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DISPENSATIONS: Transitions |
ORIENTATION TO TRANSITIONSPrior to Israel, it was the family priest who was responsible to represent truth within his society. Then God chose the nation of Israel to function in that capacity. But at the time Israel was chosen and began to function in her priestly capacity, there were still family priests representing truth, such as Jethro, the priest of Midian. Just because God had "created" a special nation to "carry the torch" of truth does not mean He immediately shuts down those "priests" who are still serving. Israel was chosen by God to be the bearer of His truth (the Messianic promise) but when they rejected the actual personal presence of the Messiah in the person of Jesus Christ, God rejected them (as a nation) and turned to a "spiritual" nation bringing forth the fruits of the kingdom (acceptance of the Messiah). But it is Israel as a "nation" that is rejected - not the Jews. For the new spiritual nation is comprised of both Jew and Gentile, as both are united in one body for the purpose of representing God's truth to the world. What the Jews and the Gentiles enter into during this Church age period is the "spiritual" blessings which had been promised "BEFORE the everlasting times" ( Titus 1:2, Greek). Ie, right after the fall while Adam was still in the garden (Gen. 3:15). It is at this time that "the everlasting times" began, which apparently is a term that refers to human history AFTER the fall. When God created the nation of Israel via the promises given to Abe, part of the promised blessing was a "physical" kingdom over which Abe's Seed would reign (land, seed, kingdom, Gen. 12:1-3). The spiritual blessing, which is salvation from sin, is extended to all mankind as God proclaimed "in you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed" (Gal. 3:8). But since the "nation" rejected the Messiah, only the spiritual blessings are extended, and then, only to those who will accept the Messiah. The physical blessing promised only to the nation of Israel (although the Gentile nations will certainly benefit under Messiah's earthly reign) is postponed and denied to the nation at Messiah's first advent. And yet, any individual can accept Messiah and share in the spiritual blessing (John 1:10-13).
THE DISMISSAL OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL During the 40 year transition period, God is inviting the citizens of the nation to disassociate from the nation and identify with the Messiah in order to participate in the spiritual blessings and avoid the physical judgment in 70 AD (purpose for the gift of tongues). He was not really "dealing with the nation" but addressing the individuals within the nation. During this time of transition, there were many believers who were still "of Israel." And although they had recognized in Jesus the fulfillment of the Messianic promise, they had not been joined into "the Church." Believers such as Apollos (Acts 18:24-26), and the disciples of John the Baptizer (Acts 19:1-7). Now we progress through the church age until the time when God has determined to restore the nation of Israel to its place of promised prestige and give it its long-delayed physical blessings. It is the purpose of the 70 weeks of Daniel to bring the nation to that place where it can enjoy both the spiritual blessings as well as the physical blessings. To the present hour, Israel has only been able to participate in the spiritual blessings, and that, only on a personal, "non-national" basis. But when God's timing initiates the 70th week in order to bring to completion the promises long ago given to Abe, the message to the nation will (again) be one of association with the Messiah. Thus, even then, for Israel to inherit her physical blessings, she must embrace Jesus as the Messiah (Mat. 23:39; Hos. 5:14-15). But before Israel will be "motivated" to embrace Jesus from the standpoint of a "national" testimony, she must endure that time of Jacob's trouble (the Tribulation, the great one) which will entail the oppression of the beast indwelt by Satan. (Hos. 5:15, ...in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.) Israel was placed under discipline (cycle #5, Lev. 26:27-33) in 605-586 BC and then restored after that. But the Nation still remained under discipline (cycle #4, Lev. 26:23-26) administrated first by Persia, then Greece and finally Rome. She remained under cycle #4 of "national" discipline until it was extended to cycle #5 for the 2nd time in 70 AD (Lev. 26:36-39). She presently remains under cycle #5 and will do so until she is "physically" delivered by Messiah's descent to the earth in connection with the Armageddon campaign, when He will physically judge the nation's enemies and set up His earthly kingdom with Israel as the hub. Thus, when the 70th week begins, we find Israel still under discipline from God and yet through her own efforts trying to restore herself to the place of proper worship via a temple in Jerusalem. It is at this time that the beast will establish the covenant in the Middle East that will allow Israel to build her temple and engage in her sacrifices. but all this is done without the guidance and blessing of God. The only ones who will have the "moxy" to know what is going on and provide a Messianic witness to the nation, is the Church and the two witnesses who begin their testimony at the midpoint of the 70th week. That is why we see at Rev. 12, for example, the nation of Israel (faithful to her heritage and trying to worship in her temple) being persecuted by the Beast (after the mid-point of the week, which officially begins the Tribulation) and fleeing into the mountains to avoid beast worship. And why we see, as well, a different group of people than Israel (the woman) also being persecuted by the beast, but identified as those who hold to the testimony of Jesus (Rev. 12:17). The 70th week provides a transitional period when God will complete his plans for the church (the fullness of the Gentiles comes in) and return to bringing Israel to the place of national blessing. Thus, some time prior to the end of the 70th week (since the tribulation will be cut short, Mat. 24:22) the Lord will return to deliver Israel and restore her to her national favor with God. This is called the Day of the Lord. And it is at this time (6th seal) that the Church will be raptured out and 144,000 Jews (with emphasis on their national identity, i.e., 12 tribes) will trust in Jesus as the Messiah and become the first fruits of the "nation" to return to God (Rev. 7:1-8; 14:4). When we place the rapture of the church AT the Day of the LORD return of Jesus as 2 Thess. 2:1-2 demands, there is no compromise of dispensations, no "mixture" of Israel and the church on earth, no violation of any scriptural truth whatever. Although God has returned to Israel's timetable with the institution of the 70th week of Daniel (her last 7 years), she is still under discipline from God and not functioning as the evangelistic agent. The purpose of the 70th week is to bring Israel back to fellowship with God so she can participate in her national promises and share in the kingdom of Messiah. The process for bringing her back includes the evangelistic activity of the church (and the two witnesses) within that 70th week up until the Day of the LORD return of Jesus when the Church will be removed and the 144,000 will "pick up the torch" of service and complete the process of national restoration.
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İRon Wallace, http://www.biblefragrances.com.
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