1. The Bible reveals the existence of two classes of volitional creatures.
Daniel 4:35.
A. The heavenly host: Angels - Neh. 9:6; Ps. 148:2; Luke 2:13
B. The human race: Heb. 2:6-7 (inferior to angels)
2. The heavenly creation has several designations.
A. The first term i s "sons of God." Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Gen.
1. benā hA elohim: only 4 times and only of angels.
Job 1:6; 2:1; Gen. 6:2, 4
2. benā elohim: Only at Job 38:7 and for angels.
3. bar elohin: (Chaldean) only at Dan. 3:25 and for angel.
4. Cf. Psalm 29:1 and 89:6 - benā āliym (plural) -
both times for angels = sons of the mighty (ones).
B. The term angel: Hebrew = malak = messenger; Greek = angellos = messenger.
1. Angel is an English word transliterated from the Greek, "angellos."
Whenever it or its Hebrew counterpart occur, they should be rendered "messenger"
and can refer to either man or angel.
2. So, "messenger" describes a function and not a "class"
of creation.
3. It describes the primary function of the heavenly host. Ps. 103:20-21
a. v. 20, perform His word, obeying His voice
b. v. 21, serve Him, doing His will.
c. Illustrated by Jacob's ladder at Gen. 28:12
d. Cf. Dan. 4:17,
C. The term host: Hebrew = tsAbha, Psalm 148:2; Greek =
stratia, Lk.
1. Indicates a military array, a body of soldiers or servants.
The verb means to wage war.
2. So the angelic host is designated as God's organized force to both
serve Him and to engage in spiritual conflict with the hosts of Satan.
Ephesians 6:12; Isaiah 24:21
3. The word is also used many times for the physical array of the heavens;
sun, moon and stars, Neh. 9:6.
4. Used for the nation of Israel and a human military force in general.
5. Used of fallen angels at Isaiah 24:21
D. The term spirit: Hebrew = ruach; Greek = pneuma
1. Indicates an immaterial type creation. It has a physical appearance
and even substance, but has abilities of movement and function unimpaired
by any physical substance.
2. When used of an angel, the emphasis is on its physical form. Different
from man and not having man's physical limitations.
3. CF. Job 4:15; 1 Kings 22:21; Heb. 1:14
E. The term cherub (cherubim) is a technical term for angels in general.
There is no adequate origin or meaning to the Hebrew word, kerubh.
Since cherub is a term for angels in general, they appear in a variety
of forms and places. Cherub is not a specific type of angel.
1. The covering cherub: Ezek. 28:14, 16 (anointed cherub)
2. The guard cherubim of Gen. 3:24.
3. The two cherubim of the temple (2 wings), 1 Kings 6:24
4. The cherubim of Ezekiel 1 and 10 (with 4 wings).
5. The seraphim of Isaiah 6:1-7, (with 6 wings), Rev. 4:8
F. The term serpaphim occurs only in Isaiah 6 and is simply a term used
by Isaiah to indicate the appearance of the cherubim he saw.
1. sAraph, means a burning one. This indicates the intense light that
was involved with the appearance.
2. Ezek 1:5-14: these angels are 4 living beings which in Ezekiel 10:18-20
are called cherubim.
3. Rev. 4:6-9, 4 living creatures with 6 wings, whose proclamation is
very similar to Isaiah 6. They are probably the same ones.
G. Holy ones: Hebrew = qAdōsh = to set apart or dedicate
to something.
Greek = hagios: Ones set apart for a unique and special function.
1. Deut. 33:3, Angels are called holy ones.
Cf. Dan. 7:10; 8:13; Ps. 89:5-7;
2. Angels at the 2nd coming of Christ: Zech 14:5; Jude 14; Mat. 25:31
3. To designate that they are set apart by God for specific and unique
H. Angels are called mighty ones: Joel 3:11; Psalm 78:25; cf. Ps. 103:20
I. Summary of terms:
1. Sons of God: origin of the angels, as "creatures" of God
2. Heavenly host: class of creation, heavenly in contrast to earthly.
3. Angel: indicates the function of these creatures, messengers of divine
4. Spirit: indicates the basic physical form of angels.
5. cherub: appears to be a technical term for angelic life.
6. seraphim: a term that reflects the physical appearance of angels in
connection with bright light.
7. holy one: set apart for a unique and special purpose.
