EPHESIANS:  Outline of the Book  



1. Paul begins by focusing on the principle of divine provision for the human race by mentioning the spiritual blessings that we have IN CHRIST (Ephesians 1:3).

A. He delineates the basis for these spiritual blessings in verses 4-14, by listing the SEVEN factors of our salvation status.

1. Election: verse 4
2. Predestination: verse 5
3. Adoption: verse 5
4. Redemption: verse 7
5. Forgiveness of sins: verse 7
6. Inheritance: verse 11
7. Sealing: verses 13-14

B. In view of this, he prays that the believers might advance in growth and arrive at a knowledge of the THREE confidence factors for success in the Christian life (verses 15-23).

1. Confidence of status: expectation of our calling (verse 18)
2. Confidence of future inheritance: wealth of the glory of our inheritance (verse 18).
3. Confidence of experiential power source: The greatness of His power (verse 19).

2. The details of our salvation status are developed in Eph. 2:1-22.

A. Depravity: verses 1-3
B. Divine mercy and love: verse 4
C. Spiritual life: verse 5
D. Positional union in Christ (raised and seated): verse 6, 10
E. Grace: verse 8-9
F. Faith: verse 8-9
G. Saved (from wrath): verse 8-9
H. Experiential purpose (works): verse 10
I. Reconciliation: verses 11-20
J. Growth (number and character): verses 21-22

3. Orientation to mystery doctrine and the angelic conflict. Verses 1-13

A. Apostolic stewardship: verse 2, 7-8
B. Mystery revelation: verses 3-11
C. Spiritual conflict: verses 9-11

4. Prayer for progress in spiritual growth with a focus on functional maturity in the sphere of beneficent love: Ephesians 3:14-21

A. Holy Spirit as the teacher: verse 16
B. Rooted and grounded in (basic) love: verse 17b
C. Christ dwelling in the heart: verse 17a
D. Understanding of the whole plan (height, width, length, depth): Verse 18
E. Experiential knowledge of (advanced) love: verse 19
F. Spiritual maturity (filled up to the fullness of God): verse 20

5. Orientation to Christian Living: chapters 4-6

A. Humility and love: verses 1-3
B. SEVEN unity doctrines: verses 4-6
C. Spiritual gifts: verses 7-13
D. Growth: verses 11-16
E. New character: verses 17-32
F. Imitation of God: verses 5:1-14
G. Priority living: verses 15-21
H. Human relationships: verses 5:22 - 6:9
I. Spiritual combat: verses 6:10-20 The SEVEN pieces of the armor of God.

6. Final exhortation and the KEY to success. Ephesians 6:23-24

A. Desire for them to experience God's peace and love.

1. It is based on FAITH THINKING: with (meta) faith.
Associated with faith (thinking). Colossians 2:6; Romans 15:13

2. Eph. 3:17, Christ dwelling in the heart through faith-thinking.

B. Peace refers to the total relaxation of soul that has no conflict with self or others.

C. Love refers to the possession and expression of beneficent love, which seeks what is divinely beneficial for all people.

D. See 2 Corinthians 13:11

E. Grace be with all: this refers to God's grace provisions for advancing in Christian growth.

1. The principle and mechanics as outlined at 1 Peter 5:10.

2. The characteristic of Eternal Life Blessings in time (ELB) at 2 Peter 1:3, everything we need for life and worship through the epignOsis of Him.

F. For those who love our Lord Jesus Christ IN PURITY.
aphtharsia - without corruption (distortion or compromise)
Compare the issue of friendship with the world at James 4:4.



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