1. DEFINITION: Divine inspiration is the act of the Godhead by which He communicates specific words either mentally or verbally directly to men through the Holy Spirit and guides those men as they write it or speak it, while employing their individual personalities, vocabularies and writing styles to produce in the original languages, an errorless revelation of God's viewpoint.

2. PERSONAL CLAIMS of inspiration made in the Bible:

A. The prophet's proclaim, "thus says the Lord."

B. The New Testament makes claims concerning the Old Testament. Hebrews 1:1a

1. Paul: 2 Timothy 3:16;

2. Peter: 1 Pet. 1:10-11; 2 Pet. 3:15-16

C. 2 Peter 1:20-21, "Knowing this first of all, that all prophecy of scripture did not originate from one's own viewpoint (or disclosure), for prophecy was formerly brought not by an act of human will, but men carried along by the Holy Spirit, spoke from God."

3. SCIENTIFIC ACCURACY that predates human discovery.

Example: The earth is round - Prov. 8:27; Job 26:10


A. Historical prophecy: Pin point accuracy in specifics concerning the kingdoms and nations of ancient history.

B. Messianic prophecy: Over 300 specific Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming savior which were all literally fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

C. The odds for these for these being fulfilled in one man are astronomical.

5. CONTINUITY: The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years, by over 40 authors from many different walks of life, in three continents and in three languages. It deals with a multitude of subject matter, including many controversial issues. Yet, from beginning to end, there is one theme and purpose proclaimed with total agreement and consistency and absolutely no contradictions in the original languages.

6. ENDURANCE: Matthew 5:18

A. Survival through time

B. Survival through persecution

C. Survival through criticism

D. Survival through historical impact.

7. LIFE CHANGING POWER: Hebrews 4:12; Gal.5:22-23. The principles of Bible truth when learned and applied to one's life, will produce changes in character and fantastic peace and joy which cannot be experienced from any other source.

8. ONLY the original manuscripts are inspired of God. No man made translation is inspired, and that includes the KING JAMES VERSION of 1611.
See: KJV and William Shakespear

9. The documents of the bible.
 The Inerrancy of the Bible

A. This must be viewed from two perspectives.
The PRINCIPLE of it.

B. In principle, the Bible states its own case for us.
Every passage that says, “thus says the Lord.”
Every writer that claims, “this is the word of God.”
The reliability of the Old Testament is established by the very words of Jesus. He states at Luke 24:44 an acceptance of the Old Testament Scriptures as they were then known by the people of Israel, divided into the three common sections.
the law: First five books
the psalms: The books of poetry
the prophets: the prophets
And of course, at Matthew 4:4, “by EVERY word of God.”

C. In practicality, there are MANY transmission errors within the many manuscripts that we possess.
1. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew and Aramaic, these are very minor, but do exist.
2. It is in the New Testament manuscripts where we find a great many errors of transmission, divided into two types; unintentional and intentional.
3. Of the unintentional types we have, errors of sight, writing, hearing, memory and judgment.
4. Of the intentional types we have grammatical, liturgical, harmonization, doctrinal, attempts to correct, and attempts to compromise or conflate.

D. Although these errors are numerous, they are of a relatively minor nature and considered within the scope of the entire New Testament, NEVER affect any major doctrinal issue.
1. The vast majority of these errors can be easily recognized and eliminated through the science of textual criticism.
2. However, in reality, errors between the manuscripts do exist, and one cannot say that we have a PERFECT copy of God’s word.
3. On the other hand, from the perspective of SIMILARITY of manuscripts, most of them are identical in over three-fourths of their text, and we have a uniform and accurate transmission.
4. This, together with the CORRECTIONS of the OBVIOUS errors in transmission through the application of textual criticism, based on point B above, we have a reliable copy of God’s word, which must be believed to be by Divine design.


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