8. demon and unclean spirit will be covered later in detail.
a. demon: technical term for a fallen angels
in general.
b. unclean spirit: spirit relates to the physical form (immaterial) and
unclean indicates the evil character and purpose to promote what is contrary
to divine truth.
3. The creation of angels:
A. Angels were created as an expression of God's perfect character.
Ps. 148:2-6
B. It is actually the Lord Jesus Christ who is the creator. Col. 1:16
C. The fact of creation indicates that they are creatures and have creature
needs and limitations.
D. The primary activity of angels indicates why they were created. Ps.
148:2; 103:20; Is. 6:1-3
Ie, to proclaim and reflect the character of God and have fellowship with
Him on that basis.
E. Angels were created with volition so that worship and fellowship
would be an issue of choice and not "program."
F. The initial expression of all angels was to recognize and rejoice
in the work of God. Job 38:4-7
G. As to number, the angelic host is countless.
1. Heb. 12:22; Jude 14, murias (dative plural) multitude
2. Deut. 33:2, rebhAbhAh - from myriads (10 thousands) of holy ones.
3. Dan. 7:10
a. a thousand thousands (eleph alephiym) were attending Him.
b. myriads upon myriads (ribbo + ribbo, plural)
4. Rev. 5:11
a. myriads of myriads: murias + genitive plural
b. thousands of thousands: chilias + genitive plual
4. Angelic volition: The ANGELIC CONFLICT
A. The origin of volition is in the Godhead. God's volition has always
existed. It is His sovereignty. Sovereignty is absolute volition that has absolute
authority to think and determine anything it wants. Psalm 115:3; 135:6;
Dan. 4:35
Daniel 4:35, He does according to His will
1. In the host of heaven: angelic creation
2. and among the inhabitants of the earth: human creation
God's sovereignty gives volition to whomever He chooses. But that volition
is always dependent on (subject to) sovereignty.
1. A volitional creature may only do what God permits.
this is not emphasizing "ability" but "right." He will
never stop our thinking, but He may stop the follow through of our thinking,
ie, the actions.
2. A volitional creature must bow to the consequences God establishes
for deviation from His standards.
B. God permitted volition in the angelic realm.
1. As an expression of His perfect essence, God chose to have created
beings functioning in the universe on the basis of "free will."
He wanted them to express themselves toward Him in a positive attitude
from choice and not as a programmed "robot."
2. God is absolute righteousness. In God's foreknowledge, He anticipated
that the opposite of His perfect righteousness would manifest itself through
a volitional creature.
3. So in order to allow for existence of volitional creatures throughout
eternity, God must permit the manifestation of unrighteousness and then
deal with it in perfect justice once and for all. CF. Psalm 92:7
4. Unrighteousness cannot be tolerated by God's absolute righteousness.
It must be judged.
a. Once exposed and judged, it will no longer be an issue throughout
the universe.
b. And so, volitional creatures will be able to exist with that volition
but without the threat of going against God's righteousness.
c. That course of action will not be available to them.
d. Sin and unrighteousness will be totally exposed for what it is and
then judged once and for all, put as it were, in the divine "museum"
of history and left there as evidence for all eternity.
e. This is because unrighteousness will have been fully exposed and
dealt with and demonstrated to all the creation that it is undesirable
and unacceptable and non-beneficial.
f. Justification in salvation and eternal security is actually a picture
of this concept.
5. So we have the reason God created angels with volition - knowing
fully the whole course of history.
C. The function of angelic volition:
1. It functioned totally positive to divine design for an indefinite
period of time. Gen. 1:1 cf. Job 38:4-7, "all the sons of God shouted
for joy."
2. As positive to God's standards, angels consistently praised Him and
did His will. Psalm 103:19-21
3. There was a rank and order among the angels but everything functioned
smoothly without competition or dissatisfaction during this indefinite
5. The revolt of the angels: the beginning of the angelic conflict.
A. What God had anticipated came about and the highest ranked angel
expressed negative volition toward God and sinned. Ezk. 28:15-16a, 17a,
According to Isaiah 14:12, his name was hālāl.
The Latin translates this as Lucifer.
Both mean, shining one. This was because of his magnificent beauty.
B. As a result, God removed Lucifer from his heavenly position.
C. He also pronounced a permanent judgment on this angel who was now
to be known as, Satan, which means adversary.
