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The prophet’s message from chapter 62
continues. This refers to the SECOND STAGE of the second coming of the Messiah, which is His physical descent to the earth. At 63:1, we are shown that when He arrives to rescue Israel, He will come FROM EDOM.
Verse 1 There are four phases to the PHYSICAL descent of Jesus to the earth.
(A) The Edom
phase. Isaiah 34:6; 63:1-6; Hab. 3:3 The Old Testament teaches that Jesus will go to Edom to destroy the unbelievers of that area and rescue the Israelites who are hiding in the mountainous wilderness, having fled the oppression of the beast at the midpoint of the 70th week. It seems that the best TIMING for this arrival to Edom will be the first of the three phases. (1) The Lord descends first to Edom: This is because
Isaiah 63:1 shows us the Lord coming FROM Edom when He comes to deliver the
Jews in Jerusalem and Judah.
This passage
describes that first phase. THE BATTLE OF EDOM is described at Isaiah 34:5-15. “For My sword is satiated in heaven,
Isaiah 63:1-6 shows us the Lord coming to
Jerusalem AFTER that battle. Here, we find a specific focus on Edom. Edom comes under a special judgment from God because of its historical oppression of Israel and its allegiance to the beast in the end-times. The great tribulation will begin at the midpoint of the 70th week, when the beast places the abomination of desolation in the holy place of the re-built Jewish temple. Because of this oppressive reign of this “man of lawlessness” (2Thes. 2:4), who will be empowered by Satan (Rev. 13:4-7), a remnant of “fundamentalist” Jews (those faithful to their religious culture) will leave Judea and find shelter in the mountainous wilderness of Edom, south-east of Jerusalem (modern-day Jordan). These are not ones who have trusted in Jesus, but ones who are loyal to their Jewish heritage. If they were ALREADY believers, they would not NEED to be protected for the remaining 1260 days, because they would be removed at the rapture prior to the end of the week.
Revelation 12:6 It seems likely then that Jesus has this in view at Matthew 24:15-26. Although this warning to flee is directed to ALL who read or hear it, it will have special import to the Jews IN THE LAND who refuse to accept the authority of the beast. We learn from Revelation 12:6, 13-14, that the “woman,” who represents the Jews of the land during the time of the great tribulation, will be given protection in the wilderness for the duration of the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. Also
at Isaiah 26:20-21 As
the Jews are fleeing and even once they are located in the wilderness
“fortress,” there will be false prophets who say, “behold, He is in the
wilderness or behold He is in the inner rooms.”
A. Verses 10-11 review the past history of the
Edomites in oppressing Israel.
Do not gloat.
Obadiah 1:15-16
Ezekiel 35:2-9.
“Because – (1) You have had everlasting enmity: Ezek. 35:5a This
refers to the conflict that has ever existed between Edom and Israel. But the
emphasis here is placed on what Edom has done to Israel all throughout the
indicates that the inhabitants of Edom did not heed the warning given to them
at Obadiah 10-14.
(3) “Because you have said, These two nations and these two lands will be mine, and we will possess them.” Ezek. 35:10. This
expresses blatant arrogance and aggression toward God and God’s people,
Israel. It is a claim that they will possess the physical land-area and
resources of Israel - EVEN THOUGH God is there. D. Rejoiced Israel’s land when it was desolate: V. 15. As a result of this, Edom will come under a very special judgment from God when the Messiah physically descends to the earth. We already saw a summary statement of this judgment at Isaiah 34:5 and Obadiah 1:15-16.
Ezekiel gives much more detail. Ezekiel 35:6-9
(6)“As I live,” declares the Lord GOD, “I will give you over to bloodshed, and
bloodshed will pursue you; since you have not hated bloodshed, therefore
bloodshed will pursue you. (7) And I will make Mount Seir a waste and a
desolation, and I will cut off from it the one who passes through and returns.
(8) And I will fill its mountains with its slain; on your hills and in your
valleys and in all your ravines those slain by the sword will fall. (9) I will
make you an everlasting desolation, and your cities will not be inhabited.
