1. John 17.3 - This is eternal life: This is not teaching "what" produces eternal life, but rather, what is involved with the possession of eternal life which one acquires at the very moment of time that he trusts in Christ as savior.

A. In order to: hina = purpose or goal

B. know: ginosko, present active subjunctive, know through experience

C. You: the Father

1. Salvation relationship: 1 Thes. 4.5; 2 Thes. 1.8

a. Gal. 4.9 - ginosko

b. Titus 1.16 - oida

c. 1 Cor. 1.21, the world did not come to know God, aorist active indicative, ginosko

d. 1 Jn. 2.13 - newer believers - have come to know the Father. perfect active indicative, ginosko

2. Experiential knowledge in the Christian way of life.

a. Col. 1.10 - growing in the full knowledge of God (Father)

b. 1 Jn. 5.20 - given us understanding (dianoia) so that we might be knowing (present active subjunctive, ginosko) Him, the True One.

D. And Jesus Christ: experiential rapport and fellowship

1. Phil. 3.10- ginosko, aorist active infinitive, result of content and character growth.

a. Content: Eph. 1.17-19; 4.11-13a

b. character: Christ dwelling in the heart - Eph. 3.14-17

2. Experiential reflection of his viewpoint and character -

a. Eph. 3.19 - knowing the love of Christ

b. Eph. 4.20 - learn the Christ

c. 2 Pet. 1.8 - fruitful in the full knowledge of our Lord.

2. John 17.26 - I will make your name known to them --

A. Character and content (word/commandments - V. 15.10)

B. So that your love may be in them: The Father's love through character growth.

C. And I (Christ) may be in them: imitation of Christ's love through character growth (the love structure).

3. Ephesians 1.15-20

A. Equipping grace-v.17-God gives wisdom and revelation (viewpoint and knowledge content) in the epignosis (full knowledge) of him (character and facts about the Father).

B. The result is knowledge dynamics in order to understand God's plan.

1. eyes enlightened: perfect passive participle - photidzo - indicates the result of a process

2. Thus, a state of enlightenment through possession of facts.

C. And the understanding that results is outlined by 3 factors.

That you may know - eis + perfect participle- oida

1. The confidence of his election

2. The wealth (value) of God's functional destiny for the saints. God's plan for you in time.

3. surpassing greatness of his power: the functional dynamics to experience your destiny in time.

a. Based on resurrection power - via the Holy Spirit.

b. Therefore God the H.S. indwelling and using truth to fulfill the Christian way of life in the 3 categories - character, abundant life and service

4. These 3 factors are summed up by the term - knowing Him and the power of his resurrection at Phil. 3.10

4. Eph. 3.14-20

5. Eph. 4.11-16 - equipping grace

A. V. 11 - communication gifts

B. For the equipping - katartismos

C. V. 13 - the purpose and goal

1. unity of the faith: knowledge of the 7 unity doctrines - v. 4-6.

2. And of the knowledge of the Son of God. epignōsis = full knowledge.

Basic character reflection.

3. to a complete man: content and character stability.

Related to spotless and blameless.

4. The measure of maturity which is the fullness of Christ.

Corresponds with fullness of God at Eph. 3.19

D. V. 14 - the result of knowledge content is balance and protection from the deception of darkness viewpoint.

E. V. 15 - But through following the truth in love (knowledge and application of the word)

1. We may grow up toward Him: the ultimate standard of knowledge and character maturity.

2. in all things: every area of life is touched and governed by the viewpoint and authority of God.

F. V. 16 - Maximum growth potential for the whole body -

Doctrine + spiritual gifts = maximum edification in love.

6. Ephesians 4.20-24

A. V. 20-21 - The issue of living the Christian way of life is centered around learning:

hearing and being taught

1. Hearing is perception -

2. taught indicates positive response that accepts the truth.

B. V. 22-neutralize (lay aside) the character expression (old man) of the OSN.

C. V. 23 - pursue growth process (hear and learn): renewed in the spirit

(attitude) of your mind. (content, viewpoint and character).

1. de - mild to indicate the process of putting off the old --

CF. Rom. 12.2 and 1 Pet. 1.13-16

2. kai - in v. 24, indicates the opposite of the old character.

D. V. 24 - put on the new character (man)

1. according to the standard of God (righteousness and holiness)

a. righteousness = Divine good

b. holiness = hosiotes - devotion and dedication

2. created by the truth: aorist passive participle - (principle rather than point of time) via the renewing process of V. 23 - growth

7. Ephesians 5.14-18 - awake from spiritual neutralization

A. V. 14 - the enlightenment process

1. be waking up, present active imperative, awareness through conviction via perception of truth.

2. arise: aorist active imperative, the act of recovery via 1 Jn.1.9 and attitude adjustment.

3. shine on you: future active indicative - the renewing process of character reflection

B. V. 15 - be careful to walk accurately - ie, wise vs. unwise.

C. V. 16 - use the time - principle of Ps. 90.12

"So teach us to assign our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

D. V. 17 - Not foolish - but understanding what God's will is-CF. Rom. 12.2

8. Philippians 1.9-11

9. Philippians 3.8-16

10. Colossians 1.9-12

11. Colossians 2.1-3

12. I John

A. 1.1-3

B. 2.3-5

C. 3.6 with 2.24

D. 4.6-8 - transition to experiential knowledge of God the Father and fellowship with Him. (The abiding transition is made in v. 12-16)

E. 5.20



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