The judgment pronounced was the lake of fire. Ezk. 28:18b-19; Mat. 25:41
D. When this final judgment was pronounced on Satan, he then devised
what he thought was a "God-proof" escape plan. We can call it,
Satan's doctrine of love and fairness.
1. It is impossible for a loving God to cast His creatures into the
lake of fire.
2. It is unfair to judge a creature for failing when you put into him
the capacity to fail, ie, volition.
3. But these concepts are expressed from the viewpoint of a creature
who now has a "distorted" mentality and wisdom. Ezek. 28:17,
"You corrupted your wisdom"
The fallen angel now has a distorted, corrupt, evil "nature."
4. In his corruption, he failed to consider the absolute nature of God's
righteousness and justice in conjunction with the "impartiality"
of His perfect love.
5. This understanding of Satan's "protest" is based on three
a. The expression of this very viewpoint by a demon (fallen angel) who
visited Eliphaz at Job 4:12-21.
(God is unfair and unloving)
b. The "fact" that Satan is not NOW in the lake of fire requires
a "reasonable" explanation as to "why?"
c. The expression of this very viewpoint throughout the history of the
human race under the influence of Satan's revolution.
E. When Satan rebelled against God, God established some kind of "confrontation"
or "test period" for the other angels to determine for all time,
which angels were on "God's side" and which wanted to follow
in Satan's revolt.
After this "test period" the lines were drawn, decisions made
and two types of angels were now in existence in the universe
1. The elect or un-fallen angels who adhered to Divine design.
Hebrews 1:6, angels of God . (1 Tim. 5:21)
2. The fallen angels, now in active and perpetual rebellion against
God and aligned under the ruling authority of Satan to promote his cause.
Satan's angels, Rev. 12:7; Mat. 25:41
F. At this time, God kicked Satan "physically" out of heaven
so he had to find another location from where to launch his platform for
overthrowing God.
He found that location on the earth which at that time was inhabited by
non-volitional life forms (such as dinosaurs, etc). This was before Adam.
Isaiah 14:12, "How you have fallen from heaven"
"you have been cut down to the earth." "you who have weakened
the nations"
1. weakened the nations, refers to activity subsequent to the creation
of the human race. This is the viewpoint of Isaiah, looking at Satan's
historical activity toward man, but looking back to his original fall.
2. "cut down" refers to activity prior to the creation of
It is God who "cut down" Satan.
3. But it is Satan's choice that made it the earth
he came to. God did not cast
Satan "to the earth," God just cast him - - .
G. Thus we determine that God has delayed execution of sentence on Satan
in order to demonstrate to him and to all of creation that He is indeed
perfectly fair, righteous and loving.
H. During this "delay of sentence" period, Satan is constantly
attempting to overthrow God's sovereignty.
1. Only when the absolute sovereignty of God is neutralized can Satan'
s volition be independent and unrestricted by God and His character.
2. In order to do this, Satan need only "prove" that God is
really unjust and unloving. To thus discredit God will make the divine
verdict toward him to be invalid.
3. The plan of Satan is outlined at Isaiah 14:13-14 with the
5 "I wills." All of these were devised "after" Satan
made his "headquarters" on the earth.
4. And he really thinks he can succeed. But that "optimism"
comes from his distorted, twisted, self-centered mentality which was corrupted
when he initially sinned. Ezek. 28:17, "corrupted."
I. God's vindication of His justice began with the creation of the human
race on the very planet that Satan had "confiscated" for his
own purposes. The earth.
J. But first, it was necessary for God to drive Satan and his angels
from the planet by making it totally "unattractive" as a base
of operations. This then becomes the explanation for what has been called
the "gap theory."
1. However, our position is that it is not a "theory" but
a valid and actual explanation of a "judgment" on the earth that
takes place in between Genesis 1:1 and v. 2.
2. If the reader so desires, he can at this time review the discussion
concerning the "gap" by following
this link.
3. God made the planet earth "unusable" for Satan by turning
it into "a wasteland and empty," (Hebrew - tohu and bohu).
CF. Isaiah 45:18; Jer. 4:23-26; Psalm 18:7-15
K. The earth was then restored and prepared for God's new creation,
the human race. Gen. 1:3 through 2:4.
L. Man was created with the same capacity of volition and given the
clear choice between acceptance or rejection of Divine policy. Gen. 2:16-17
1. Adam and Eve became the "test case" for the
perfect character
of God. As they remain faithful to divine policy, God's righteousness,
justice and love are vindicated.
