO. If the intent was to communicate TO ZION,
then the preposition would be EL. Thus the better rendering is FOR Zion.
there is no conflict between the Hebrew and Paul’s reference. Paul is saying that the Messiah will BE from Zion.
This is
a general statement concerning the second coming of the Lord. Paul is only interested in telling us that when the Messiah comes, He will conduct a process of cleansing Israel from sin so that only believers will be left to go into the kingdom. Specifically, the cleansing process will occur as many Jews trust in Christ after His arrival in the clouds of the sky at the 6th seal, and during the Day-of-the-Lord judgments that follow.
after Armageddon, all the Jews will be gathered into Palestine where Christ
will remove the unbelievers (fat sheep) from the earth. The only ones left
will be the believers; the “lean sheep” of Ezekiel 34:17-22. Paul continues at Romans 11:26, “He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.” And Isaiah says, “And FOR those who turn from transgression in Jacob.”
again, there is no conflict. This is an action that is FOR THE BENEFIT of the nation for THEN, “all Israel will be saved.” Isaiah says that the Messiah is coming FOR THE BENEFIT of the ones who have turned away from their sins and embraced the Messiah. Thus, when the Messiah comes He will “trigger” many conversions and will accomplish His judgment and kingdom agenda for the benefit of those who are converted. And eventually, He will REMOVE all transgressions – He will remove the unbelievers from the earth so that all who remain will be “all Israel saved.” According to Ezekiel 34:17-22, He will come FOR the lean sheep and He will REMOVE the fat sheep.
Romans 11:27 Paul
continues to document the future salvation of ALL ISRAEL. It seems that Paul has correlated three Old Testament FACTORS rather than passages. He is not quoting any particular passage in its entirety, but referring to the CONCEPT of the covenant with God through the forgiveness of sins. And he mentions these factors by referencing Isaiah and Jeremiah.
The two
main ideas are “the covenant” and the “removal of sins.”
in our passage at Zechariah 13:9, at the start of the Messiah’s kingdom, He
will say, “They are My people, and they will say, Yahweh is my God.”
This is
brought out by Jeremiah in 31:33-34. However, it seems more likely that Paul is making a reference to the covenant of Jeremiah 31. He quotes the first part of Isaiah 59:21, “and this is My covenant with them.” And that reminds Him of the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34, and the fact that this salvation covenant is based on “I will forgive, and their sin I will remember no more.” Thus, Paul is saying that the COVENANT of “all Israel will be saved” is based on the fact of a complete judicial forgiveness of sins. We have to add some details, for it should be obvious that the establishment of this covenant on a personal level comes only when a person has trusted in Jesus Christ as the Messiah/Savior. The covenant in view is an extension of the salvation covenant established by Jesus through His sacrifice and victory on the cross (Heb. 10:12-18); “the everlasting covenant – the grace provisions of David.”
55:3 This is the new covenant of salvation from sin was established by Christ on the cross, and confirmed through His death and resurrection. Hebrews 10:5-18.
“grace provision” of salvation is available to all, “for there is no
distinction between Jew and Gentile; for the same Lord is Lord of all,
abounding in riches for all who call upon Him.”
ALL Israel is SAVED Israel, then they will all be under the new covenant of
salvation from sins as promised at Jeremiah 31:31-34. According to Romans 11:25, this will occur some time AFTER “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” This refers to God’s plan to bring a maximum number of Gentiles into the body of Christ through faith in Christ. In God’s perfect timing, He will send Jesus back to arrive “in the clouds of the sky with power and great glory;” “the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will show at His own time.” (1 Tim. 6:14-15). It is at this time that the church body, comprised of all saved Jews and Gentiles, will be resurrected and taken out of the world to meet the Lord in the air. 1Thes. 4:14-17; Mat. 24:31 (the rapture). (The fullness of the Gentiles is not the same thing as “the times of the Gentiles.) (The two witnesses of Revelation 11:1-12 have a unique and specialized ministry during the second half of Daniel’s 70th week. They are the only believers who will not be go up at the rapture. When their testimony is over at the end of the week, they will be caught up to join the rest of the raptured saints.)
What all these passages establish then, is that in AD 70, 40 years
after the nation rejected the Messiah, God brought upon that nation all these
prophecies of the OT and what Jesus Himself had said would happen.
Specifically verse 12: Again, we should be careful not to make 3
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©Ron Wallace, http://www.biblefragrances.com.
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