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INTRODUCTION Growth, fellowship, worship and service
The real issue in
Christianity is fellowship with God and then, all
Christianity depends on
and centers around the person and
If anything about the
person and work of Christ breaks down, then all of Christianity falls as
well. That's the reason so much emphasis is placed
Chapter One: Verses 1-4
A. the person of Christ: Rom. 1.3-4
1. Deity: Heb.
1.3; Rom. 9.5; John 1:1-3
2. Humanity:
In. 1.14; Gal. 4.4; Phil. 2.5-8
B. The work of
Christ: Salvation/Eternal life accomplished Jn. 14.6: Acts 4.12; 2 Cor. 5.21: Jn. 10.7-18 2. We must verify Him: Verse 2
A. Academic:
Fulfilled prophecy LIST: prophecies of Christ’s first coming B. Experience: Ministry of the H.S. in our life. Rom. 8.16; Gal. 5.22-23; 3. We must embrace Him: Verse 3a
A. Salvation:
Jn. 1.12-13; 3.16-18; 14.6
4. Then we have
the basis for fellowship. Verse 3b
2. was: Imperfect
Ind. of eimi. The imperfect tense indicates continuous 3. From the beginning: apo archā, from the ultimate source of the Beginning.
a. The subject
is - that
which, and refers to the revelation of God.
d. The
revelation of God concerning his design for the human race
f. The
manifestation of LJC as the revelation and the living
g. As the living
Word of God, Jesus Christ is God, and as The
h. Thus, our
attention is brought to the Person and work of Christ, for
4. What we have
This is the FIRST WITNESS to the
incarnation: HIS MESSAGE.
5. What we have
seen with our eyes: HIS MIRACLES
6. What we looked upon: HIS CHARACTER
This is the THIRD
WITNESS to the incarnation.
b. the aorist is
used to indicate the fact of his honest, intense 7. And our hands have handled: psālaphaō as an aorist active indicative. To examine closely, to handle with a view to investigation, to touch.
a. The aorist tense
is used to indicate the specific fact of the case
The resurrection of His humanity attests to the reality of
also to be included in this 4th witness are the incidents such 8. Concerning the word of The Life:
a. The word: logos
(from the verb, legō, which means to speak)
It is God's
communication to man in the person of Christ.
b. of the life: the
special kind of life which is in fact the life the judgment prepared for Satan and his angels, which is existence without “life.” John 20:31; Acts 4.12 c. Two aspects to this quality of life. John 10:10, “life and abundance.”
1. eternal life
through relationship with God. John 6:40; 10:27-29
1. and the life was
manifested- Phaneroō as an aorist passive indicative.
2. And we have seen it:
horaō is a perfect a. ind. The repetition of the verb to communicating. (perfect tense: present results from seeing in the past).
3. and are bearing
witness: martureō as a present act indicative expresses Present tense: constantly bearing witness (verifying) the reality of the person and work of Christ in every aspect of John's life.
4. and are announcing to you: apangellō, present act. ind. The natural result from recognizing and verifying the person and work of Christ is to make a public proclamation and in this case, in written form.
5. The Eternal life:
the whole reality of the person and work of Christ and
6. which was with the Father-- In. 1.1- the intimacy of the Godhead. 7. and was manifested to us: aorist p. ind. Of phaneroō There is a natural pause in the Greek here before John continues.
The condescension of
God to mankind is so amazing that John cannot It is expressed later at 1 John 3.1, behold what manner.
VERSE THREE We must embrace Him
After his pause for
reflection in v. 2, John picks up again with
1. What we have seen:
Perf. a. ind. of horaō- repeats the concept of v. 1
2. and heard: perf. a.
ind.- akouō- a very real and physical hearing of
We are proclaiming --
pro a. ind- apangellō-
80- to make a public
from the ultimate source of
to proclaim a message
based on the standards in ones soul-
to you:
The Ephesian believers,
and in application. to all believers
This is not evangelical
in scope but instructional.
the function of the cwl
depends on the person and work of Christ
very important
principle-The revelation of God to man is for
in order that- hina
plus the subjunctive to indicate the purpose You also might have-
a. have: echō, -ir. a.
subj- goes with hina to indicate purpose, but
in itself does not
guarantee that the desired results will vine design .
.tl . fellowship: koinōnia, a participation with, a sharing with a communion and partnership with
/6. wi th 1..1.s--
.John and the other communicators of Doctrine. j/, .and indeed- de- incidentally-
our fellowship- the
fellowship that all believers have together.
VEHSE THREE 12. is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ. THE CIRCLE OF FELLOWSHIP
a. with the Father:
Primarily through an orientation to his
1. through prayer- all
prayer is directed to the Father, 2. through experiencing the perfect peace of God- Phil. 4.6-7
~Vi th the :3on- 1.experiencing the grace and peace of Eph. 1.2
participation in his character as it is produced
1 Cor. 11.1
c. d.
With the Holy Spirit:
It is through Mis
indwelling presense that enables us to have
OU.r communion with the
B.S. is mentioned with regard to
with other believers:&
Mutual participation in the areas of- and general worship.
1. and these things-- The book of 1 John by application, the entirety of the written revelation of God. 2. we are writing- graphō- pro a. ind.- 3. so that our joy- chara- my joy and your joy
the experience of-inner
relaxation and contentment and
A. My joy - as the
communicator- knowing that what he offers is B. Your joy- through acceptance and participation in the instruction they receive.