2. If they reject divine policy, God's justice is restated and affirmed.
"You shall surely die."
M. It is at this time that Satan begins implementing his 5 point plan
of Isaiah 14:13-14 and accomplished the fall of man in the garden of Eden.
6. So before the human race was created there existed two classes of
angels, un-fallen and fallen.
A. The un-fallen or "elect" angels: 1 Tim. 5:21
Rank here is determined by function only and not by any of the designations
studied under point #2.
1. The highest rank is the "anointed" or "guardian"
cherub of Ezek.28:14.
a. This was Lucifer's position before he rebelled. v. 16
b. Gabriel now has this rank as is suggested by Luke 1:19,
"who stands in the presence of God."
Link to a study on Gabriel and Michael
and come back.
2. The next highest rank is Michael, the archangel, which means ruling
a. Jewish tradition lists several archangels, but the Bible only reveals
one. Jude 9 with Dan. 10:13
b. Michael is given rulership over God's angels as the general officer
over the angelic "army." Rev. 12:7
c. He is also the angel in charge of God's chosen people, Israel. Dan.
10:21; 12:1
d. The activity described at Jude, v. 9, was a protective function for
the ministry of Moses which he would carry out in the future during the
last half of the final 7 years before Messiah sets up His kingdom. Mat.
17:1-8; Rev. 11:3-6; Mal. 4:5-6; Mat. 17:9-13
e. 1 Thes. 4:16: The ministry of Michael at the rapture is because when
the church is gone, Israel will again be the evangelistic agent for God
on earth and Michael will again take a much more active role on their behalf.
3. There are no other specific ranks among the elect angels, but different
functions are indicated throughout the bible.
a. Gen. 3:24, The "guard" cherubim who functioned there at
the garden entrance until the flood.
b. The seraphim of Is. 6:1-7. Probably 2 to 4 angels in an exalted position
above the throne. (6 wings)
c. Ezek. 1:4-5: these are different from the seraphim and minister in
a somewhat "lower" position, "below the throne." They
also only have 4 wings instead of 6, but are clearly identified as cherubim
at Ezk. 10:15
d. Rev. 4:6, These 4 living creatures with 6 wings are located at the
"center" of the throne and "round about it." They should
probably be identified with the same ones that Isaiah saw at Is. 6:1-7.
e. The four spirits of Zech. 6:1-8: Angels used to administer natural
and historical influences.
f. A multitude of "serving" angels around the throne.
Dan. 7:10; rev. 5:11; 7:11
g. Several different functions indicated in Revelation. 7:1-2; 8:1-3;
9:1; 10:1, 11; 12:7; 14:6,8, 9, 15, 17-18; 15:1; 18:1; 20:1
h. The angelic armies who come with Jesus when he descends to the earth
to finish the Day of the LORD judgments. Rev. 19:11-14
i. Guardian angels: Heb. 1:14; with Mat. 18:10. j.
Link to topic: Guardian angels
j. Specific influence on humans: 1 Kings 22:19-22;
k. Ps. 91:11-12
l. All the dozens of "teaching" angels throughout the Old
4. The Angel of the LORD: This is actually the pre-incarnate Messiah.
Link to topic: Angel of Yahweh
B. The rank among Satan's angels.
1. Satan as the highest rank is their leader. Mat. 25:41; Rev. 12:7
2. The titles of Eph. 6:12 and 1 Cor. 15:24
a. rulers: Greek, archā; demon category , general.
1. Probably the "nation" demons as at Dan. 10:20.
2. One of them is 2nd in command under Satan.
Beelzeboul, Mat. 12:24;
Mk. 3:22, 30
b. authorities: Greek, exousia = demon category, officers. Lesser responsibility.
c. powers: dunamis = demon category "rank and file."
Broken down into two functions at Eph. 6:12.
1. world ruler of this darkness: kosmokratōr. Demonstrates
power through viewpoint influence
a)1 Tim. 4:1, doctrines of demons.
Indicates a "teaching" demon as at Job 4:12ff.
b)1 Cor. 10:20, the idol demon.
2. The spiritual forces of the evil
pneumatikos of the ponāria.
a) The deceitful spirit of 1 tim. 4:1
b) The unclean spirit that possesses.
