Stability Grace: The Growth Process

1. This is the FOURTH grace provision for spiritual growth. It is designed to bring the believer to the place of maximum stability and the experience of peace, joy and confidence. 1 Peter 5:10

2. It is the end result of the process described at 1 Peter 5:10.

A. Equipping grace: getting doctrinal content in the soul.
B. Support grace: Putting the content into practice by using the promises of God.

C. Strengthening grace: develops character strength through the combination of facts and promises.

D. Stability grace: the experience of character consistency (blameless and irreproachable) is stability. (themelioO)


3. This stability is called confidence at Romans 5:4-5, which is the 3rd leg of the abundant life. Romans15:13

4. It is described as part of the growth process:

A. Colossians 2:6-7
B. Hebrews 13:9
C. Doctrine of repetition: Philip. 3:1, securing factor, asphalās.

5. Stability gives character strength its consistency and is called blameless and irreproachable. Colossians1:22-23

6. Maximum service capacity is based on stability. Hebrews 3:14

7. Principle of never stumbling. 2 Peter 1:10-11; John 16:1

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