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Pastor Bruce Einspahr
Kennewick, Washington
Pastor Larry Hofmann
Glendale, Arizona
Maranatha Chruch Maranatha Church is an independent, non-denominational, evangelical church devoted to teaching the Bible verse-by-verse from the original languages. This site is for those who are searching for clearly documented Bible Teaching.
Crosswalk.com's Bible Study Toolsฎ are designed to facilitate in-depth study and exploration of God's Word. As the largest resource of its kind on the Internet, this powerful free resource embodies our corporate mission: to equip people to grow in their faith and apply it practically in their lives.
Biblical Studies Foundation The Biblical Studies Foundation is a non-profit organization founded for the purpose of distributing sound, evangelical Bible study materials in electronic format so those with small personal libraries or without access to a local Bible college or seminary library, etc., may have access to sound biblical studies from their home.
Bible resources at discount prices.
Here is an excellent website for Christian answers on current
issues with great fun and learning for the KIDS.
PreWrath Rapture Links Page
A variety of sites that promote the PreWrath rapture of the
A Christ-centered, Expositional
Bible Teaching, and Evangelical Church.
Pastor Tom Elseroad's use of visual charts and tables often make clear, and put into
perspective, harder concepts in the Word of God.
Robert P. McLaughlin
Grace Bible Church, Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries We are a non-denominational church dedicated to teaching the Word of God from the original languages and making it available at no charge throughout the world.
The Ankerberg Theological
Research Institute Producer and host of the nationally televised John Ankerberg Show, a half-hour program seen in all 50 states via independent stations, the INSP Network, the DAYSTAR Network, and on the SKY ANGEL Satellite, numerous cable outlets, as well as on the internet. The program can be seen each week by a potential viewing audience in excess of 99 million people. John presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends biblical/Christian answers.