3. Demons: a technical term for Satan's angels. It is not a different
type or rank of fallen angel, so demons have quite a variety of functions.
a. The promote false teaching. 1 Tim. 4:1
b. They are behind idolatry: 1 Cor. 10:20-21
c. They can possess the body of people in which case they are called, "unclean
spirits." Mark 5:2, 18
1. Spirit: because that is the basic substance of all angels.
2. unclean: because it represents darkness viewpoint and seeks to dominate
the entire life of humans.
3. In Rev. 18:2, the term unclean spirits is given as an amplification
of demon, since it is clear from the gospels that the two are the same.
Lk. 13:11; Mt. 12:22; 8:16
d. Demons cause sickness through their possession.
Mk. 9:17, 18, 25; Lk. 13:11; Mark 12:22; Lk. 8:27
e. Demons influence on the nations:
Rev. 15:13-14; Dan. 10:20
f. Zech. 13:2, the unclean spirit removed , refes to the fact that Satan
and all demons will be absent during the kingdom of Christ. Is. 24:2; Rev.
g. Several of Satan's angels had a special job of infiltrating the human
race prior to the flood. Gen. 6:1-12. See, Angelic
h. Personality and character are indicated by Mat. 12:45, "seven
others more evil than himself."
i. Demons "teach" by appearing in various forms. Job 4:12-21.
The teaching demon and the deceitful spirit of 1 Tim. 4:1.
j. Acts 16:16, the spirit of divination: This is a reference to fortune
telling and other occult activity which is another practice of both the
deceitful spirit and the teaching demon.
k. They are involved with necromancy and
Mediums possessed by an "ōbh" demon (Hebrew)
In the Greek, it is engastrimuthos to indicate a ventriloquist type function.
(voice imitations). This is the word used in the LXX for ōbh.
1. Lev. 20:27, corrected translation, "and a man or a woman, if
there is in them an ōbh or a yiddoniy."
a) yiddoniy is a "knowing one" = a knowledge demon.
b) from Hebrew verb, yAda = to know.
c) So this is a demon that reveals intimate and detailed knowledge to
its host.
d) This is a seducing spirit that promotes mysticism and
2. Deut. 18:11
a) a medium: "one who consults an
ōbh. . ."
b) consult = shAal, qal active participle = to consult or inquire.
c) a spiritist: ". . .and a
d) "one who consults a ventriloquist demon and a knowledge demon."
3. 1 Sam. 28:7, a woman who is a medium.
a) Hebrew: "a woman who is host
(baal=master) of an ōbh."
b) This describes possession so that the demon expresses his own viewpoint
through the host.
4. Isaiah 8:19
a) and when they say to you: This is the advice of the religious leaders
of the nation.
b) consult: dArash=seek.
c) the mediums: not correct. "the
ōbh demons."
d) and the wizards: "and the yiddoniy (knowledge demons)."
e) who whisper and mutter: this
refers to the audible revelations of demon
f) should not a people seek their God? This is Isaiah's advice.
g) "Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?"
This is what you seek to do when you pursue demon contact.
l. Demons are not disembodied spirits of some former life form. All
the life forms are designated and accounted for in scripture.
1. Pre-Adamic earth: no volitional life. just animals.
2. Angels dwelling on the earth before Adam were there in Satan's attempt
to possess the planet for his own. These were kicked out with Satan. They
were not disembodied.
3. The angels of Gen. 6:1-13 are not disembodied. They are in their
original created form and confined in the prison of Tartarus in the Abyss.
2 Pet. 2:4
4. There is no indication whatever that the "nephilim" of
Gen. 6 were disembodied as punishment. They are probably dealt with as
independent created volitional creatures with potential for relationship
with God. (See topic on Angelic infiltration). Therefore, paradise or torments
for their soul. They are not "held responsible" for the infiltration
that resulted in their existence.
5. There is no indication anywhere that there exists disembodied spirits
that "must" have a body.
6. See discussion on Mat. 12:43-45
and Mark 5:1-13 in topic: Demon possession.
C. See topic: Demons
7. The angels, whether good or bad, appear in the Bible in 3 ways.
Return to place in Topic: Demons
A. The true and natural form of their creation which is basically, spirit,
but having physical characteristics such as the cherubim that appear around
the throne of God.
B. At this point we must recognize that angels are created beings and
require some type of energy source in order to function properly in life.