Then you will know that I am the LORD.” Isaiah 34:6-8 "The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, Wild oxen shall also fall with them, Edom will be destroyed just before Jesus descends to Jerusalem. Notice, this is "for the cause of Zion." Edom will be in the process of oppressing the refugees of Judah who have fled the reign of the beast and taken shelter in the mountainous wilderness of Edom (Mat. 24:15-21; Rev. 12:6, 13-16). Isaiah 34:9-10 The judgment on the land area of Edom will be total. During Messiah's kingdom, it will be a desolation with no population. HOWEVER, the destruction will not be worked by any kind of nuclear or chemical weapons. The context indicates that the land area will be filled with a massive wildlife population. However, I will concede the possibility that even IF such destructive weapons were to be used, the land could be CLEANSED before the kingdom begins and still be the home of all the wildlife mentioned. Isaiah 34:11-15 ARRIVAL FROM EDOM
34 SUMMARY The bright colors are described as RED in verse 2 and stained with blood in verse 3. Isaiah 34:6-7, “The sword of Yahweh is filled with blood.”
Isaiah 63:1c Isaiah 34:8, “A year of recompense FOR THE CAUSE of Zion.”
He is coming to
deliver Israel from the nations that are gathered around Jerusalem.
The question is
asked and answered. There was no one in Edom on His side; no one to help defeat the enemy and rescue the Jews hiding in the mountainous wilderness area.
also trod them in My anger This associates the battle with the day of God’s wrath as at Isaiah 34:1-8 Verse 2, “Yahweh’s indignation is against all the nations,”
5, “Judgment upon Edom,”
34:8, “For Yahweh has a day of vengeance,
He came to Edom
in order to bring deliverance for Israel This helps me conclude that through this battle the Jews who will be hiding in the mountainous wilderness of Edom will be able to leave and return to Judah.
Isaiah 63:5
Thus the result will be TOTAL ruin of the land area in contrast to what is predicted for Ammon and Moab.
Isaiah 63:6 Isaiah 34:8, “For Yahweh has a day of vengeance.” As noted above, we find identification with the Day of the Lord and the day of wrath with this specific judgment on the land area of Edom (modern day Jordan). HABAKKUK’S PROPHECY THE ARRIVAL FROM EDOM The progress of the Messiah
FROM Edom to do battle with the nations is envisioned by Habakkuk. Habakkuk
3:3a At first glance it appears that this may simply be saying that the Messiah comes from the SOUTH EAST. However, in view of Isaiah 34 and 63, it is clear that He comes from this area AFTER judging it. Teman is a region in Edom
named after an early prince of the Edomites. There is great SPLENDOR evidenced in the sky when He comes to Jerusalem from Edom. Verses 3b-4 Isaiah describes this at
63:1. One might be tempted to associate this SPLENDOR with the “great glory” that attends Christ’s arrival in the clouds of the sky, as described at Matthew 24:29-30. But since THIS splendor is given a specific context of arriving FROM Edom, it cannot be the same. Whenever Christ will move from one phase of His second coming agenda to the next, there will be great glory and splendor manifested to the earth dwellers. Habakkuk 3:5 This seems to be a direct statement to the effect that He has first judged Edom and now AFTER Him, comes the judgments on the nations that are surrounding Jerusalem. The use of the preposition, lepenay, indicates either physical presence (as, “in front of”) or a chronological factor. In this case, in connection with AT HIS FEET (after Him), it is clear that the idea presented to us is that the LORD brought pestilence to Edom and will THEN bring plague with Him to confront the rest of the nations. But before the plague HITS the armies, Jesus will first stand on the Mount of Olives. When Jesus arrives from Edom, it is to confront ALL the armies that have assembled in Palestine, and the first item on the list is the Northern alliance that has invaded the city of Jerusalem. Habakkuk 3:6a It seems that the prophet has
in mind the general judgment on the rest of the nations. Zechariah 12:3 Zechariah 14:2 Those nations first assemble
in the land in order to gain material resources, including control of
Jerusalem. But it seems that it is the king of the North that will invade