Hearing and doing the
Word of God J+. might be fulfilled- Perf. p. part. Plāroō- Plus- Pro sub j . of eimi A. periphrastic perfect part. to emphasize the unique and special quality of Divine happiness in the soul
certain principles of Doctrine are understood, the results
C. the Subjunctive of
eimi indicates that volition plays a part
D. the perfect tense
indicates full and complete results of the E.On our part- the doing of our commission on your part- the hearing and doing of the word taught.
2. that we are having:
echō- pr.a. ind. - communicates a present
fellowship: koinōnia -
rapport and partnership based on
used for
fellowship in experience
with God is based on alignment with His character
is called "abiding in Him (Cnrtst)" at John 1 S~ 7; I IN 2.28 mtrodu ~~~ '~n attendant tactor tc our claim to fellowship with God. S,- are actually walking: peripates - pr. d. indo - the attendant The word is used to indicate how we conduct ourselves in life.
b. in the darkness:
skotia - that which is contrary to the light A.The principle oJ mcompatibitity: 2 Cor 6.14.
2 13 - leaving
the paths of uprightness (y~sher) (; 1 In 2, t ta - fails to operate on love, Empnasis on spiritual standards and integrity D.The deeds of darkness: Rom. 1,3.12 -13
no alignment with God's character or viewpoint -- 2 .. And there is not Bible Truth operating in the soul.
5.9 ,. the ,)
factors of light Iivtng establish the nature
9. the truth: alātheia - God's viewpoint. doctrine and policy.
A. I JOHN one The principle of imitation: Eph. 5.1-2 A.God's standards not man's.
I. Is.
55.6-9 Rebellion - Job 24.13
alignment with God's standards y rcnowsntp with one another B.That is God with us -- and we with God.
well as, by application, with fellow believers as per
v .
3 between Him and the betiever
must be premised on cleansing and forgiveness of sins.
F From a salvation perspective, it is an accomplished fact.
G From an experiential
perspective it is only realized through
the basis for
cleansing in experience is an appeal back to 1 In. 2.1
I And this appeal back
to the cross is represented by the 6.And the blood of Jesus His Son: specific reference to the spiritual sacrifice of Christ on the cross. DOCTRINE OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST 7 cleanses us: katharidzō - pr. a. ind. - keeps on cleansing.
Th.e once and for all
sacrifice on the cross has a continuous
From all sin: pas .•.
hamartia - The all makes this a reference point and policy, fellowship is maintained.
they occur. l IContesston of sin then perpetuates the salvation sacrifice of
I JOHN one
s .
,3 De-nial of the OSN
as the- 3rd attack of gnosticism. A. nave ~chl! -pr. d. indo indicates pre-sent status quo
B the nature to sin in.
contrast. with acts of sin 8.S in
v .
10. ,). We are deceiving ourselves: ptanas - pr. a. indo A.Deception because we do have an OSN and it is the source of
i our sintnl t .•.. ouents and activi .•.. .i~f"' Gal L 1 o rl 1· lI..k "7 1 .~ 1.1 \. 1 U :0 i,.:t) d U;j_ A lii.·I,,·iJo. ..). 7-"::' ,.I:'I'l . I.
because without recognizing the problem, we will 'l" And the truth is not in us: atstnera-tne truth of Gods revelation
A Genesis ().2 1 eRe. Y.3
D. Proverbs 22.15
'fI.q -
Having recognized the
existance of the OSN, we must deal 1.If: 3rd class condition - maybe we will follow this policy .. -
reference to believers only. The unbeliever is not told to
Lit: to
say the same thing.
Thus, to agree with or acknowledge. L Its nature: it is a violation of His viewpoint and standards
3 Your attitude. rejection or forsaking as at Provo 23.13
B Confession of sin is
not a mechanical gimmick· or·ff{uafl)ut a
or sin is always directed to God the Father - never 4. our sins: hamartia - plural to indicate the difference between .
sin is the violation of any aspect of God's view-
is obvious, but often overlooked, is that this is rerermg
I JOHN one 5 He is faithful: pistos - dependable, trustworthy ,A.. All sins were paid for on the cross.
someone trusts in Christ as saviour, the penalty for sin
C But any ruture sins
will still produce the effects of separation is no need tor another sacrifice. Ii. fT~ •• ~, about tns disatisnmentllWIC" with God that results from personal sin.
appeal back to the CfOSS work of Christ is what accomp- l J n. L 7 and 2. 1
7. T~):
nina + subj. = in order
to. indicates that the basis tor
known violation which
takes us out of alignment with God.
10. From all
unrighteousness: pas adikia -cleansmg of all unknown
v . 10 The denial of personal sin L If we say: 3rd c1. condo + a.a.s. of legl! 2.that we have not sinned: namartans - pert. a. indo A.This is a rejection of the need for cleansing. B.It denies any past or present sin activity.
C It directly
contradicts Rom. 3.2.3 and context .- which estab- _) Thus- w(: make- Him a Iiar: poie s - pr. a. indo 4. And His word is not in us: no doctrinal orientation to spiritual
Rom. 14.7-8
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©Ron Wallace, http://www.biblefragrances.com.
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