MATTHEW 22:1-14  


Matthew 22:1-14

This parable is a little more complicated than other parables because Jesus goes into specific details that develop a scenario rather than using a simple illustration to teach a general spiritual principle. The very nature of this parable requires that the “details” play a much larger part than in most other parables.

And yet, it still has a general focus that stands out even with a minimal concentration on the details.
Mat. 22:1-7 is a parable of Israel's failure to accept Jesus as the Messiah as per Mat. 21:33-43.

Verse 2
The king gives a wedding feast for his son.
The King represents God the Father.
The son represents the Messiah.
The wedding feast represents participation in the plan of God as His representatives on the earth.
The wedding feast has no correlation to the bride of the Lamb, but is simply the illustration used to communicate that the believer can have a place of function and blessing in association with the King and with the Messiah.

Verse 3
The king sent out his servants to call those who had been invited.
The ones invited refers to the family and friends of the son – the people of Israel – but with emphasis on Israel as a national UNIT, rather than as individuals. The nation of Israel; the ones invited are the ones who would naturally be expected to join in the feast. They would enter into a wonderful blessing by associating with the son in the feast.
The servants represent the messengers of God, sent periodically throughout history to invite God’s chosen people (
Israel) to identify with the Messiah through acceptance of the Messianic promise and to share His blessing through spiritual relationship with Him.
But these who were invited were unwilling to identify with the Messiah.
They were unwilling to accept Jesus as the promised One.

Verse 4
The king, always patient and longsuffering, sent again to those who had been invited saying that everything is ready for the feast.
As the history of the Jewish people continued, God continued to reach out to them and invite them into blessing through identification with the Messianic promise.

Verse 5
But they, having prospered, were even more inclined now to reject the invitation and go on about their own affairs; their homes and businesses.
They were more interested in preserving their man made traditions than to focus on the truths of divine love and justice (Mat. 15:3).

Verse 6
Other servants were sent and these were mistreated and killed.
The prophet-messengers of God were continually and faithfully sent to the nation of Israel, and yet they continued to reject them and have them tortured and killed just like Jesus relates at Matthew 21:33-39 and Matthew 23:29-35. For concerning John, “John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, (21:32). And concerning the Son Himself, “And they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him,” (21:39).

Verse 7
With this final demonstration of hatred toward the king and rejection of any affinity with him or his son, the king sent his armies to destroy them.
AD 30, Abib the 15th, marks the final demonstration of the nation’s rejection of God and the Messiah.
Just as John writes,
“He came unto His own but His own did not receive Him, (John 1:11).

And Peter proclaims,
“This One, provided by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of lawless men and put Him to death, (Acts 2:23).

Accordingly, God used the legions of Rome to destroy the city and the temple, leaving them desolate, just as Jesus announced to them many years before it actually happened, as recorded at Mat. 23:37-38.

O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.
“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!

Verse 8
The nation of Israel, as a UNIT, was found unworthy of the Father’s plans for them; of the blessing that would come through identification with the Messiah.
Thus, “the
kingdom of God” would be taken away from them (Mat. 21:43). That is, the privilege and responsibility to know and represent divine truth to the world. Paul describes this as the branches of Israel “as a nation” being removed from the olive tree (the kingdom of God). The olive tree at Romans 11:17-24 is NOT the nation of Israel, but the “place” and “function” of being God’s priestly representatives to the world.

Verse 9
Since the preparations have all been made and the original guests have rejected the invitation, God extends that invitation to all the Gentiles.
“go to all the throughways of the roads, and invite as many as you find.”
And He removes from that “physical” nation of Israel the spiritual responsibility of representing Divine truth to others and gives that responsibility to another group, whom He identifies as
”a nation producing the fruit of it,” (Mat. 21:43).
This “new” nation will be comprised of both Jew and Gentile, and yet they will lose ALL identification with their former associations. The Jews who join with the new nation will become one IN CHRIST with Gentiles and God will use that ONE NEW BODY as His priestly representatives to carry His word through the world (Eph. 2:11-22).
So that now, In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” (Gal. 3:28).

Verse 10
The invitation is extended to all mankind “both evil and good.”
For Jesus “gave Himself as a ransom for all,” (1 Tim. 2:6) and becomes the “propitiation for the sins of the whole world,” (1 John 2:2); “the savior of all men,” (1 Tim. 4:10).

Verse 11-13
But the whole human race is not automatically saved just because Jesus died for them all. They must meet the qualifications laid down by the Father. They must wear the right clothing. They must accept by faith the gift that is offered to them.
Anyone attempting to “reach” God on any other terms will be rejected.
John 1:13, “not out from blood (hereditary), nor out from the will of the flesh (self-determinism), nor out from the will of man (organized religion), but out from God (His policy, His terms).”
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this (salvation) not out from yourselves, it (salvation) is the gift of God; not out from works, lest anyone should boast,” (Eph. 2:8-9).

Verse 13
This is clearly a salvation issue, for the one who is rejected is cast into the outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This terminology is only used of those who do not escape their appointment with judgment (Heb. 9:27) and the destiny of Satan which is the lake of fire (Mat. 25:41).

This image simply communicates the transition from physical suffering to spiritual suffering; the extreme sorrow, anger and frustration that the person will experience in this place of judgment.

The phrase, "weeping and gnashing of teeth," only occurs 7 times in the Bible and always in connection with the final disposition of the wicked when he has been cast into the gehenna of fire (Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 13:50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28).
See Topic: gnashing of teeth and outer darkness

Verse 14

For many are called (klātos) but few are chosen (eklektos).
This adjective kl
ātos is used to describe those who have received an invitation to the wedding feast, "many are klātos." The wedding feast represents the kingdom of God during the church age.
It is set up in contrast to "few are chosen," which is the adjective eklektos. The contrast is to show that although many are invited, not all are qualified to enter into the kingdom; even though they may try. To be qualified you need to have on the right clothing; you need to be clothed with God's righteousness.
Only those who trust in Christ are clothed with God's righteousness

All are invited. All are DRAWN by God. He reaches out to all mankind.
But only those who trust in Christ of their own free will, will be accepted (chosen); forgiven their sins, and given eternal life with God.

See Topic: DRAWING

There is no significance to the wedding feast as having anything to do with the Lamb’s bride in Revelation. This is simply the illustration that Jesus chose to teach the spiritual principle that “function” in God’s kingdom would be taken away from those for whom it was “previously” designed (Israel) and given to those who previously had no part in that “specialized” function (the Gentiles).

This was taught in the Old Testament at Deut. 32:21; Isaiah 28:9-13; 65:1, 13-16.

Mat. 22:8-14 is a parable for entrance into the kingdom of God during the time that the disciples proclaim the gospel, as representatives of the "nation producing the fruits of the kingdom of God" (Mat. 21:43) - the church age.


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