Jerusalem. Zechariah 14:3 Zechariah first gives us a GENERAL look at the many nations gathered into Judah, “in the vicinity of” Jerusalem – looking to Jerusalem as their ultimate destination. But he then focuses just on the battle of Jerusalem. Habakkuk does the same thing except that he does not mention Jerusalem specifically. The judgment on “the nations” at verse 3:6 includes the battle of Jerusalem FIRST, and then the battle of Armageddon. This is a valid understanding of the discourse since we have the specific mention of the earthquake and the effect it will have far to the south of Jerusalem in “cushan” and “Midian.” It seems that, comparing the other passages, the great earthquake occurs only in this context of Christ’s standing on the Mount of Olives. There is no earthquake that occurs when Jesus confronts and destroys the armies in the final battle of Armageddon. From Christ’s perspective, when He first arrives at Jerusalem, He will “survey” the situation and then set foot on the Mount of Olives. This arrival onto the Mount of Olives will split the mount down the middle and cause a great earthquake. He will thus, “startle” the nations; the invading armies of the Northern alliance. Zech. 12:4 and 14:12-13. Jesus will then begin His personal judgment on these armies by bringing some kind of death-producing plague that seems to disintegrate the flesh form the bones. This would be caused by some kind of extreme HEAT, but probably not nuclear. Jesus would not need to use such a weapon as that, but would simply produce the heat that causes the plague. Habakkuk 3:5 Zechariah 12:4 Habakkuk just mentions this plague without providing any details. He then “backs up” and describes the great earthquake that will occur when Jesus descends to the Mount of Olives. The arrival of Christ in Jerusalem will be with great splendor and power. It will be both the spectacular physical arrival and the great earthquake that will startle and shock all the nations. Habakkuk 3:6b-7 This earthquake is also
described at Zechariah 14:4-5, in direct association with Christ’s descent to
the Mount of Olives. At that time, the mountain will be split down the middle
from east to west, which is what causes the great earthquake. The splitting of
the mountain will create a huge valley extending about 6 miles west of
Jerusalem to Azel. Or it could refer to the
Sinai Peninsula area inhabited by nomads from Cush. Today, that is an area
controlled by Egypt. In both cases, the general land area to the distant south of Israel is in view as it was at that time, inhabited by nomads who dwell in “tents.” It seems that this particular earthquake will be felt from Jerusalem, as far south as Ethiopia, below Egypt, and as far south and east as Saudi Arabia. This goes further south than the land area of Edom, which will have already been totally judged. The earthquake is also described at Revelation 16:17-20 in connection with the final bowl judgment. There it says that “the great city” (Jerusalem) was split into three parts. This is not inconsistent with the splitting of the mount of Olives down the middle. Zechariah’s facts do not require a two-part division of the city. John’s vision simply adds an additional detail to the results of the earthquake that will occur when Jesus stands on the mount. The next section of this chapter (verses 3:8-15) is separated from the previous verses by a natural break in the Hebrew. It describes in more detail the judgment on the nations that are gathered in Palestine and extends beyond Jerusalem to the battle of Armageddon. The last section, verses 16-19, occur after another natural break in the text. These verses SPECIFICALLY describe the attitude of the prophet as he anticipates the national judgment that is coming at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar as shown in the first two chapters. These thoughts of Habakkuk are personal and contemporary and do not have any end-times focus. Thus, as seen in so many other passages, WHEN the Messiah arrives on the earth, He will begin to express God’s wrath upon the unbelievers (the earth-dwellers) through many NON-MILITARY judgments (the trumpets and bowls) That judgment will culminate with the physical destruction of the world’s armies that are gathered into Palestine. But it will be in three phases as Jesus descends first to Edom, then to Jerusalem and finally to Megiddo for the battle of Armageddon. The focus in the prophecies of Habakkuk is that the Messiah will come FROM Edom and initiate the battle of Jerusalem with earthquake and plague. It seems that other than the plague, Jesus will be relatively inactive in the battle of Jerusalem. It seems that He will serve a catalyst