How does one become a Christian?
It is really very simple, but still a very serious matter.

     A. When you hear the message of truth, the gospel of
        salvation, the Holy Spirit will convict you of three
        1. Your NEED for salvation; that is, the fact that you
           are indeed a sinner who exists AND lives in violation
           of God’s righteous standards.
        2. The PROVISION that God has made through Jesus
           Christ as the Savior of the world.
        3. The JUDGMENT that will come upon all who do not
           believe in Christ. That judgment is to spend eternity
           in constant misery, separated from God in the lake of

     B. Upon understanding this information provided through the
        convicting of the Holy Spirit, you must CHANGE YOUR MIND
        about your present belief system that causes you to reject
        God’s system for salvation. This is called REPENTANCE.

     C. Once you repent (change your mind), then you must accept
        the truths of the gospel as taught in the Bible.
        This is called BELIEVING IN CHRIST AS SAVIOR.

    1. Recognize the need that you are a sinner under the indictment of  divine  judgment.

    2. In humility accept God's verdict concerning your sinful status and accept  the fact that He is the only one who determines the proper  policy for reversing that verdict.

    3. Accept the fact that Jesus died in your place, taking your sins upon  Himself in order that He might bring us to God the Father and give us eternal life.

    4. And then in that humility acceptance, simply express yourself to God the Father in the privacy of your own soul, in your own words that you are in fact consciously and completely trusting in Christ as the one who saves you from the penalty of sin.

    5. And at that very moment of time, you will forgiven all your sins, you will be born again into the family of God, and you will be given eternal life which God will never ever take away from you.

7. Once a person becomes a Christian, the most important thing for him to do is to learn God's word, the bible. There are several basic doctrines that are essential in order for the new believer to come to an understanding of the new quality of life he has entered. Without a basic orientation to the Christian way of life and the wonderful provisions God has given us in order to live above the still present and powerful pull of our sin nature, the new believer will very quickly revert to old habits and character flaws and will not be able to experience the promised peace and joy of the abundant life.

8. Please write to me if you are interested in learning more about the Christian life or have questions about anything pertaining to Christianity and the Bible. ptronwā


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