Psalm 78:25 is the only hint we have of this.
1. Mighty ones: = Abyiyr and refers to angels. (cf. Psalm 103:20)
This is also the only hint we have that the "manna" God provided
for Israel in the wilderness was actually a high energy food source used
by angels. See topic Manna.
C. And then there are two ways they are manifested to the human race.
1. A physical form resembling man.
Gen. 18:1-2; 9:1; Dan. 10:5-6, 16, 18; Lk. 24:4; Heb. 13:2; Mark 16:5
Comment on Luke 24:39: They thought they were seeing the spirit of Jesus
( a human spirit). Christ's comment is not concerning angels, but the immaterial
part of "man."
2. A spirit form which is basically, invisible. Job 4:18; 1 Sam. 16;14-23;
Jud. 9:23; 2 Kings 6:15-17. The unclean spirits and the seducing spirits.
D. But angel and spirit are the same thing.
1. Hebrews 1:13-14, "angels are - - - ministering
2. Acts 23:8-9, angel and spirit are listed separately, but Luke is
just quoting the opinion of these two religious groups who make a distinction
between angel and spirit. But the whole of scripture equates the two words.
They are not different.
3. CF. 2 Pet. 2:4 ; Jude 6; 1 Pet. 3:19-20: a comparison of the 3 passages
indicates that the creatures involved are both angels and spirits.
4. 1 Kings 22:19-21, a spirit is one of the host of heaven.
5. Mat. 25:41, lake of fire for the devil and his angels: "angel"
includes all the different functions and manifestations such as demon and
8. Angelic rule over the realm of the human race.
A. After Satan was removed from his heavenly authority, he laid claim
to the planet earth and made it his "headquarters". Isaiah 14:12-14,
"cut down to the earth."
B. This claim was unofficial and unrecognized by God as he had other
plans for the earth.
C. So the planet surface was laid waste and made empty, and Satan was
driven away.
Gen. 1:2; Is. 45:18; Jer. 4:23-26; Psalm 18:7-15
D. Man was created on the earth and was given full dominion over the
entire realm. Gen. 1:28; Ps. 8:4-8
E. but since the fall of man, he is not viewed as in a place of authority,
but in slavery to Satan and under his kingdom. Heb. 2:15; 1 Jn. 5:19; Gal.
4:3, 8; Jn. 8:44; Eph. 2:1-2; Acts 26:18
F. So it is, that when Satan accomplished the fall of the human race
in Adam, he usurped Adam's authority and became the ruler of the realm. Jn. 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 2
Cor. 4:4; Luke 4:5-7
G. Satan's rulership will be removed when Christ sets up his own kingdom
after the Day of the Lord judgments. Dan. 2:44-45; 7:11-14; Rev. 11:15;
19:19-21; 20:1-4; 1 John 3:8
H. But in the meantime, Satan's whole purpose in this realm is to fulfill
his 5 paragraph plan of Isaiah 14. And Satan's strategy centers around
the human race. 2 Cor. 4:4; 11:14-15; Job 1:9-11; 2:4-5
9. Angelic convocations:
A. There are certain times when all the sons of God appear before God.
Job 1:6; 2:1
B. During the course of the human race up until the middle of the "70
th week" of Daniel (the last 7 year period before Messiah sets up
his earthly kingdom), Satan has free access to heaven where he attacks
and accuses believers. Rev. 12:10
Cf. Christ's defense of the believer: Rom. 8:34; 1 John 2:1; Heb. 2:17-18;
7:25; 9:24
His intercession and defense is always based on His completed work on the
C. In the middle of that "70 th week," this access that Satan
has and the angelic convocations will be revoked and Satan and his angels
will be permanently denied any physical presence in heaven. Rev. 12:7-10
D. Another convocation: 1 Kings 22:19-23
E.When the angels rejoice over a person getting saved, it is probably
based on an "announcement" at an angelic convocation. Luke 15:10.
Cf. Luke 12:8-9.
Angels are created beings and are not all- present or all-knowing, so would
need to have information conveyed
F. Angelic Observation: See topic
G. Angelic conflict, intensified: See topic
10: Some miscellaneous observations about angels:
A. Angels are never spoken of in the feminine gender. Always in the
There are no "female" angels.
B. Angels are never seen in scripture as "babies" or children.
C. People who go to heaven do NOT become angels.
D. Angels do NOT wear halos.