for the people of Israel to fight back and successfully defend themselves against the invading armies. He will thus, OVERSEE the battle, as the nation’s commander-in-chief, and probably not too long after arriving there, He will continue on to Megiddo. There appears to be a DELAY before Jesus arrives at Megiddo. It seems that there needs to be some kind of TIME FRAME for the battle of Jerusalem to play out, but I suppose it could be resolved in that same day. Thus, any “delay” would be a matter of hours only. Revelation 19:19 These are the same ones who will be gathered by the demon influence of the 6th bowl judgment. Revelation 16:14 and 16. “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Mageddon.” So Jesus will finish His work in Jerusalem probably AFTER the battle has been won by the forces of Judah and Jerusalem. He will then go to Megiddo and confront the bulk of the world’s armies who have assembled there. That will include the King of the East, the King of the West (the beast), and the remainder of the King of the North (who will have his forces split into two sections – Joel 2:20). This will be THE battle of Armageddon. See Topic: Armageddon – When Armies Move However, Armageddon is NOT
THE END OF THE WORLD. Furthermore, for clarification, the term Armageddon should never be used to describe the catastrophic events that are symbolized by the trumpets and the first 5 bowls. For that matter, these events should not be viewed as any “end of the world” scenario. Yes, they are serious and world-wide judgments that will result in much death and destruction. And ultimately they will result in the death and removal of ALL unbelievers. But “they” and “it” are not the end of the world. The Messiah’s kingdom will be established, and that will be a time of world-wide blessing and prosperity for all the peoples who have trusted in Christ as Savior.
The prophet
changes focus at ISAIAH 63:7-14.
I shall make mention of the loving kindnesses of the LORD, the praises of the
LORD, According to all that the LORD has granted us, But at Isaiah 63:15-19, the prophet looks to a time of national discipline when the temple has been ruined and the nation has been destroyed. And it also shows us the people STILL in rebellion against God, showing no humility or admission of their sinful ways. They do not express the proper response toward discipline. They express humility toward God concerning their divine origin in verses 15-16. But in verses 17-19, they show arrogance and no SIN humility. They fail to take responsibility for the discipline that has come upon them.
Verse 17
God does not
CAUSE the people to stray. It is their own sinfulness and guilt. The proper response and prayer can also be seen at Daniel 9:4-11. ISAIAH 64:1-12 This gives us the NATIONAL PRAYER during the time of national discipline prior to the second coming of the Messiah. It would be expressed AFTER the arrival of Jesus in the clouds of the sky, because it will be expressed by those who will be saved after that.
It is looking
for NATIONAL deliverance through the physical descent of the Messiah in the
context of verse 63:18,
Revelation 11:2 The prayer reflects proper humility toward God’s standards and their sinful ways. In verses 8-9, they show proper CREATURE humility that recognizes that since God is the CREATOR (verse 8); He can do anything He wants. They thus appeal to Him for forgiveness and deliverance. Verses 10-11 reflect the condition of the land after the national discipline of 70 AD when Rome totally destroys the temple, Jerusalem and all the surrounding cities.
It does not
reflect any condition of the land in the time of Isaiah. The last item in their prayer at verse 64:12 will be answered through the second coming of the Messiah IN GENERAL. But specifically it will be His physical descent to the earth via Edom, Jerusalem and Megiddo that brings complete deliverance.
“Will You
restrain Yourself at these things, O Yahweh?
Hosea 5:14-15
Again, this is
the second coming IN GENERAL. However, BEFORE their can be a second coming, there must be a first coming. Isaiah chapters 65-66 predict the first coming of the Messiah; the failure of the nation to accept Him; national discipline on Israel; the establishment of a new priestly body; the promise of kingdom blessing; and the second coming of the Messiah.
Isaiah Chapter 65 | ||
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©Ron Wallace, http://www.biblefragrances.com.
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